XCode: Looking for Tween & Morph Object solutions - xcode

I'm currently developing an iPhone app with Xcode. Part of the app requires the morph (or tween) of one shape into another shape. I know that using Adobe Flash Pro CS6 I can export a 'shape tween' to an iOS app using the built in AIR. The problem is that it does not give me any Objective C code that I can use, just a compiled app. That app cannot be inserted into my development, or have items parsed into it.
The Mac app 'FlashCode', converts SWF into Xcode code, but doesn't yet support shape tweens.
Any ideas how to deal with this?


UIPageControl for Walkthrough

I have previously used MyBlurIntroductionView library for presenting walkthroughs of my app but the problem is it is buggy on iPhone X -- the content gets cut off by the notch on iPhone X. The library has not been updated for years so I need something that works on iPhone X. I am not sure if it a problem with setup of UIPageControl. Any inputs to fix it or an alternative library that is better for presenting walk through tutorials on iOS?
Firstly on MYBlurIntroductionView, Launch screen is missing add it by
Xcode-> NewFile-> LaunchScren
Assign it on your target
Since MyBlurIntroductionView is very old source project you have to provide constraints
with respective to safe area(see here)

Xcode 8.1 missing Object Library

I have an android background, but am just learning how to build iPhone apps using swift. I am using the book Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 2: Exploring the iOS SDK.
Problem is that it refers to Buttons and such being in the Object Library and I don't have anything in my object library. I have clicked on the View as instructed.
I have a newly installed MacBook and am running Xcode 8.1, which is newer than the book's directions. It refers to iOS UIkit, but I don't know how to install this.
I did Single View Application under iPhone to get where I am. Can anyone point me to what I need to do? I am brand new to the Apple world entirely.
Aha! In the main window, I clicked on the storyboard and that allowed the Object Library to contain the view items, including buttons.
So, click on the storyboard in the main window, then click on the view in the IB.

AR vuforia integration with xcode

I have two projects. One is native iOS app (UIKIT) and the other is AR Vuforia project which was made by Unity3D.
I can export AR project into XCODE project, but I am wondering how to link them together.
For example, I have a button on native iOS app. I want to trigger AR project when button is pressed and it can go back to native iOS app as well.
Are you saying that you want to have one app launch another (and vice-versa)?
If that is the case, then you just need to learn about Apple's URL scheme, which is described here:
It is really quite easy to use. You'll need to edit the PList for each app to give them a custom URL, which you can then invoke via the openURL method:

xcode to display iPad camera roll in OS X

I am trying to create an OSX application that, when my ipad is connected through USB, it will display the photos on my mac and allow for downloading them to a specific folder. Basically it is like an iPhoto clone but it syncs live everytime a photo is taken. I know how to do this on the iPad itself but I am not familiar with OSX programming. If anyone has any samples or can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
The SimpleCameraBrowser sample code would be a good starting point. It uses the ImageCaptureCore framework to show a list of images on connected cameras and to download those images to a folder. iOS devices are recognized as cameras and it should work just fine with an iPad.

Window-Based Application: Which one?

I have just downloaded the brand new cocos2d 1.01, and I am trying to create a new iphone/iPad project. I was reading online to go to /Developer/Library/Xcode/Project Templates/Application and make a copy of the Window-Based application.
Problem is, since that online-tutorial was written, there are a total of 6 options, including a Window-based iPad, a Window-based iPhone, and a Window-based Universal folder within that folder. If I am trying to develop an iPhone & iPad game that can serve as a universal app on the Store with cocos2d and Xcode, what option should I copy-paste onto the desktop (and then move forward with copying in the cocos2d files)?
I have tried searching this, but all the answers are old, (some as old as cocos2d .72!)
If you run the 'install-templates.sh' which is included with cocos2d. It will setup the xcode templates. Then you can just choose the cocos2d templates when creating a new project. By default(atleast on my machine) the device is set to iPhone. To change that just change the device or Targeted Device Family under the build settings for the project and target.
