Where to find Application Loader app in Mac? - macos

I have downloaded applicationloader_1.3.dmg and installed in the destination Macintosh HD.
The messages show The installation was successfully done. But, there is the ApplicationLoader app that doesn't appear anywhere.
How to install and get the Applicationloader app in Application->Utility folder?
I'm using Mac OSX version 10.6.8.

In more modern versions of Xcode, you'll find "Application Loader" under the "Xcode" menu (the first menu to the right of the Apple in the menu bar) and it'll be hiding in the "Open Developer Tools" submenu.

As of Xcode 11, "Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode", per the Xcode 11 Release Notes:
Xcode supports uploading apps from the Organizer window or from the command line with xcodebuild or xcrun altool. Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode. (29008875)
The Xcode Help page, Upload an app to App Store Connect, explains how to upload from the Xcode Archives Organizer.
In October 2019, Apple announced the Transporter app for macOS, now available in the Mac App Store.
With Transporter you can:
Upload your .ipa or .pkg files to App Store Connect.
View delivery progress, including validation warnings, errors, and delivery logs, so you can quickly fix any issues.
See a history of past deliveries, including date and time.
This was previously a download from iTunes Connect for qualified partners (FAQ)
Notes on Using the Command Line
I've uploaded non-Xcode builds with xcrun altool --upload-app -f path-to-build.ipa -u your-account#apple.com. It won't show any progress, but you can see the network traffic in Activity Monitor. It finishes with No errors uploading 'path-to-build.ipa'.
See xcrun altool --help for usage. If your account has 2FA enabled, first visit https://appleid.apple.com/ and generate an app password.

You can download Application Loader from Itunes Connect.
Go to https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ , sign in, and click on Manage Your Apps.
There is a Download Application Loader link at the bottom.
At the time of writing, this link is: https://itunesconnect.apple.com/apploader/ApplicationLoader_3.1.dmg

I didn't find application loader anywhere, even in spotlight. You can open it through xcode.
Go to Xcode > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader

With Xcode 11, Application Loader has been removed. The Mac App store now has an app called Transporter.

For anyone finding this now (23/09/2019) Application Loader has been removed from Xcode.
If you have built the application in Xcode you should be able to follow these instructions to upload your and distribute your project Upload an app
I am not sure what to do if you have been given a .ipa file, for example when building an Expo project, I'll update this post when i have an answer.
In the mean time more info can be found here.
Developer Apple - Whats new

application loader page:
application loader 3.1:

I have found in following way :
Go to https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ , sign in
Click "Resources and Help"

you can find it by going to xcode > open developer tool > application Loader

You can also upload an app using the Application Loader tool by using it from the terminal:
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ altool --upload-app -f "ios-app.ipa" -u "applestore#email.com" -p "yourpassword"
To use altool from anywhere in the terminal you could add it to your
PATH env variable by typing in terminal:
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/Frameworks/ITunesSoftwareService.framework/Support/
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ source ~/.bash_profile

Now you can upload your app binary with the Transporter app.
You can download Transporter from Mac AppStore Here
Here apple mentioned its used for uploading.

Application Loader now moved to tools

It's in Applications > Xcode > Show package contents > Contents > Applications - but easier to open from Xcode!

This error had me really scared because I make my app using Adobe AIR, so once my AIR builder (FDT) tells me it has packaged it, I really have very little I can do if it fails.
I got this error when I uploaded my ipa through the Application Loader (v3.0 [620]) that I had downloaded from the link they provide when submitting the binary. I tried uploading the ipa through Xcode > Application Loader (v3.6 [1020]) and it worked fine.
I am going to write to Apple about this once my blood pressure returns to normal.

With Application Loader now gone from Xcode I had a look around to see how to upload an .ipa file, since I use UE4 and I don't touch Xcode at all during development. Turns out it's pretty hidden away, You need to go to Window, Organiser, Archives. The archive will only appear if you ticked the "Generate Xcode Archive Package" tickbox in Project Settings. Then you just click Distribute and it's just does it.

Application Loader has been removed from XCode 11, the alternative app is Transporter. you can download it from the appstore with the following link:

Now you can use Transporter app instead of Application Loader.
Download Transporter App from this link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/transporter/id1450874784?mt=12

If anybody is still looking for the Application loader, it has been removed and replaced with Apple Transporter. Download from the mac AppStore.


