Maven: How do I mark a jar as sealed? - maven

This sounds so simple, so why an I struggling?
Is there a POM entry I can use to seal all the packages?
Or do I provide a manifest with value 'Sealed: true'?
Jeff Porter

> Or do I provide a manifest with value 'Sealed: true'?
As explained in "Manifest Customization":


how can set both classpathPrefix and mainClass in pom?

I have pom.xml like this:
and I compile and package my project successful. but when I java -jar myProject.jar I get Error: Could not find or load main class package.mainClass!!
I think it happened because I wrote both mainClass and classpathPrefix in manifest! what is the way to set them with each other in pom.xml?
"Main-Class: first.PathGetter" instead of "Main-Class: package.mainClass" in pom.xml file, according to your MANIFEST.MF

How to leave out META-INF/maven/... in JAR files produced by maven?

Maven seems to put its pom.xml and into the JAR at META-INF/maven/
How can I get it to leave those files out?
The first thing is to take a look into the documentation for Maven archiver
This shows the possibilies which are usable:
If you change the configuration to prevent using the default by this:
By using the above the defaults will not being part of your artifacts anymore. So from here you can start to customize the configuration based on your wishes.

How to include custom files in JAR with Maven assembly plugin jar-with-dependencies

I need to include custom file (/com/app/ in a final JAR.
How can I add one file to my JAR when using jar-with-dependencies?
Now there are only class files in that JAR. I'm using:
mvn assembly:assembly
My pom.xml:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
Thank you.
Put non-Java files that need to be in the final artifact in src/main/resources, in this case:

Packaging specific dependent jars with Maven

My maven project has several dependent jars, but when I create a jar of my project I would like to include a subset of those dependencies. Is there a way to do this? Currently, I am using the pom.xml below (from question How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven?), but it is packaging every dependency with my project.
See Including and Excluding Artifacts for more details

No manifest file from maven build

I'm using Maven to generate a war file. I'm trying to get it to generate a manifest file in the war. Right now it's not happening. I've included the following in my pom.xml, but I can't get it to output a manifest file with that information. Anyone have any ideas or pointers? There is no being put into the war.
You should add this to your plugin config:
