None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified capabilities: Features: inAppPurchase - xcode

I have working application in AppStore. It has inApp Purchases.
Certificate and provision profile was expired.
I updated it, but XCode wrote:
"Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified capabilities: Features: inAppPurchase.."
I pressed "Fix Issue Automatically", XCode wrote
"An App ID with identifier 'com.mycompany.myproj' is not available. Please enter a different string."
This indefinier is bundle id of my application, and I did not change it.
How to fix this error?

I fixed this problem next way:
remove all provision profiles which links with problem project (using «iPhone Configuration Utility»)
generate new provision profile on
download and install this provision profile (and updated expired provision profiles) on local computer
choose new provision in "Code Signing Identity"
build project


How to use Fastlane to enable capabilities in provision profile?

Our org uses Fastlane to manage out codesign stuff. We have the github repo set up and been using it for a while.
For Xcode13 we added time sensitive usernotifications capability to our entitlement file.
From my research it seems like we have to re-generate the provision profile. How can I achieve this with Fastlane?
is using sigh the right way? I am hesitating to do any actions because all the iOS dev share the certificate git repo, so I am being very cautious.
The following worked for me
update the entitlements in provisioning profile, log into the Apple developer site and go to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" section. Select Application IDs on the left, and find the app ID for the app you are trying to build. Click the edit button and turn on the entitlement for Time Sensative User Notification (or whatever you need to add)
Run Fastlane match to regenerate the profiles
fastlane run match type:"<enterprise or development>" git_branch:"<internal or production>" generate_apple_certs:"false" git_url:"<link to your fastlane cert repo>" then follow the prompt.

Code signing error with sample app / new Provisioning Profile not in 'Code Signing' list

There are Code Signing Error issues on this forum but I couldnt find answer specific to my situation.
I have two issues really.
First issue:
I'm getting a "A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.yourcompany.thisSampleApp' could not be found" error.
I get this error running on the Device (iPhone 4S) for which I have a valid Provisioning Profile - com.mycompany.*.
Since this didnt work, I created a Provisioning Profile for Bundle Identifier com.mycompany.thisSampleApp.
Same error.
Second issue:
I also noticed another thing, my newly created Provisional Profile does not show up in the 'Code Signing' I cant even pick it.
But...I can see both the Provisional profiles listed in the Organizer window.
I downloaded Apple's Reachability sample Apple. Same error.
Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
PS: I'm running Xcode 4.6
when that happens to me, (and it happens a lot), I usually restart XCode, sometimes even the computer. If you are sure you have the correct provisioning profile, and the correct certificates in your keychain, and you have the correct bundle identifier.
Also, go to the target -> Build Settings -> Code Signing, and re-select the correct one.
Hope that helps.

Provisioning for Distribution

I can run the app fine through the development profile but I can't run it through the distribution profile. I have everything setup correctly as far as I can tell. The error that I get from xcode on compile is:
Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates
and in TARGETS > Release > Any iOS SDK I look under what should the correct line item and I see the following:
Profile doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in your keychains
So it sounds like my current cert doesn't allow me to run my app as distribution? I went into the member center and dirtied all related profiles and restarted xcode 4.6 after updating my profiles. Doesn't seem to work.
I also checked my Info.plist and the bundle name is correct there. It's also correct in TARGETS > Summary > Bundle Identifier.
A private key is missing
I noticed this morning that there is no private key underneath the iPhone Distribution cert in my Keychain Access and I suspect that's an issue? I'm an admin in the developer portal so I'm not sure why this wouldn't be working..
If you weren't on the distribution certificate when it was signed then you need to have someone who IS on the certificate to export their cert + private key for you. If in doubt, it's probably the dev portal agent who you need this from. The details are found in the answer for the question below:
Profile doesn't match any valid certificate/private-key pair in the default keychain

How-to remove Embedded Provisioning Profile

A client assigned to me an unfinished project from another developer. I finished the project however i can not upload it to the app store because it has an "Embedded Provisioning Profile". How can i resolve this issue?
p.s. I tried to change the embedded profile following this answer but it didn't work.
Change bundle id of the application. Create your own bundle id, app id and provisioning profile. Install your profile and sign this app with your profile. It should work

"A valid signing identity matching this profile..." and Xcode error

Our company is setting up another development station for the same app that will be sent away. I installed Xcode and tested the app in the simulator. I downloaded the Certificate and Provision that worked fine on my other computer. I selected the correct code signing identity and when I build it for a release to my iPad I get an error:
Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer: Person's Name (XXXXXXXX)' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
In organizer, I click on Provision Profiles and the provision profile I downloaded. Underneath I get the warning:
A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain
I've looked up many, many other people that had this problem, but all seem to resolve it by deleting the cert and provision, which I never want to do! i.e., what if I want to use the same provision and cert on two different machines, or many?
I also went through deleting, recreating, deleting, rinse-repeat - but the answer was simple.
I had the same problem and solved it very simply in XCode Organizer - I'm using Version 4. All I did was go to the top Library section and select Provisioning Profiles, and import the downloaded profiles that I had received in my Safari downloads named "name.mobileprovision".
I think you just have to export the valid certs from the working computer, explained in this doc.
