How to add App Groups iOS 8 Extension? - xcode

I am having a strange issue: In the project i am working we have to introduce Share extension. The problem i have now is that the app Groups cannot be added.
When i activate it it shows that i have an issue at . If i use a different bundle id for the main app target it works but i must use this bundle id.
And if i try to add app groups the same error appears but one row up. I tried to change this settings from the provision portal from app IDs, there works and adds it without a problem.
Thank you.

Ok so i fixed this issue by going to Provision portal,identifiers->App IDs, your id, edit, app groups enable, edit set app group and save. Now go to provision profile and re-generate all the inactive Provision profiles and download them. After that it worked.

Your App Group ID must be in this format:
Like this:
Good luck!


How to generate *.ipa file

First I apologise for my english.
could you help me with small problem :slight_smile:
I want to create *.ipa file from ionic project, but in indentify area xcode told me that I must "Fix Issue".
And if I click on the fix issue, so xcode show me modal window with text An App ID identifier "com.xxxxx.xxxxxx" is not available please enter the different sting, but I need use defined string, concretely defined string in "Bundle indentifier".
What can i do? Could somebody help me width this problem?
I try to change "Bundle indentifier" e.g. com.xxxxx.xxxxxx1. I add only 1 to end and it works but I need use Bundle identfier without 1 number in the end of bundle identifier string.
And one thing under Team item I have text "No provisionig profiles found", but if i add 1 to the end of identifier bundle and click to Fix Issue this text "No provisionig profiles found" disappear.
Thank you for any advice,
best regards Peter
You need to have an apple developer account with enough access to do the following:
Create a development/production certificate
Create provisioning profiles based on the above certificate
In order to be able to build an *.ipa file you need to do the following:
Create the development/production certificate
Add the UDID of all devices on which you want to run the *.ipa install
Based on your choice you need to create a provisioning profile for either Development or Ad Hoc distribution.
Archive your project
Time to create your distribution:
if you chose Development, it's rather straight forward, just follow the steps (disable "Rebuild from bitcode" for faster build) - after this you can e-mail the build, but the build will need to be installed through iTunes on a device whose UDID you've added above
if you chose Ad Hoc, you need to upload your build to a remote HTTPS location, along with the corresponding manifest (*.plist) file (if you need further instructions on this, I can help, don't want to go into too many details if this is not what you want)
The "Fix issue" shows every time when your device UDID has not been added to the provisioning profile of the app bundle ID that's been set within the app.

