How-to remove Embedded Provisioning Profile - xcode

A client assigned to me an unfinished project from another developer. I finished the project however i can not upload it to the app store because it has an "Embedded Provisioning Profile". How can i resolve this issue?
p.s. I tried to change the embedded profile following this answer but it didn't work.

Change bundle id of the application. Create your own bundle id, app id and provisioning profile. Install your profile and sign this app with your profile. It should work


How to use Fastlane to enable capabilities in provision profile?

Our org uses Fastlane to manage out codesign stuff. We have the github repo set up and been using it for a while.
For Xcode13 we added time sensitive usernotifications capability to our entitlement file.
From my research it seems like we have to re-generate the provision profile. How can I achieve this with Fastlane?
is using sigh the right way? I am hesitating to do any actions because all the iOS dev share the certificate git repo, so I am being very cautious.
The following worked for me
update the entitlements in provisioning profile, log into the Apple developer site and go to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" section. Select Application IDs on the left, and find the app ID for the app you are trying to build. Click the edit button and turn on the entitlement for Time Sensative User Notification (or whatever you need to add)
Run Fastlane match to regenerate the profiles
fastlane run match type:"<enterprise or development>" git_branch:"<internal or production>" generate_apple_certs:"false" git_url:"<link to your fastlane cert repo>" then follow the prompt.

How to generate *.ipa file

First I apologise for my english.
could you help me with small problem :slight_smile:
I want to create *.ipa file from ionic project, but in indentify area xcode told me that I must "Fix Issue".
And if I click on the fix issue, so xcode show me modal window with text An App ID identifier "com.xxxxx.xxxxxx" is not available please enter the different sting, but I need use defined string, concretely defined string in "Bundle indentifier".
What can i do? Could somebody help me width this problem?
I try to change "Bundle indentifier" e.g. com.xxxxx.xxxxxx1. I add only 1 to end and it works but I need use Bundle identfier without 1 number in the end of bundle identifier string.
And one thing under Team item I have text "No provisionig profiles found", but if i add 1 to the end of identifier bundle and click to Fix Issue this text "No provisionig profiles found" disappear.
Thank you for any advice,
best regards Peter
You need to have an apple developer account with enough access to do the following:
Create a development/production certificate
Create provisioning profiles based on the above certificate
In order to be able to build an *.ipa file you need to do the following:
Create the development/production certificate
Add the UDID of all devices on which you want to run the *.ipa install
Based on your choice you need to create a provisioning profile for either Development or Ad Hoc distribution.
Archive your project
Time to create your distribution:
if you chose Development, it's rather straight forward, just follow the steps (disable "Rebuild from bitcode" for faster build) - after this you can e-mail the build, but the build will need to be installed through iTunes on a device whose UDID you've added above
if you chose Ad Hoc, you need to upload your build to a remote HTTPS location, along with the corresponding manifest (*.plist) file (if you need further instructions on this, I can help, don't want to go into too many details if this is not what you want)
The "Fix issue" shows every time when your device UDID has not been added to the provisioning profile of the app bundle ID that's been set within the app.

None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified capabilities: Features: inAppPurchase

I have working application in AppStore. It has inApp Purchases.
Certificate and provision profile was expired.
I updated it, but XCode wrote:
"Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified capabilities: Features: inAppPurchase.."
I pressed "Fix Issue Automatically", XCode wrote
"An App ID with identifier 'com.mycompany.myproj' is not available. Please enter a different string."
This indefinier is bundle id of my application, and I did not change it.
How to fix this error?
I fixed this problem next way:
remove all provision profiles which links with problem project (using «iPhone Configuration Utility»)
generate new provision profile on
download and install this provision profile (and updated expired provision profiles) on local computer
choose new provision in "Code Signing Identity"
build project

How to add App Groups iOS 8 Extension?

I am having a strange issue: In the project i am working we have to introduce Share extension. The problem i have now is that the app Groups cannot be added.
When i activate it it shows that i have an issue at . If i use a different bundle id for the main app target it works but i must use this bundle id.
And if i try to add app groups the same error appears but one row up. I tried to change this settings from the provision portal from app IDs, there works and adds it without a problem.
Thank you.
Ok so i fixed this issue by going to Provision portal,identifiers->App IDs, your id, edit, app groups enable, edit set app group and save. Now go to provision profile and re-generate all the inactive Provision profiles and download them. After that it worked.
Your App Group ID must be in this format:
Like this:
Good luck!

How can I edit entitlements for xcp-services in Xcode 4 for App-Sandboxing

I created an App and started to sandbox it. Now I did privilege separation using xpc-services. I downloaded the "SandboxedFetch" example from Apple, which shows two xpc-services like
an application (application-icon). In my App the xpc-services show the "pluggin"-icon. The summary tab in the project setting for my xpc-service is not available, which means that I cannot configure the entitlements like I can do on the main app. I copied a custom made entitlements-file to the xpc-service and referenced it in the project settings. But the service is running always without privilege restrictions applied to the service.
Do I need a new certificate for the service? If my app is named "" and my service is named "" I cannot apply my app certificate to the service. I am somehow confused about this sandboxing stuff. Do I need a new certificate for my xpc-service? If not, how can I apply the entitlements to it?
This seems to be a "bug" of Xcode. Maybe The XPC-service-template will have a summary-tab in future. Now you can create a entitlements plist file manually or use the application entitlement file and copy it into your xpc-service folder. In project settings type the path and name for this new entitlement file into the entitlement field. Change your entitlements inside this file. Sandboxing will run now.
For codesigning, select your "3rd Party Mac Developer" certificate (and not the Mac Developer certificate).
