In D3 Bubble Chart, when I use Arabic characters as labels for the bubbles they appear as ���.
Is there a solution?
Edit: The HTML document has <meta charset="utf-8">.
Although the HTML document is in UTF-8, it seems that I forget to set the encoding of the file flare.json, which contains the chart data, to UTF-8!
I am considering using Rubyvis, a Ruby Port of the Protovis library, to generate plots for scientific publications. Rubyvis renders charts as SVG files. However, I haven't found a way to use subscripts or superscripts in text (such as diagram titles or axis labels).
The documentation for the Label class states:
The character data must be plain text (unicode), though the text can be styled
using the font property. If rich text is needed, external HTML elements can be
overlaid on the canvas by hand.
This sounds like the library itself does not support this functionality.
Is there a way to get subscripts and superscripts (and possible other rich text) directly in the output graphics file, when is is not embedded in a website?
I'm switching over from markdown to asciidoc and have a question. In my markdown file, I use backticks to indicate code font ( When this is converted to html, the text gets placed inside code blocks (
How should I format a text fragment in asciidoc if I want it to appear within code blocks when the document is converted to html?
Late and short answer:
You can use backticks just like in Markdown.
From the AsciiDoc User manual:
Monospaced text
Word phrases +enclosed in plus characters+ are rendered in a monospaced font. Word phrases `enclosed in backtick characters` (grave accents) are also rendered in a monospaced font but in this case the enclosed text is rendered literally and is not subject to further expansion
As you can see here, you can use `` the same way in asciidoc.
Here's an example of that:
* Utilizar as funções `fgetc` ou `getc` para ler carácteres (...);
I have title and labels with unicode labels in Google Chart, but they are not being displayed properly.
Here's an example:,C4C4C4&chds=0,90&chma=70,70&choe=UTF-8&chtt=Test&chd=t:27933485,20611682,34172068&chl=Un%E9%A7%85xbr%E1%83%A6cker|Test1|Test2
Characters do not appear right as you see.
Is there a way to make google charts display utf-8 characters properly? I've tried many things but nothing worked for me.
The problem appears to be the unicode codepoints (E9A785 -> 99C5 and E183A6 -> 10E6) that you are providing. These characters do not appear to be displayed in a google chart. Experiments with other codepoints (specifying them as UTF-8 in the same format as your query) appear to work fine.
The particular characters in your example (the first is from the CJK Unified Ideograms and the second from Georgian) are a little strange. You might want to double check that they are correct.
I have a NSPopUpButton which contains either English or Japanese Strings read from a plist file according to the System's Language. Now when the Language is English I am able to change the font size by using code such as -
[auxStatePopup setFont: [NSFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica-BoldOblique" size:10.0]];
but Using such technique I am not able to change Japanese font size even if I tried by setting some Japanese font name which I googled and found out.
I want to do that because Japanese characters move slightly up when used. I intend to manipulate that upward movement by decreasing font size.
Thanks for any help..
any way to move text in NSPopupButton downwards?
My impression is that the two samples are not using the same font. Please try to put a text with characters from both sets and see what happens.
Also try not to customize the font size and even the font face.
I also suspect that the text rendering engine may had overridden some of your changes due to the text length. iOS text rendering may try to change the font size of letter spacing if the text does not fit the control. So make some tests with shorter texts.
BTW, I think that you were mean to say that you want bigger font size for Japanese not smaller. In the screenshots the Japanese text is already too small to be properly read by anyone.
i am using zend_pdf to create pdf files from persian language texts.
i have two problem:
1- i want to change document's direction to right to left as persian, arabic and some other languages are.
2- i use Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithPath('myfont.ttf'); to set a persian font. but when i render the pdf document i see that characters are separated one by one. but in persian characters of a word are joint together.
thx in advance.
i finally used tcpdf class for generating pdf files using php. it has good support for RTL languages and UTF. it also has a good fiture for converting html to pdf.