How to leave out META-INF/maven/... in JAR files produced by maven? - maven

Maven seems to put its pom.xml and into the JAR at META-INF/maven/
How can I get it to leave those files out?

The first thing is to take a look into the documentation for Maven archiver
This shows the possibilies which are usable:
If you change the configuration to prevent using the default by this:
By using the above the defaults will not being part of your artifacts anymore. So from here you can start to customize the configuration based on your wishes.


`java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError` from javaagent built by `maven package`

I've been trying to build javaagent (containing premain()) to .jar file using maven mvn package, and keep getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception related to external dependencies. For details, I added kafka-client dependecies and maven-jar-plugin to pom.xml like below
After reading How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven?, I tried using maven-assembly-plugin instead, like below
<!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<!-- goals == mojos -->
but I get this error =>
Failed to find Premain-Class manifest attribute in target/my-java-agent.jar Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument
Can anyone who has experience building javaagent .jar file with dependencies, please help.

Maven add my own information during build to MANIFEST.MF file

I need your help. I have to write a script adding versions of sub-projects to MANIFEST.MF file during build application by Maven.
I write some Mojo class that gets information I need (I named it GenerateVersionPropertyFile.class). Now I need know how to put this information to manifest file.
Here is my pom.xml:
<Built-By />
Make sure, if you are adding custom properties in MANIFAST.MF file which build package is JAR/WAR.
if packaging JAR in your pom.xml file then use
OR if packaging WAR in your pom.xml file then use
Have to use the maven-jar-plugin on your pom.

how can set both classpathPrefix and mainClass in pom?

I have pom.xml like this:
and I compile and package my project successful. but when I java -jar myProject.jar I get Error: Could not find or load main class package.mainClass!!
I think it happened because I wrote both mainClass and classpathPrefix in manifest! what is the way to set them with each other in pom.xml?
"Main-Class: first.PathGetter" instead of "Main-Class: package.mainClass" in pom.xml file, according to your MANIFEST.MF

Maven: How do I mark a jar as sealed?

This sounds so simple, so why an I struggling?
Is there a POM entry I can use to seal all the packages?
Or do I provide a manifest with value 'Sealed: true'?
Jeff Porter
> Or do I provide a manifest with value 'Sealed: true'?
As explained in "Manifest Customization":

No manifest file from maven build

I'm using Maven to generate a war file. I'm trying to get it to generate a manifest file in the war. Right now it's not happening. I've included the following in my pom.xml, but I can't get it to output a manifest file with that information. Anyone have any ideas or pointers? There is no being put into the war.
You should add this to your plugin config:
