How to include custom files in JAR with Maven assembly plugin jar-with-dependencies - maven

I need to include custom file (/com/app/ in a final JAR.
How can I add one file to my JAR when using jar-with-dependencies?
Now there are only class files in that JAR. I'm using:
mvn assembly:assembly
My pom.xml:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
Thank you.

Put non-Java files that need to be in the final artifact in src/main/resources, in this case:


mvn output jar file is executable only inside target folder

I have a mvn built jar, which is working fine inside the target folder.
But if I copy the jar to different folder/machine.I get a class not found exception. I understand the jar is unable to access the dependencies. how can i fix this?
my pom contains,
<!-- exclude junit, we need runtime dependency only -->
Thanks In Advance,
Make a fat jar with dependencies using maven-assembly-plugin:
<!-- get all project dependencies -->
<!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
The target folder would have additional jar-with-dependencies.jar; you should be able to use this anywhere.
I removed the maven jar and dependency plugins from my pom. Added
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance
merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase
This created a jar with dependencies which can be executed anywhere. Also with the specific jar name.

maven assembly plugin is not working with pluginManagement

Below is my configuration of maven-assembly-plugin and it's working fine. However, when I add all my plugins inside the pluginManagement parent tag, it's not working.
I am not sure why it's not working.
The execution section of your maven-assembly-plugin should not be contained in a pluginManagement section. If it is, it will be ignored. The build will not throw an error - just won't create an executable jar. Then you would get "no main manifest attribute..." if you try to run it.
The pluginManagement section, generally defined in a "parent" pom, shares plugin configuration across modules. It can specify version and configuration and it ensures the version matches across child poms, but is not intended to contain execution details.
Here's a valid example where pluginManagement specifies only the plugin's version (just keep in mind the pluginManagement would typically be in a separate, parent, pom):
And here's an example where pluginManagement has the plugin's version and also its configuration. The regular plugin section specifies only the execution details:
Note that child poms can override pluginManagement definitions.
See also this question and its answers.

Maven update manifest in dependency jars

Webstart requires that all jar files has certain manifest entries, so now I have to go through all dependencies and update each manifest. Is there a way to get maven update manifest files in arbitrary jar files?
Ideally I would like:
<!-- something like this -->
<Trusted-Library>true</Trusted-Library> <!-- does not work! -->
Are you sure that every jar need to contains MANIFEST? I think it's needed only in Jar with your entry / main class. You can generate it using maven-jar-plugin:
<Application-Name>Your Application name</Application-Name>
You could use Webstart Maven Plugin:

Packaging specific dependent jars with Maven

My maven project has several dependent jars, but when I create a jar of my project I would like to include a subset of those dependencies. Is there a way to do this? Currently, I am using the pom.xml below (from question How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven?), but it is packaging every dependency with my project.
See Including and Excluding Artifacts for more details

No manifest file from maven build

I'm using Maven to generate a war file. I'm trying to get it to generate a manifest file in the war. Right now it's not happening. I've included the following in my pom.xml, but I can't get it to output a manifest file with that information. Anyone have any ideas or pointers? There is no being put into the war.
You should add this to your plugin config:
