Sublime Text 2 - Autocomplete questions - macos

I'm loving Sublime text but there are a few things I'd like to configure on the auto-complete:
HTML: Auto-completion of attributes within tags
When adding a class attribute to a div I have to do control+space to get the auto-complete list, is there a way of bringing that up automatically when adding attributes to tags?
HTML: Adding equals and quotes
When auto-completing the class attribute I then have to type the equals and quotes, can they be added automatically?
CSS: Auto-completion of property values
When I autocomplete a property, e.g. position I then have to add a space and press control+space or start typing to get the values autocomplete list. Is there a way of showing this list straight after the property autocomplete?
I've tried searching for an existing solution but can't find one, so I'm hoping there are some config files that I can amend! Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Try control + shift + p -> set syntax HTML in order to get auto-completion on html tags
also install: (streamlines package installation process)
and emmet: (makes writing html/css x times faster)
for more information on configuring sublime text you could check:

Definitively for autocompletion install first Package Control and them Emmet from the Palette Command, just search "emmet" and Enter.

If you don't have Package Control installed, do that first. Next find the Tag package through Package Control via ST2 and install it. I believe that's the one you're looking for, otherwise Emmet (Zen Coding) could be the one I'm thinking of. Either way, make sure your document syntax is set to HTML.


How to remove modules not used in quilljs

We are using Quill for basic formatting (Bold, Italic, Link, BlockQuote). However Quill.min.js is the largest file that we've in our page.
We are looking to cut the size of the file by including the necessary modules only (for e.g. remove Syntax and Formula).
What is the way to get them removed? Do we need to setup the environment as described in Development page? Would it be possible to comment or remove the codes in quill.js? Appreciate any guidance
You can use quill.core.js and quill.core.css instead which will not have extra modules like Syntax and Formula. These files are not minified for you however. If you want to customize further then you will have to build Quill yourself.

Sublime Text 2 loading all shell scripts as plain text [duplicate]

I'd like Sublime 2 editor to treat *.sbt files (to highlight syntax) as Scala language, same as *.scala, but I can't find where to set this up. Do you happen to know?
In Sublime Text (confirmed in both v2.x and v3.x) there is a menu command:
View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as ...
I've found the answer (by further examining the Sublime 2 config files structure):
I was to open
And edit it to add sbt (the extension of files I want to be opened as Scala code files) to the array after the fileTypes key:
PS: May there be a better way, something like a right place to put my customizations (insted of modifying packages themselves), I'd still like to know.
I put my customized changes in the User package:
*nix: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/User/Scala.tmLanguage
*Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Scala.tmLanguage
Which also means it's in JSON format:
This is the same place the
View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as ...
menu item adds it (creating the file if it doesn't exist).
For ST3
$language = "language u wish"
If exists, open ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/*$language*.sublime-settings
else just create it.
And set
This way allows you to enable syntax for composite extensions (e.g. sql.mustache, js.php, etc ... )
There's an excellent plugin called ApplySyntax (previously DetectSyntax) that provides certain other niceties for file-syntax matching. allows regex expressions etc.
There is a quick method to set the syntax:
Ctrl+Shift+P,then type in the input box
ss + (which type you want set)
eg: ss html +Enter
and ss means "set syntax"
it is really quicker than check in the menu's checkbox.
I know this topic is old now, but let me state a new approach, some people might find this easy to understand and do.
Open Sublime Text(make sure you have Package Control installed and ready in your Sublime Text):
Ctrl+Shift+P(or Cmd+Shift+P for MacOS guys)
Type "PRV"(Package Resource Viewer), select the one ending with :Open Resource
Type "SCALA"/"scala" and press Enter
Type Scala.sublime-syntax and press Enter and press Esc to close the
open list
Now in Scala.sublime-syntax goto the section file_extensions: and add your file extension sbt(like - sbt) in the end of that section
Save and close the file and restart Sublime Text, you'll now have
Scala syntax highlighting for your custom .sbt extension. Same steps can be done with any file type like XML, PHP, HTML, JS etc.
Pretty easy to follow, right ?

Forced line break after option name

Default product options view place the option name on a line, forces a line break, and then displays options beneath.
Anyone know where/which changes need to be made to remove the line break so that the option choice displays next to the option name?
I'm using Magento 1.6.2 Community. Thanks!
You can achieve this with just css, just put a float left on the label and inputbox.
The easiest way to find out where a template file is located in magento is to turn on template path hints
See How do I turn on template path hints
Also you may want to use 'chrome inspect element' or 'firebug for firefox' to see if you can restyle it using css.

Selected text in ruby Tk Text widget?

I can't seem to find how to get the currently selected text from a Text widget in ruby. In perl there was a ->getSelected function, which does not seem to exist in the ruby implementation. Also, the selected text is supposed to be marked with a tag "sel", but whenever I try to use it with get("sel"), it says invalid text index. There must be a way to get the selected text though...
Also, another question, by default, the text widget in perl has a pop menu with all sorts of functionality like search, copy/paste. Was this just a perl specific add on?
Yes, the popup menu in perl is a perl-specific add-on.
As for getting the selected text, you are correct that the selected text has the "sel" tag, and you use that to get the selected text. To retrieve the selected text you should use the index sel.first and sel.last, for example:
get("sel.first", "sel.last")
A really good resource on Tk that covers usage in Tcl, Python, Ruby and Perl see The text widget is documented on that site in the tutorial on text.
Of course I finally figured this out right after posting. The index is "sel.first" and "sel.last". so I used get("sel.first", "sel.last")

How to customise file type to syntax associations in Sublime Text?

I'd like Sublime 2 editor to treat *.sbt files (to highlight syntax) as Scala language, same as *.scala, but I can't find where to set this up. Do you happen to know?
In Sublime Text (confirmed in both v2.x and v3.x) there is a menu command:
View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as ...
I've found the answer (by further examining the Sublime 2 config files structure):
I was to open
And edit it to add sbt (the extension of files I want to be opened as Scala code files) to the array after the fileTypes key:
PS: May there be a better way, something like a right place to put my customizations (insted of modifying packages themselves), I'd still like to know.
I put my customized changes in the User package:
*nix: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/User/Scala.tmLanguage
*Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Scala.tmLanguage
Which also means it's in JSON format:
This is the same place the
View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as ...
menu item adds it (creating the file if it doesn't exist).
For ST3
$language = "language u wish"
If exists, open ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/*$language*.sublime-settings
else just create it.
And set
This way allows you to enable syntax for composite extensions (e.g. sql.mustache, js.php, etc ... )
There's an excellent plugin called ApplySyntax (previously DetectSyntax) that provides certain other niceties for file-syntax matching. allows regex expressions etc.
There is a quick method to set the syntax:
Ctrl+Shift+P,then type in the input box
ss + (which type you want set)
eg: ss html +Enter
and ss means "set syntax"
it is really quicker than check in the menu's checkbox.
I know this topic is old now, but let me state a new approach, some people might find this easy to understand and do.
Open Sublime Text(make sure you have Package Control installed and ready in your Sublime Text):
Ctrl+Shift+P(or Cmd+Shift+P for MacOS guys)
Type "PRV"(Package Resource Viewer), select the one ending with :Open Resource
Type "SCALA"/"scala" and press Enter
Type Scala.sublime-syntax and press Enter and press Esc to close the
open list
Now in Scala.sublime-syntax goto the section file_extensions: and add your file extension sbt(like - sbt) in the end of that section
Save and close the file and restart Sublime Text, you'll now have
Scala syntax highlighting for your custom .sbt extension. Same steps can be done with any file type like XML, PHP, HTML, JS etc.
Pretty easy to follow, right ?