How to upload IPA now that Application Loader is no longer included in Xcode 11

I'm a little afraid to ask this question because the problem seems huge to me and yet I don't see anyone panicking about it. I'm a little afraid to sound crazy, but I'm going to go for it :
As we can read on Apple's post Submissions Update :
Starting with Xcode 11, Application Loader is no longer included in
Xcode. For details on how to upload your apps to App Store Connect using Xcode, see Xcode Help.
It is legitimate for people and organizations using the Phonegap build service to ask themselves how to put our IPA online knowing that we do not have access to the Xcode project file.
Apple gives us a new tool called Archives organizer but as we can read on the documentation:
In the Archives organizer, select the archive you want to upload, then
click Distribute App.
Okay, where's my archive? Is an IPA considered an archive? How do I integrate my IPA into this software?
Maybe I haven't found the solution that is right in front of me but for the moment I'm especially afraid of the future of Phonegap build if there is no alternative tool for the Application Loader.
So, did you even facing the same problem and do you find a solution ? (excepting a migration to Cordova)
I know that hybrid applications don't have a long life ahead of them because of the depreciation of UIWebView and the low compatibility of cordova with WKWebView but I can't believe Apple decides to kill Phonegap build without a warning. And as usual, Phonegap's teams are not very talkative.
Well, It is possible to transfer your ipa with the following command but did it is worked because I have the old version of Xcode (10) and so it will be deprecated when Xcode 11 release ?
xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file "path/to/application.ipa" --username "YOUR_ITMC_USER" --password "YOUR_ITMC_PASSWORD"
Apple today announced that it is making a new version of its Transporter developer application available on the Mac App Store. This app allows developers to easily upload files to App Store Connect and more.
Available in the Mac AppStore
November 2019 - the new "Transporter" app
You have to get, from the ordinary mac app store, the Apple app "Transporter". To be clear click the ordinary "App Store" icon, in the icon bar, on your mac, as if you were an ordinary consumer and not a dev. Search "Apple Transporter" and get it. ("Transporter" is totally free).
In current Xcode. As usual, increase the build number, disconnect tethered phones, and click "Archive" as usual. (Don't forget to not-select a simulator!)
When complete, click "Distribute App" in the usual way. Do select "App Store Connect" in the usual way. But. Then select Export ... do NOT select upload.
You will be asked where to save to - be sure to choose your Desktop.
A folder (not file) will be left on your desktop. Notice the current time of day to distinguish the correct folder. (It's annoying when you get the wrong folder!)
In the folder is an ".ipa" file. Everything else is NOT used / of no value whatsoever.
Launch the "Transporter" app. Simply drag only the ipa file into the Transporter app.
Useful Transporter app Tip:
Be sure to look at the Preferences of the Transporter app. It is possible to get rid of (one) of the useless "OK" clicks.
Historic notes -
At one point, around Sept 2019, incredibly, appstoreconnect was *not working in Safari for some months. You had to use Chrome. (No, really!) This is now all irrelevant.
I am using XCode 11 GM Seed 2 (11A420a).
I've tried
xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file "path/to/application.ipa"
--username "YOUR_ITMC_USER" --password "YOUR_ITMC_PASSWORD"
But it didn't work for me as it were generating an error code like "Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-22014.
I generated an App Store API Key (see https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api), saved in in my ~/.appstoreconnect/private_keys directory and made this bash script named applicationloader.sh:
set -euo pipefail
# key is in ~/.appstoreconnect/private_keys
KEY="<the key part of the AuthKey_key.p8 file>"
xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file $APPFILE --apiKey $KEY --apiIssuer $ISSUER
Then (after a chmod a+x applicationloader.sh) I just type
applicationloader.sh app.ipa
and the app uploads to testflight no problem.
Hope this helps.
From Console you can do:
xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass>
Remember to use the one time pass from https://appleid.apple.com/account/manage and to omit the double quotes on PATH, USERNAME, and PASSWORD
Apple transporter
There is also a new app that Apple released that allows developers to send files to App Store Connect
Apple Just launched transporter app to submit app to itunesconnect
Enzo's answer works like a charm. But for those who are confusing like me you need to generate an app-specific password here: https://appleid.apple.com/account/manage
(I know, I'm responding to Enzo's answer here but I'm unable to comment)
Xcode supports uploading apps from the Organizer window or from the command line with xcodebuild or xcrun altool. Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode. (29008875)
xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass>
Apple also launched transporter app to upload direct ipa to itunes connect.
What exactly does this mean "the key part of the AuthKey_key.p8 file"
Sorry unable to comment, why everything these days so bloody annoyingly complicated when it needn't be
Apple Has introduced Transporter App on App Store you can download it and use it instead of Application Loader
Okay, where's my archive? Is an IPA considered an archive? How do I integrate my IPA into this software?
The archive section will create your IPA file, and let you upload it directly to the apple developer area, ready to submit to the store.
In Xcode, from the menu at the top click "Product" and then "Archive". Follow the onscreen instructions. At this point your IPA file is created. You can choose to automatically distribute your file to the appstore, but I suggest clicking the "Validate App" option first, which will re-request the correct certificates/provisions and give you a summary of any issues. If no issues you can click "Distribute App" and it will upload the IPA file to your Appstore Connect (formerly iTunes Connect) area.
Here are 3 options for 2020 upload tools from apple
Upload your app binary files with Xcode
Upload your app binary files with altool
Upload your app binary files with the Transporter app

