Does Google Chart support UTF-8 Characters? - utf-8

I have title and labels with unicode labels in Google Chart, but they are not being displayed properly.
Here's an example:,C4C4C4&chds=0,90&chma=70,70&choe=UTF-8&chtt=Test&chd=t:27933485,20611682,34172068&chl=Un%E9%A7%85xbr%E1%83%A6cker|Test1|Test2
Characters do not appear right as you see.
Is there a way to make google charts display utf-8 characters properly? I've tried many things but nothing worked for me.

The problem appears to be the unicode codepoints (E9A785 -> 99C5 and E183A6 -> 10E6) that you are providing. These characters do not appear to be displayed in a google chart. Experiments with other codepoints (specifying them as UTF-8 in the same format as your query) appear to work fine.
The particular characters in your example (the first is from the CJK Unified Ideograms and the second from Georgian) are a little strange. You might want to double check that they are correct.


Special character ok in HTML, not ok in PDF

The below code in the template takes care that these special characters are printed ok when printed in HTML
?replace("≥", "≥")?replace("≤", "≤")
The result is:
Test special characters:
Greater_equal ≥
Less_equal ≤
When I change the output type from HTML to PDF, these characters are not printed anymore:
Test special characters:
How canI make this work with PDF as output type?
For the one that could encounter same issue
I've had this issue recently and what I've found out is for some fonts there is not character set so it doesn't show greater than equal or other symbols.
However I've tried with Arial font and it's working even if you've added it like this: '≥'
Long story short, solution would be to update the font with the one that support.

Is it possible to render zero-width unicode characters as a special replacement character with a custom font?

I'm trying to figure out a way to render certain unicode characters as a custom character instead of how they are supposed to appear.
For example, I would like the character U+0E4A to render as something else rather than how it currently appears in Windows.
I tried to create a quick custom font and to replace those glyphs but it only seems to work in some programs. My font will work correctly in LibreOffice Writer but it won't display properly in WordPad. Replacing regular letters works fine, but for other unicode characters they seem to revert back to a default way of rendering and don't display correctly.
Here is a screenshot of my custom font in WordPad, as you can see I made an obvious edit to the B character but I also did the same to the U+0E4A code point and yet it renders as normal.
If there is a special font that already does this that would probably save me the time of making a custom font, but either way I can't figure out how to render these characters as a custom character.

As a letter / character may have color? like this: ✔️

I have found this letter / character in facebook, but how can this have a color? is just insane for me, look this: ✔️
Added image (From Firefox on windows)
It's not an ASCII character, it's likely an emoji. Emoji are part of Unicode and the actual glyph displayed to the user is open to interpretation by the platform displaying it. The spec suggests a name/description, but the implementation varies.
So while you may see a colored check mark, I see black & white. Other times, a single glyph will have multiple styles made available on a particular platform; for example, I can select multiple "skin" tones when I use a smiley face on my iPhone, but your Android device may only show a generic one.
Edit: The image edited into the original post is a perfect example. Using Chrome on Windows, I see a black check mark. The screenshot from Firefox shows green.
The symbols used here aren't ascii-encoded. They use the much more vast range of Unicode encoding. Ascii(extended) is restricted to a 256 symbol set.
The unicode interpretation for symbols/glyphs(small pictorial representation)(these ticks aren't characters), can vary for different platforms as some the range of unicode is open for usage and isn't set as global.
Which is why, while the unicode encryption remains the same for every device irrespective, the decryption is differently interpreted by different devices/online-platforms, allowing us to perceive either a coloured or a black symbol.

How to get glyph unicode representation of Unicode character

Windows use uniscribe library to substitute arabic and indi typed characters based on their location. The new glyph is still have the original unicode of the typed character althogh it has its dedicated representation in Unicode
How to get the Unicode of what is actually displayed not what is typed.
There are lots of tools for this like ICU, Charmap and the rest. I myself recommand, it uses Unicode Character Database to represent characters.
Note that unicode is just some information about characters and never spoke about representation. They just suggest to implement a word just like their example. so that to view each code you need Standard Unicode Font like MS Arial Unicode whichis the largest and the best choise in windows platform.
Most of the characters are implemented in this font but for new characters you need an update for it (if there are such an update) or you can use the font which you know that it implemented your desire characters
Your interpretation of what is happening in Uniscribe is not correct.
Once you have glyphs the original information is gone there is no reliable way to go back to Unicode.
Even without going to Arabic, there is no way to distinguish if the glyph for the fi ligature (for example) comes from 'f' and 'i' (U+0066 U+0069) or from 'fi' (U+FB01).
Also, some of the resulting glyphs do not have a Unicode value associated with them, so there is no "Unicode of what is actually displayed"

How to render an arabic character in OpenGL?

I am able to display chinese character correctly but when I try to display arabic string the output that display in OpenGL scene is different from the arabic string that display in Visual Studio Editor. I know it should be something to do with "Complex Script" but I am not able to find any good example regarding to this matter. I would like to know how to display arabic text correctly?
Unlike Latin characters which each have a single visual representation, each Arabic character can have many different appearances depending on the surrounding characters. The logical characters in an Arabic string need to be converted to a sequence of visual glyphs in order to be correctly displayed. OpenGL doesn't do this processing for you so you're seeing the logical characters rendered without this processing.
To get around this you will need to use a library such as Uniscribe to transform the logical string into a visual string which you then give to OpenGL for rendering. There are some samples here.
