Visual Studio 2010 Patches [Fix] - visual-studio-2010

Someone could tell me where I can find the list (or all) patch already available for Visual Studio 2010.I am finding a lot of problems, and his navigation is very slow. Especially with ASP.NET MVC.
If no such list ready, we can use this post to enumerate the problems and their fixes.

This page should have all the hot fixes

and check out the
its no "fix" but for example, there are replacements for the "add reference" dialog, that are muuuuch faster....

Here's a patch that correct a lot of problems that I've been finding in IntelliSense... It works perfectly for me:


Visual Studio -.ASPX files take so much longer to load

I am using VS 2010 i am accessing it through remote desktop but when i run some page it is taking alot of time to load,i dont know why is there any quick solution for this?
Try disabling intellitrace in VS2010. There are numerous posts online, discussing this behaviour in VS2010. One of the tips should help you.

Why does the "Navigate To" feature stops working in Visual Studio 2010

I have been a fan of the new "Navigate To" feature that was released with Visual Studio 2010 since I saw Scott Hanselman using it in one of his presentation.
For some unknown reason, it randomly stops working.
I hit "Ctrl + ,", type what I am looking for and then nothing happens.
It seems to wait for something and the window shows no progression in the research.
The only way I found to fix this is to restart Visual Studio and wait for the problem to happen again.
Does anyone have any idea why Visual Studio is behaving like this and how I can fix this?
I got this working by simply selecting an item from the Search Items dropdown. Once you do that, the search starts working again as expected.
I got this working again by uninstalling ReShaper. It fixed some other things like the solution wide search aswell. I'm not so happy about the solution though...
Any chance you're using resharper, powercommands, or productivity power tools?
I suspect the issue is related to one of those (I have the same issue), but since it's difficult to reproduce, it's hard to test that. 2008 issue with pages

I am having problem in using the source view of an page in 2008 IDE. I am not using Design view at all. IDE hangs a bit every now and then, when I use intellisense in it, and I scroll the page.
Please throw some light on it.
Such issues doesnt come up while editing the HTML page, and while editing same page with the HTML editor which can be configured using Tools -> Options menu option.
Read this Post
This might help to make your visual studio a bit faster in general. I am not very sure about the exact reason for the behavior you mentioned of your Visual Studio.
I suspect that it has something to do with Graphical Interfaces like Toolbox etc.
I've had problems like that with Visual Studio before. The intensity of the problems seem to multiply exponentially as the size of the file I work with gets larger.
Here's what I'd reccomend:
Check and make sure Visual Studio is fully updated (Help > Check For Updates) ; there have been some patches released and they will help you immensly!
If your code has any breakpoints, disable them all and start afresh later (Debug > Disable All Breakpoints)
If that fails, here are some more optimizations you can try.
In my case, I think longer file is the culprit. I think partial page concept should be applicable to page too.

Which features & shortcuts for Visual Studio 2008 I might be missing, and how can I find out?

I recently got a job working for a company who uses several programming languages but mainly focuses on C#, and thus uses Visual Studio 2008.
As lame as it sounds, I don't know how to use it productively. I don't know any of the keyboard shortcuts, I didn't know you could restrict builds to certain parts of a solution until someone showed me. I'm sure there's a way to "Clean" "Build" "Run" without manually initiating each process, but I don't know what it is.
If it was just a "Search the help" problem, that'd be easy to solve, but I don't even know what I might be missing. Is there a productivity feature that everyone else uses and I don't? {Shrug}
So, what simple features of Visual Studio am I likely to be missing, and how can I find out other power-features to help me become more productive?
You can learn tons from walkthroughs, like the File/New/NerdDinner talk that Scott Hanselman gave at Mix 2009. The talk is online here:
Until I saw that talk I didn't realize that you could just drag a SQL Server data file into the Visual Studio APP_DATA folder, and it would automatically hook it up for you. A copy of the data file also goes along for the ride when you build your application.
There are several books that just talk about Visual Studio and how to use it productively. Here are some:
The problem with providing tips in an online forum like this one is that it can be difficult to "connect the dots." The walkthroughs are really good because you can see where things are in Visual Studio, and what sequences of steps are required to perform common actions.
Sara Ford wrote the book on VS tips and tricks:
Here is a blog post with 24 of Sara Ford's tips
I also recommend James Avery's book:
I hope this helps.
As a start here is a poster which shows all the keyboard shortcuts for commonly used features of VS2008 (in C# mode).
In terms of tooling, ReSharper has a number of good features for improving productivity within VS2008.

Visual Studio 2005 - 'Updating IntelliSense' hang-up

I am having trouble with my Visual Studio 2005 IntelliSense for some time now.
It used to work fine, but for some reason the 'Updating IntelliSense...' does no longer seem to be able to complete for the solution I'm working on currenly- it simply gets stuck somewhere at about 3-bars of progress and blocks one of my precious CPUs for eternity.
Deleting the .ncb file of my solution and performing a full 'Clean' afterwards was no help.
The 'Update' simply gets stuck again.
The project I'm working on is a fairly large C++ solution with 50+ projects, quite a few template classes (even more lately) and in general quite complex. I have no idea which impact this might have on the IntelliSense.
Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 and all hotfixes which rely on it are not
installed (we hade huge problems with this one, so we haven't migrated yet).
Any answer is very much appreciated on this one. Gives me the creeps..
Rename "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcpackages\feacp.dll" to something else (like "feacp.bak") to disable Intellisense.
I recommend getting Visual Assist X to make up for it (it also has a number of other useful features as well).
I have found that the best fix for Intellisense in VS2005 is to install SP1, and then this hotfix: 947315. It has the added benefit of fixing most of the multi-core build issues.
This hotfix also includes the ability to control Intellisense via Macros. More information here.
As for making SP1 more friendly for existing code, you might also check out this hotfix for template compilation:
Intellsense is problematic. Very problematic. When it works, it's great, but more often than not it will cause more problems than it's worth. It will hang up, it will parse through files while you are trying to compile code and will generally make VC 2005 sometimes run like a dog. As a previous poster suggested, disable intellisense (and chose a potential alternative -- I also support VAX).
Supposedly the hotfix and SP1 provided by MS will fix some intellisense problems, but not all. We have seen minimal help from these where I work. You are better off to disable it and rely on something else.
My feeling is that the slowness comes from the size of the projects. Yours seems like it might fall into that case.
Here is the only solution that works for me.