Getting "Cannot verify client. (3000)" when trying to upload archive from Xcode to itunesConnect

Just updated to Xcode 7.1 and getting this error.
Was able to upload fine using 7.0.1
Hmmm, well a restart of Xcode, a fresh clean, build and archive seems to have fixed it.
If you encounter this error, you have two options:
Option A - Engage in an activity that takes a minute or two. Could be any of the activities described in the other answers, like re-install XCode, renew certificates, do a new build from scratch after clearing caches. Or simply go get a coffee.
Option B - Do nothing at all for a little while.
Then, try again. If it doesn't work, repeat.
Just updated to Xcode 7.1 and getting this error. Was able to upload
fine using 7.0.1
same here - restart, clean build, archive and upload was successful.
Same problem here. Grabbing a cup of β˜•οΈ worked for me.
Exporting the app as an .ipa and uploading via Application Loader 3.0 worked for me. (Restarting xcode, cleaning, and re-archiving did not.)
I first tried to upload and got the "cannot verify client"-error.
Then i did a validate, which was successfull and then again a upload which also was successfull. No restart etc. needed.
Same problem here. Clean build and deleting project caches worked.
Had the same issue and tried everything including Application Loader but still would not load into iTunes Connect. I'm running XCode 7.1.1 and OS X El Capitan.
I also have Avira (free version) installed and once I disable it, everything went through. Hope this helps someone.
Stackoverflow has been my savior and goto source for Obj C and now Swift!!
I had this problem for all night. Got 🍡 β˜•οΈπŸΊπŸΌ but didn't work.
Solved my problem only with:
Switching lan to wifi connection
Uploading App by Application Loader
Wasn't useful but i saw than in Xcode uploading start works as well after connection switching, so maybe was a connection my problem.
Clean project not work with me in XCode 7.2. But I solve the problem by export Archive and using Application Loader.
Archive you build.
In Organizer: Chose your archive.
Export "Save for iOS App Store Deployment".
Open Application Loader (Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader: Download it if you don't have).
Select "Deliver your App" -> Select your exported ipa.
=> Done
I've been having this problem since Xcode 7.1 (for more than a month). I did everything I could trying to solve this: restart Xcode, clean project, clean build folder, build with a device connected, reinstall Xcode multiple times, even formatting the whole disk and starting from scratch. None of this worked.
During this time my colleague was always able to upload the very same builds to App Store without any problem.
Curiously, what solved this problem for me was disconnecting my non-Apple wireless mouse.
I found this out when I tried to submit an app from my home computer and got the same error. I disconnected the mouse dongle, tried again and it went through.
I've verified this three times both on my home (MacBook Pro 2013) and work computer (Mac Mini 2014).
This leads me to believe that during the app submission process Apple may check if your environment is purely made by Apple or not, and may block your submission based on that. This would explain the "Cannot verify client" message.
For what it's worth: I got this error when my startdisk was almost full (less than a few hundred MB left).
Cleaning up some space and re-submitting resolved this issue.
Experiencing the same problem. Tried a number of the suggestions above. Ended up using the Application Uploader instead.
Xcode > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
From the rest of the answers it seems that a lot of different things "resolve" this issue. Here are the particulars of what solved it for me:
The iPad had to be plugged in.
The iPad had to be signed in (i.e. not locked).
After I satisfied those two conditions, it validates and uploads reliably. If either one isn't done, I am not able to validate or upload to iTunesConnect and I get the Cannot verify client (3000) error.
You can use Application Loader to upload your build and solve it!
Download Provisiononing Profiles of app on Apple Developer,
Quit and restart Xcode,
Run Provisiononing Profiles by Xcode,
Open app again,
In General -> get "fix" at Identity.
You can Archive and Upload to Apple Store
When it fails two times in a row, choosing "Validate" and after that "Upload to App Store" does the trick for me.
I tried most of the things here, but what finally did it for me was using the Application Loader instead of trying to upload my app from the Organizer.
Once I did it from the Application Loader I got an error message related to this: ITMS-90535 Unable to publish iOS app with latest Google Signin SDK, which was the real cause of the error.
I remade the app with "App Store" provisioning profile. Earlier it was "Ad-hoc" provisioning profile.
I submitted the app from "Application Loader" instead of traditional "Organizer".
Above two steps enabled me to submit the app to iTunes Connect for beta testing also.
There is always an element for surprise whenever apple releases an updated XCode.
After trying a few things, this is what worked for me:
Just before uploading your executable, validate it, you then have a modal where you get to pick your binary. On the right, there's the name of the provisioning profile used. There's an arrow next to it.
Click on the arrow which opens the finder to the location of the provisioning profile.
Delete this file.
Restart XCode

