"Network Link Conditioner" cannot be loaded (Catalina) - xcode

Opening it from System Settings - it says it can't be loaded.
Doesnt show up in Xcode .
Any clue? I went thru everything I could find about this

In order to make it work again in Catalina you have to remove the existing Network Link Conditioner from System Preferences and then download it again from Additional Tool for your current Xcode version.

There is a Network Link Conditioner in iOS developer settings on the device...


Cannot install Xcode 10 Network Link Conditioner in macOS Mojave

I'm using the final version of Xcode 10 on macOS Mojave beta 11. I downloaded the Additional Tools for Xcode 10 package from Apple's website.
When I try to install the Network Link Conditioner Preference Pane, Settings.app displays this error:
“Network Link Conditioner” preferences is installed with macOS and can’t be replaced.
However, the preference pane is not visible inside Settings.app. I even checked under /Library/PreferencePanes - it's not there.
How can I get around this?
I ended up manually copying the .prefPane file to:
After restarting Settings.app, it finally appeared on the list and worked perfectly.
As Martijn Scheffer stated in this comment, the reason for the pane not appearing in System Preferences is that the installer incorrectly puts the file to ~/Library/PreferencePanes instead of /Library/PreferencePanes.
Download in https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ Additional Tools for Xcode 10.1
Network Link Conditioner is already installed but you can't see it on the Settings App.
This worked for me:
Press Command + Space to open spotlight
Search for Network Link Conditioner
It will appear on the result, click on it and it will open Settings
Network Link Conditioner is now visible in the Settings App. Open it
from the Settings app.
Hope this helps!
+1 to brainray, what worked for me was:
Download new Network Link Conditioner
Replace the old one in /Library/PreferencePanes
Open Network Link Conditioner directly from /Library/PreferencePanes
It now appears in my Settings app
In case the NLC is freezing when turning it on in the preferences it's important to note that it has to run as admin.
With the following command the preference app from MacOS can be started as admin:
sudo /Applications/System\ Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System\ Preferences
See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36445625/4417912
Update on the answer June 2019 Xcode 10.2
Apple has moved Network Link Conditioner Tool to additional tools for
Go to the below link
Install the dmg file, select hardware from installer
select Network Link conditioner prefpane
Double clicking the Network Link Conditioner.prefPane in the Additional_Tools_for_Xcode_x.dmg worked for me - it appeared in the Settings after asking for permission to install.

Trouble using Network Link Conditioner on OS X Mavericks

I'm trying to get Network Link Conditioner working on my machine that is running OS X Mavericks. I'm running Developer Preview 8 (the latest as of this writing). I downloaded the "Hardware IO Tools for Xcode 5 Developer Preview - June 2013" to get the Network Link Conditioner pref pane. I have also tried the version of Network Link Conditioner from the previous Hardware IO Tools bundle which fails to open with a "Could not load Network Link Conditioner preference pane." error when trying to load it.
With the version for Xcode 5 I get one of two fail states.
First, when I open NLC and click the lock icon to "make changes" I see the administrator unlock window that says:
com.apple.Network-Link-Conditioner.remoteservice.xcp wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.
When this shows up I am unable to enter my password. No keyboard characters are registered in the password field, or in any other application until I cancel the password prompt. I have no trouble with the equivalent dialog in any other preference panes.
Second, I am sort of able to get past the password issue by uninstalling the latest NLC pref pane, installing the previous version, uninstalling the previous version, and then re-installing the latest NLC preference pane. However, I note that the password dialog is different in this case. I get the more generic:
System Preferences wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.
In this second failed state, once I type in my password the NLC pref pane is fully accessible but has zero affect on my network link.
Has anyone been able to use the Network Link Conditioner successfully on OS X Mavericks?
The version of Hardware IO Tools released on October 22 and the final release of Mavericks appear to be working excellent.
Try re-installing it. It fixed the issue for me, though I was having different error messages.
Open System Preferences, right-click (or control-click) on the Network Link Conditioner and click "Remove Network Link Conditioner" to remove it.
In Xcode got to the Xcode menu -> Open Developer Tool -> More Developer Tools...
In the browser window that opens, grab the most recent Hardware IO tools .dmg
Double click the "Network Link Conditioner.prefPane" on the disk image to install it.
How I got it solved was:
Uninstall "Network Link Conditioner", open System Preferences and press CTRL and click on the "Network Link Conditioner" icon. Select "Delete".
Restart Computer
Download "Hardware IO tools" dmg for your version on XCode, from https://developer.apple.com/download/ you have to be logged in for this.
Open it and Install "Network Link Conditioner"
Restart the computer one last time.
It should be working fine now!
I was also having problems with Network Link Conditioner working after upgrading to Mavericks. For me the problem was the default security settings after the upgrade that prevented software from running unless it came form the Mac App Store.
Updating this setting:
System Settings > Security & Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from: > Anywhere
and reinstalling the Network Link Conditioner pref pane fixed it for me. Without this setting you can install and enable it, but it has no effect and silently fails.
On macOS Sierra v10.12.1 with Xcode 8.1, I tried a couple of the Hardware IO Tools for Xcode downloads. All of which resulted in a silent failure like #aidaan such that the Network Link Conditioner plain didn't do anything.
After finding this discussion, I uninstalled the previous Hardware IO Tools for Xcode components, and instead utilized the Additional Tools for Xcode 8.1 downloaded from the downloads page, the Network Link Conditioner in the Hardware directory for that .dmg worked perfectly.