How to get around Apple app ID insanity

As you all know, Apple changed how Xcode works such that you can't ever create an app with a previously used app ID, even if you're just writing test apps to use locally. Up until now I've just been typing in garbage IDs to get around this stupid antifeature, but today I was greeted with this gem:
So now I'm blocked from creating any more test apps, effectively stopping my development dead in its tracks (I write libraries and frameworks, and need to test them in test apps).
Does anyone know of a way to bypass or disable Apple's restrictions?
It is a kind of limit of free developer accounts, but you could figure out a solution for that:
1- Navigate to the project of any previous application that have been installed on the same device has the problem with .
2- Open Build Settings tab for the app project in Xcode .
3- Search for Bundle ID and copy it .
4- Open up your current app that has the problem and navigate to the same place > Paste and Replace the current Bundle ID with the old one.
5- Run the app.
!!! WALA
Same thing happened to me. I presume it's some kind of a new limit that Apple has put on "non-paying" developers, and that it limits you to 10 apps in 7 days.
Edit - To resolve this, I'll just make a random apple dev ID...
I faced the same situation in my new mackbook with xcode 7.3.1 version.
Even if I tried with old bundle identifier, it didnt worked.
Following below steps helped me to run the app in device.
Got to xcode preference
Click accounts and choose your apple id.
Click the View details
And Click download All.
This will download all the provisioning profile associated with given apple id.
And after that use any identifier that you have used before. You can easily get the old identifier from provisioning profile names.
Just use the bundle ID of any old app that you have already installed like this and change the bundle ID after 7 days. I think apple puts a limit for free developer accounts.
Its important about what #haquangvu mentioned in his answer that, your old app get replaced. So take care of it and thanks #haquangvu for your answer.
Use one of your old Bundle IDs.
It works.
But your old Application will be delete.
DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER ID thats not the solution!!!
To make it work thats what you need to do:
Window > Preferences - Account
Then choose your apple ID and your team, then click on View Detail... Button on the bottom right.
A new window will show up, click on Download all button on the bottom left and all of yours Provisioning Profile will show up.
After that just Left click on those ones you don't have to use anymore and click to move to trash.
after you delete enough profiles, you'll be able to build your project again!
I had this and the other answers here didn't fix the problem. I solved it by opening Window > Devices, finding my device, right-clicking it to "Show Provisioning Profiles", and then deleting a bunch of the profiles there.
Then it worked!
The workaround is to use an id that you previously created. As Xcode does not list the Bundle IDs via Apple ID Details any more, save this into your .bash_profile or ~/.zshrc and call it with list_xcode_provisioning_profile from a terminal
list_xcode_provisioning_profiles() {
while IFS= read -rd '' f; do
2> /dev/null /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :Entitlements:application-identifier' /dev/stdin \
<<< $(security cms -D -i "$f")
done < <(find "$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles" -name '*.mobileprovision' -print0)
To make this answer easier to find I just copied it from hyperknot here: Parsing mobileprovision files in bash?
I have a paid developer account and found this happening in Xcode 9 after creating a bunch of simple test/example apps. In the past, I would have simply selected a "wildcard" App ID. However, Xcode doesn't seem to have a way to do this anymore.
Researching based on the wildcard, I found Technical Q&A QA1713: When should I use a wildcard App ID?. Following these steps seems to have worked for me. (The signing errors are gone, but we'll see what happens in another 7 days or 10 apps, lol.)
Here are the steps, if you have a paid developer account:
Log into your developer account.
In the list on the left, click on Certificates, Profiles & IDs.
In the new list on the left, under Identifiers, click on App IDs.
Click the '+' symbol in the upper right of the page. (You're now at the 'Registering an App ID' page.)
In the box under App ID Description, enter something to describe your App ID. (Note that this description has to be purely alphanumeric; spaces seem to be allowed, but nothing else.)
Under App ID Suffix, select the radio button for Wildcard App ID.
In the box below that, enter the beginning of what you'd like to use as your app's bundle identifier, followed by a dot-asterisk. (For example, maybe your app bundle identifiers in Xcode are something like com.myname.appname. Then, in the box under Wildcard App ID, you'd enter com.myname.*.)
Under App Services, select any available items you think you might use in an app at some point in the near future. (Only a few of the items are available for selecting at this step.)
At the bottom of the page, click the Continue button.
At the resulting 'Confirm your App ID.' page, scan your selections to ensure they're okay; then, at the bottom of the page, click the Register button.
At the resulting 'Registration complete.' page, you can again review the registered options. Then, just scroll to the bottom, and click the Done button.
The new wildcard App ID will now appear in your list of App IDs.
Next, go into Xcode, and create your app, entering an Organization Identifier that matches the wildcard App ID you registered without the dot-asterisk. (For example, if you enter com.myname, Xcode completes what becomes the bundle identifier with a dot and the app name.)
When the project opens at the signing page, Xcode will "Automagically manage signing" correctly ;)
Note: If you have a free developer account, as of the date of this posting, you can't access the 'Certificates, Profiles & IDs' link in your account. ;(
Copy Previous Bundle ID
Bundle Identifier : AppleDeveloperName-PreviousProjectName(or whatever)
Paste it in the new project's Bundle ID. It should be fine now.

How to use windows Phone app for many resellers

I want to have an app which i can use for many resellers.
so for example my projectname / namespace etc. is myApp and now i want to copy all the stuff in a searate svn branch and rename some strings, change some pictures etc.
The problem is that if i install the copy (via visual Studio) my original app get uninstalled.
Does this also happen if the app comes via Store download?
how to prevent Windows Phone from uninstalling the first app when the second one is installed?
Thank you...
A Windows Phone application is identified by its product ID, specified in the manifest. So, to answer your questions:
The issue won't happen on the store, because a new product ID will automatically be generated when you submit your app
To prevent the issue you're facing, just change the product ID in the WMAppManifest.xml file

How-to remove Embedded Provisioning Profile

A client assigned to me an unfinished project from another developer. I finished the project however i can not upload it to the app store because it has an "Embedded Provisioning Profile". How can i resolve this issue?
p.s. I tried to change the embedded profile following this answer but it didn't work.
Change bundle id of the application. Create your own bundle id, app id and provisioning profile. Install your profile and sign this app with your profile. It should work

iPhone app Rejection

I recently submitted my app and Apple rejected it because I used: 'AppName iPhone Edition'
Which seemed to be correct from reading their terms and conditions, but they told me I cannot use iPhone in the name displayed on the device.
So, the question is, when I change the Product Name in the build settings, it asked me for a new provisioning profile. Do I need to create a new provisioning profile, or can I just change the app name that appears on the device?
You can change your app name and not need a new provisioning profile as long as you keep the same bundle ID.
By default,the Info.plist has this:
Just change it to whatever you want and keep your product name unmodified.
You also need to change it yin iTunes Connect.
Provisioning profiles are tied to the app identifier by default (com.yourCompany.yourAppProductName). So when you change the product name (in the build settings) the identifier changes also. You can manually specify an identifier code in the summary to avoid problems like this.
Also be sure that you are changing the "Bundle Display Name" in the info tab. This name can be anything and does not require changing the product name or identifier.