How to create an .ipa file out of phonegap 3.5.0 project?

I'm very new to OS X and facing difficulties even in finding the menu options in xcode.
I tried all the resources available online. All I'm trying is to make an .ipa file out of the phonegap project which uses push notifications. I have tried phonegap build this way:
Created .p12 key and development provision file according to the instructions in the following link:
It's not working out. So, I started to use xcode to do it. But I don't find an option to edit scheme anywhere.
Kindly help me.
Change you device from iPhone/iPad in XCode to iOS Device then in the project build menu, select Archive. You will be prompted by Xcode to sign the app and if you don't have provisioning profile Xcode will assign you one.
Follow the archive menu to create an download the packaged IPA.

Xcode submission error

I'm trying to submit a Mac OS X Application to the App Store but I'm currently stuck.
I've created and installed the 3rd Party Mac Developer Application and Installer certificate and added to Xcode the provisioning profile for Production.
When I Archive my application and, after validation, try to submit it, I can't choose the "Application" options 'cause the only option I can take is:"No Value".
I've tried to create a package (With "share" button) and test its installation process as suggest it by the Apple Documentation and the process terminate successfully.
But when I try to submit the package through the Application Loader app, I receive the error:"There is no embedded Java executable. Please reinstall Xcode Developer Tools".
The fact is that I've already reinstalled all the Xcode Developer Tools (I was using a beta version before) from the App Store.
Any ideas?
Do you use Xcode 4.2 and as a pre-release version? If so, try using Xcode 4.1.
Use "Application Loader" in Developer/Applications/Utilities. The tool that is present under xcode is full of bugs. You will need to give it the .app generated as a product by XCode. Did that help ? Annother thing you can try is to reject yourself the app into iTunes Connect, then set it again as "ready for download". It won't force you to upgrade your app version.

Application Loader cannot choose zip file of my Mac app

The status of my Mac app is "Waiting for upload". When I launch Application Loader, I can select it from the list. However when I click on "Choose...", I cannot select the zip file of my app (or any other file of any kind). I tried uploading an iPhone app to see if Application Loader has a problem and it works just fine. Am I missing something here? or has Apple changed anything lately with the launch of XCode 4?. Thank you guys!
You need to give Application Loader a PKG for Mac apps or an IPA for iPhone apps. You cannot upload a ZIP file. You can generate these files in Xcode 4 by doing Product > Archive and then exporting from the Archives panel of the Organizer.
I downloaded Xcode 4 and used its new way of uploading binary files to iTunes Connect and it worked. But I really wonder why Application Loader didn't manage to upload the file.
