zend_pdf right to left languages problem - zend-pdf

i am using zend_pdf to create pdf files from persian language texts.
i have two problem:
1- i want to change document's direction to right to left as persian, arabic and some other languages are.
2- i use Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithPath('myfont.ttf'); to set a persian font. but when i render the pdf document i see that characters are separated one by one. but in persian characters of a word are joint together.
thx in advance.

i finally used tcpdf class for generating pdf files using php. it has good support for RTL languages and UTF. it also has a good fiture for converting html to pdf.


Can anyone share a chinese supported pdf template sample

Is there anything we need to change on pdf template level to support Chinese or Japanese . I am using a fillable template. While writing it with my pdf library(using tcpdf) it is giving some garbled text. While copy pasting Chinese text to this template field also gives some squares where as English is filling perfectly. Does anyone out there have a sample fillable pdf template that supports Chinese to share?
generally you need to embed font to properly display foreign characters in a PDF. I've not tried using tcpdf but saw posts that say embedding a TTF (true type font) of the correct language seems to do the trick.

Reading reading pdf paragraph text along with css (color etc) using itext

I have pdf with tables and cells and i have added paragraph with formatted text in the cell, i need to read list of all tables and followed by text in paragraph with some css(some text highlighted in color), let me know how to start with this, any link where i can go through.
Using iText7
These are lots of pages to go through CSS, use them and get a bit known about CSS. W3SCHOOLS is a good place to go through them :)
i have converted PDF to xlsx - which helped in identifying font size,color,name.

Arabic/Persian label Matlab figure

Matlab cannot display Arabic/Persian labels of the figure. Also I cannot see my installed fonts and I don't want to add the labels by another program. How can I fix this problem?
What you're looking for is a way to display unicode characters in axes labels.
It seems that this problem was encountered before, but there's no simple solution for it. See workarounds here and here.
One important thing though - do not edit .m files containing unicode\utf-8 characters (such as Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Chinese, etc...) in MATLAB, because it messes up the characters upon saving. Use an external editor (like Notepad++) to edit and save the files (as UTF-8 without BOM), and only run in MATLAB.

Converting MS Word sentences into pictures

I have need where I am writing sentences in MS Word (any version is fine) in a foreign language (specifically Arabic and/or Urdu) with custom font and size and I would like convert those sentences to pictures using a script or something. This is because I need to post these pictures on a website where I cannot upload custom fonts or store them along with the webpage. Right now the way we do it is to crop pictures out of the word document. Is there way to do this in VBScript or any other scripting language?

How can I correctly print Arabic through Ruby?

I'm trying to generate images through RMagick that contain Arabic text that has been parsed from an excel spreadsheet. Arabic letters change shape depending on their neighbors and this seems to happen in excel for displaying purposes only. The letters are not stored in their modified form, so they print out incorrectly. Does anyone know of a library that addresses this? TIA
What version of Ruby are you using? Also, is ImageMagick supposed to render Arabic text correctly in the first place? If not, you might want to use Prawn or something to generate a PDF file...
You need to reshape Arabic text in Ruby for ImageMagick/RMagick to render it correctly.
This is already solved for Java(Better-Arabic-Reshaper) and Python(arabic_reshaper). Do the same task in Ruby text before passing it to ImageMagick. linux CLI: how to render Arabic text into bitmap
