magento image import in csv - magento

I am using magento enterprise edition 1.12 and in that there is no import folder inside media folder. so, i have created one folder named import inside media.
Then, I have tried to put all the images in to media/import, and in CSV file for particular SKU i have passed /example.jpg for the title image.
But, After importing products, when i try to see that image from admin while editing product. i am not able to see that.
Can anyone please suggest for it.

try to go through a checklist:
1) make sure media/import/example.jpg exists
2) make sure you put your string under the column header "image" (sometime people tend to use _image or something like that. I think this comes from magento export format)
3) try to change the products' name in your CSV and see if it changed in DB after import (this will indicate if import process is working at all at least for "name" field)
4) make sure media/catalog folder and sub-folders have writable permissions (chmod 777 media/ -R to make sure). It must copy files to that folders during import, so wrong permissions might be the reason
This is going to at least help to localize the issue

To make it show on the admin side, we need to add price name for media_gallery as well we have to make it enable by putting 0, 1 or 2 as a base image, small, thumbnail.


Comfortable mexican sofa - upload file to specific path

At this moment when I upload file into CMS it is being stored in location like:
I would like to be able to specify that logo category files will be stored in path
and files of category images in:
Where should I start? Im pretty sure that this is impossible to achieve using only comfy GUI however I am quite not experienced in working with this cms, can anyone give me a hint how I can do that?
It's right that Paperclip handles that.
However you can set the upload path changing the value of config.upload_file_options entry in the /config/initializers/comfortable_mexican_sofa.rb file

Can I delete files from Magento MAGMI Image import directory?

Can I delete the original image files from the MAGMI import directory
Just in case everyone's installations are not the same as mine, let me explain
I have a magmi directory that is not in my main html directory on my server.
When I want to import a new csv file with products, I upload all of the images into this directory
After I successfully import the new products, it copies (not moves) the images to the directory where my magento installation lives, which is
/html/media/catalog/product/(folders with the first letter or number of the image filename)
It also copies them into a similar directory in the MAGMI installation. Not sure why
magmi/html/media/catalog/product/(folders with the first letter or number of the image filename)
My questions is, can I delete all of the original image files in the MAGMI directories once I have successfully imported the csv files? even the ones in
magmi/html/media/catalog/product/(folders with the first letter or number of the image filename) ?
Because it's getting out of control now. Like almost 2GB of images that I have a feeling are not necessary. there are 3 copies of every image on my server
Yes, you can delete Magmi after running the imports.
Magento uses the /media/ located in the Magento root folder to store it's image files. Anything within the Magmi directory is not likely being used and is safe to be removed.

Which folder is used to create Newsfeed in PHPFOX V 3.7.2?

I want to modify template for News Feed so it looks better.
I'm unable to find Which folder/folders is/are used to Create News feed IN PHPFOX since it contains almost 7000 files.
Can any one help me in finding folder/folders for NewsFeed Template? This will very-2 appreciated.
I'm using PHPFOX v 3.7.2.
Which one is used and inside this folder which folder is used.
The path is: \www\yourfoldername\module\feed\
Inside this folder are the files that are needed for the news feeds for editing.

Can't download files from the downloadable products folder directly from the product page

I've created a few downloadable products and added an mp3 file as the product.
Now instead of going through the checkout to download the file i wanted the user to be able to do it on the products page in view.phtml by clicking on a link
The problem i have is that i can't seem to download files which are in this downloadable folder
If i move that track to media/filename.mp3 ..or even in the wysiwyg folder then i can download it using my script. I've checked the file permissions etc and they're fine so im stuck as to why i can't download my files.
Does anyone know? or is there a way i can change the folder from downloadable to something else, as all i need downloadable products for is music files.
I should also add that i am getting the download box to save the file, with the correct file name and path, its just the file is 523 bytes, im using the code below to get the filepath
$mediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
$_linkpath = $mediaUrl."downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
If i were to change the link path to $mediaUrl."filename.mp3" etc then it would seems to me that its the downloadable folder thats causing the problem?
Nevermind I've solved this, I just changed $_linkpath to
$_linkpath = "media/downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
The full url was causing the problem

magento theme install

I have a rather simple question.
I want to install a new magento theme. In the documentation it says to overwrite the default 'app' and 'skin' folders with the theme's 'app' and 'skin' folders.
"8. Upload the "app" and "skin" folders from the template themeXX folder to your Magento root
folder (accept the replacement)"
However, when I am doing that, it prompts me to download magento again thru the magento installation wizard.
To me, it sounds more reasonable to just copy the contents of the 'app' and 'skin' folders of the new theme into the default 'app' and 'skin' folders of the magento framework as they contain some other folders that probably should remain intact.
Any suggestions please?
Did you first install the default Magento in the folder where you want to run it? You will need a running installation of Magento before you can go ahead and install a team.
If it keeps promting you check that you're on the right address in the address bar of your browser. To install magento you would have been redirected to [magento]/downloader/
As a last resort you could open up index.php and remove the code redirecting you the downloader folder, but at this point you might be better off re-installing Magento (remove everything in the directory and follow the install steps again) since something probably went wrong.
After you've installed Magento check if you see the default store interface and can access the admin areas before installing anything else (including a theme)!
There's absolutely no need to overwrite the app and skin folders. In fact, if you do so, you could easily overwrite just about all of Magento's functionality and break your system.
That would be why you're getting a new installation prompt.
What's the theme you are installing, and what's the link to the page where they give that information?
Generally a theme will be packaged will a folder structure that looks like this:
and so on.
This content needs to be merged as you said.
Many of these folders already exist, for instance app/code/, app/design/frontend/base/, skin/css/, skin/js/
Just copy any new files or folders.
#george i know it's been a while since anything has been said on here, but i just want people to know for future reference that you only have to add to the app/design/frontend/default/[theme name] and skin/frontend/default/[theme name] folders like sg3s stated. i lost about 4 hours to this tonight b/c i bought a theme and they didn't specify that you only need to add to the folders not overwrite them.
