Xcode 8.1 missing Object Library - xcode

I have an android background, but am just learning how to build iPhone apps using swift. I am using the book Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 2: Exploring the iOS SDK.
Problem is that it refers to Buttons and such being in the Object Library and I don't have anything in my object library. I have clicked on the View as instructed.
I have a newly installed MacBook and am running Xcode 8.1, which is newer than the book's directions. It refers to iOS UIkit, but I don't know how to install this.
I did Single View Application under iPhone to get where I am. Can anyone point me to what I need to do? I am brand new to the Apple world entirely.

Aha! In the main window, I clicked on the storyboard and that allowed the Object Library to contain the view items, including buttons.
So, click on the storyboard in the main window, then click on the view in the IB.


Editing Swift markup on the iPad Playgrounds app

It does not appear possible to edit previous markup on the iOS Swift Playgrounds app directly. The only way that I have found is to export the file into an Xcode Playground, perform the editing, then re-import it back into the iOS app. This is a bit long winded! Has anyone found a simpler method?
Running latest Swift Playgrounds app under iOS 12.2 on an iPad Pro 2018.
You are right, the markup part of a playground page can only be changed in an external editor. So your workflow
Testing on iPad -> Editing in Xcode -> Syncing with iPad
is just fine.
Currently, this seems to be the philosophy behind Swift Playgrounds.
The developer is intended to build a playground in Xcode, which the user can experience on their iPad. This includes the restriction to certain editable regions within a playground page. The user is not (yet) supposed to change major parts of the source code (including markup parts) solely on iPad.

Xcode storyboard showing osX object library. I want IOS object library

I develop mainly IOS apps but, recently, I worked on an OSX app. Both are possible with Xcode (I use 8, with swift).
Unfortunately, when I switched back to my already-existing IOS project (after restarting Xcode), the storyboard selection menu for the object library shows only OSX objects, not IOS (e.g. UIImageView).
I have googled without success and tried restarting Xcode, also without success. Can anyone help me fix this?
I did a lot more searching and came up with:
Xcode is loading in OS X objects instead of iOS objects
There there are other solutions proposed but the one that worked for me was to close the assistant editor and then, in the file list ( leftmost window in Xcode 8), I double clicked on the storyboard file. Problem solved. I am surprised that this bug still exists in this latest version...it is very troublesome.

How to I create a MainWindow.xib in Xcode 4.2 in an iOS application?

I am just starting out learning to build interfaces, but the book I am following is a little dated and it says that Xcode should create it for me with my new project, however it didn't. So now I need to link my buttons to my app delegate, but I can't because it isn't showing up when I right click on my buttons. And yes, I did define my methods and instance variables.
Xcode very much will create a MainWindow.xib if you choose Cocoa Application as the project type. Check to make sure you aren't either creating an iOS project or a command-line tool... both can be easy to accidentally select when you are just starting to learn.
(FYI, I just verified in Xcode 4.2.1 that a MainWindow.xib was created for me.)

XCode Developer API - Object Library - Objects Disappearing

Fairly new to the Xcode Developer API and need a little help. When a project is first opened in Xcode, the Object Library displays the full list of UIKit objects available (and other linked frameworks I believe). However, when I switch files in the project navigator to/from any file (.m, .h, .xib, etc), the Object Library list changes; most of the objects are missing - such as NSButton, NSTableView etc. The standard objects are still visible - Label, Round Rect Button, Text Field, etc.
Closing and re-opening the same project appears to restore the Object Library list, but the same issue happens once a different file is opened.
Using Xcode Version 4.2.1, Build 4D502.
I think I see what you are describing. When I first open an iOS project the Object Library is showing objects that are valid for OS X but not iOS (like File Menu Item). When I switch to a xib file the Object Library gets updated to show only the objects that are valid for iOS. Ideally I suppose that wouldn't happen but since you can't do anything with the Object Library while a source file is in the editor no harm is done.
If you are developing application for iOS(iPad or iPhone) you will not get that library which contains pop button , check box ,NSButton, NSTableView etc,that library is available for OS X app development.
OS and OS X don't use the same graphics library. iOS and OS X development are similar, but not the same. For example - you don't have Cocoa Bindings on iOS.
I you want to check then make one project for iOS & then see your library contents,then create another project for OSX & see your library contents... :D

How do I initialize IKImageView?

I am completely stumped with this one: I'm new to Xcode, coming from Windows. I create a brand new Cocoa app, place an IKImageView in Interface Builder, save and launch the app. Xcode shows the app icon bouncing forever, never launching. If I trace into it I get application crash right away.
I've downloaded examples from Apple but I cannot see how they initialize IKImageView, if that's what I'm failing to do. I've been searching for a solution for hours. Help?
The problem is that you are not including the required frameworks that are used by IKImageView. Just follow the instructions that are found in the Image Kit Programming Guide, in particular the section labeled Using the Image Kit in Xcode and you should have no problems.
