importing products with magmi - magento

I've tried to import some products with Magmi,after that,I couldn't find customer options that I've already had.
Even sku,name,description,price,Size:drop_down:1
T-Shirt1,T-Shirt,A T-Shirt,5.00,Small:fixed:0:-SM|Medium:percent:2:-MED|Large:percent:3:-LRG
T-Shirt2,T-Shirt2,Another T-Shirt,6.00,XS:fixed:0:-XS:1|S:fixed:0:-S:2|M:fixed:1:-M:3
Is there something I haven't done?
Should I click the plugins? Which one should I click?
And in my file(var/import),I have many csv files,but when I choose them and run.It will throw like 'csv not found'. What's the matter with it?
My Magento version is , Magmi version is 0.7.17a.

The problem is the path that the file is reading the CSV. When you open the error look the path that's looking for the file and change the properties for having it correct.

In the CSV base directory on the magmi UI, try changing var/import to /var/import


how to remove in PDF invoice generated in Magento

Hello Megento Experts,
I am a beginner in magento. I have set up a magento store. Now, when admin generated a PDF Ivoice for the orders, there are symbols in place of space. As in screenshot below.
Please help me removing these symbols.
Thanks in advance.
In default magento generates the invoice pdf from the class Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Pdf_Invoice.
If you check in the file location
You can see that.
But in your case, it seems that the file has been changed. This file may have been overridden or overwritten in your local folder. Search for the same file location in your local folder
You may find the file.
If it is there, check for &nbsp in that file.
Hope this will help.

How to import external links in Magento 1.9?

I import my products with MAGMI. In the description field, I imported a external link : <(with no space)a href="http://xxxxxxx.xx" target="_blank>Linkname<(with no space)/a>
On my first Magento 1.9 installation everything was working perfect. But now I have a curious problem.
In the description (html sight) the link is insert perfect. If I click on the link in front end I get something like this:"http://xxxxxxx.xx"
I can't remember what I have done different to my first Magento installation.
The CSV is the same, the MAGMI settings are the same.
Have somebody a hint or a solution for me ?
br from germany,
It was a Excel issue ! I think I use LibreOffice in furture.
Can be closed !

Unable to find header tab under system->configuration->design in magento 1.9.1

I have try to change default welcome message in magento 1.9.1.after some analysis i found that i need to change it in header in system->configuration->design tab.But am unable to find the header tab in magento 1.9.1
You are missing a step..
System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design
There are two ways to solve this issue.
First is to install new fresh magento which takes long process.
Copy the core file system.xml in app/code/core/Mage/Page/etc
Create a similar directory folder in local folder (app/code/local/Mage/Page/etc)
Paste the system.xml on that directory
Clear your cache and refresh your page.
If the tab is still missing check your local folder and its file names. If there are no discrepancy, proceed to the first option.
I'm not sure if this is a bug of magento. It usually occurs during installation of magento upgrade.
You can refer to this links.
Missing HTML Head section from admin system->configuration->Design in magento
Magento html-head dropdown missing

magento image import in csv

I am using magento enterprise edition 1.12 and in that there is no import folder inside media folder. so, i have created one folder named import inside media.
Then, I have tried to put all the images in to media/import, and in CSV file for particular SKU i have passed /example.jpg for the title image.
But, After importing products, when i try to see that image from admin while editing product. i am not able to see that.
Can anyone please suggest for it.
try to go through a checklist:
1) make sure media/import/example.jpg exists
2) make sure you put your string under the column header "image" (sometime people tend to use _image or something like that. I think this comes from magento export format)
3) try to change the products' name in your CSV and see if it changed in DB after import (this will indicate if import process is working at all at least for "name" field)
4) make sure media/catalog folder and sub-folders have writable permissions (chmod 777 media/ -R to make sure). It must copy files to that folders during import, so wrong permissions might be the reason
This is going to at least help to localize the issue
To make it show on the admin side, we need to add price name for media_gallery as well we have to make it enable by putting 0, 1 or 2 as a base image, small, thumbnail.

Can't download files from the downloadable products folder directly from the product page

I've created a few downloadable products and added an mp3 file as the product.
Now instead of going through the checkout to download the file i wanted the user to be able to do it on the products page in view.phtml by clicking on a link
The problem i have is that i can't seem to download files which are in this downloadable folder
If i move that track to media/filename.mp3 ..or even in the wysiwyg folder then i can download it using my script. I've checked the file permissions etc and they're fine so im stuck as to why i can't download my files.
Does anyone know? or is there a way i can change the folder from downloadable to something else, as all i need downloadable products for is music files.
I should also add that i am getting the download box to save the file, with the correct file name and path, its just the file is 523 bytes, im using the code below to get the filepath
$mediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
$_linkpath = $mediaUrl."downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
If i were to change the link path to $mediaUrl."filename.mp3" etc then it would seems to me that its the downloadable folder thats causing the problem?
Nevermind I've solved this, I just changed $_linkpath to
$_linkpath = "media/downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
The full url was causing the problem