Icon Composer in Xcode from App Store

I downloaded xcode (4.5) from the appstore and am trying to find icon composer. When I've looked through all the subdirs in /Applications/Xcode and can't find a thing. I've looked in:
and all I see is:
Accessibility Inspector.app
Printer Simulator.app
Application Loader.app
iPhone Simulator.app
I've gone to xcode->open developer tools in the gui and see nothing. I even built the locate db on my machine and tried searching for it...nothing. Any ideas? Thanks!!
The Icon Composer was deprecated because it was unable to deal with 1024x1024 icons needed for Mac Retina resolution.
Instead they recommend using icon sets in the official documentation.
"Icon Composer" is in the "Graphics Tools" which can be downloaded separately from the ADC-Website (as all other "Tools" like "Hardware IO Tools", "Dashcode", "Audio Tools" and so on.

Xcode not detecting my device

I upgraded my iPad device OS version recently to 5.1.1 (9B206). From that my Xcode is not detecting my device. Am just getting iOS Device and simulator options in my Xcode. But am getting my device in older version of Xcode and iTunes. For this i updated my MAC OS version to 10.7.4 and Xcode version to 4.3.3. But still am facing the same problem. Now how to make my Xcode to detect my device?
This Worked for me.
Quit Xcode.
Disconnect the device.
In a terminal window, type: sudo pkill usbmuxd (it will be restarted
again automatically)
Restart Xcode
Connect the device
Your device should now be visible again in Xcode!
Open the Organizer in Xcode, go to devices, find your device and click the option to use for development
I just plugged into another USB port and it detected by device.
In another case, check the "iOS Deployment Target" in "Build Settings",
if the target iOS version number is great than the version of device,
then the device will not show in the list.
Say that, the "iOS Deployment Target" == 7.0, and the version of device is 6.0,
to solve the problem by change the "iOS Deployment Target" to 6.0 or lower.
If the chosen answer still does not work for you try this:
Select the project in project explorer
Select the target on the main window
Select Build Settings
Select Deployment
Select iOS Deployment Target. Change it to the version of your device. (e.g. iOS 5.1)
I was also faced the same issue in Xcode, my device was not detected after update the Xcode latest version(7.3.1)
Done so many things what suggested in the web-search but still the device was not detected.
Finally, I just quit and open the Xcode my device was detected(oh my bad).
This SO answer solved it for me https://stackoverflow.com/a/56054170/5813473 .
sudo killall -STOP -c usbd
did the magic.
Well later I had to unplug/plug in again at occasions, but that 'killall' really solved the original issue.
Most recently, Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3 seems to have more security around Xcode accessing the iPad/iPhone. My sequence:
Rebooted the machine,
Attached the iPad,
Gone through a "trust this computer" security cycle on both iMac and iPad
Xcode can now see the device
Sometimes restarting Xcode helps. Give it a shot.
In my case, restarting Mac worked and no other solution.
I updated my iPad (it's in Settings -> General -> Software Update, near the top) and restarted my computer and Xcode sees it now.
FWIW I tried all the tips in this thread and nothing would work: from reboots, command line statements, unplugging, different USBC ports, etc. I also tried something not mentioned here (yet) by going to "Settings > General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy" ... however even this didn't work.
Later on in the evening I was in a different room of the house and out of nowhere I got the "Trust This Computer" prompt on my iPad. I of course tapped "Trust" or whatever and then magically my Mac laptop finally sees my iPad.
I realize I'm not really giving a helpful tip/fix here - just sharing how things went for me in case anyone finds useful.
iPad: iOS 13.4.1 | Macbook laptop: OSX 12.3.1
Recently (2022) I've noticed that the iPad prompt to "Trust this Computer" won't appear unless using an Apple USB-C cable. Apple reps assure me they aren't doing any funny business here, but I have tried every cable I can find, including several thunderbolt 3 and 4 cables and Anker cables. Worth trying an Apple cable if still having problems.
Just simple, close the project on your XCode. Just right-click on the XCode in the taskbar and give a quit option. After open the XCode from the directory, it will detect your device. It also work on Xcode version 11.2.1
close your project or XCode.
Give Right click on the Xcode in MAC tabbar and give the Quit option.
Reopen the project from your finder(project place).
The device will be automatically detected.
Open the Windows in Xcode, go to devices. If Device is visible in Left side, Right click and select "Show in Destination Menu".

Xcode Doesn't Recognize My Device After OS Upgrade

This has to be a simple configuration issue, but I don't know my way around the build settings very well.
I upgraded my iPad from 4.3 to 5.0. I am using Xcode 4.2. When I plug my device in, it is not showing up on run button, and I have a message that it can't run using the selected device.
What do I have to do?
Open Xcode, go to Window -> Organizer and find your device. Click the "Use for Development" button to get Xcode to recognise it again.
go to your iphone device, settings->Reset->Reset All Settings. Close Xcode, restart XCode, device should be in the list now.
Restarting USB process worked for me.
Run sudo pkill usbmuxd on terminal
Open Activity Monitor and select Disk by tapping from segment control and search usbmuxd, select the same and force quite/quite.
Note: before doing above stuff, remove device and quite Xcode.
