How to remove modules not used in quilljs - performance

We are using Quill for basic formatting (Bold, Italic, Link, BlockQuote). However Quill.min.js is the largest file that we've in our page.
We are looking to cut the size of the file by including the necessary modules only (for e.g. remove Syntax and Formula).
What is the way to get them removed? Do we need to setup the environment as described in Development page? Would it be possible to comment or remove the codes in quill.js? Appreciate any guidance

You can use quill.core.js and quill.core.css instead which will not have extra modules like Syntax and Formula. These files are not minified for you however. If you want to customize further then you will have to build Quill yourself.


Using SCSS/SASS with Dojotoolkit

Is there a way to use sass/scss with Dojotoolkit ?
I've searched for any documentation, tutorial or references but couldn't find any.
It depends on what you really need to do.
Generally Dojo Themes like Claro are based on LESS CSS preprocessor, Dojo Flat instead use Stylus.
So if you need to modify or fork Dojo Themes you should stick to LESS or Stylus.
If instead you do not need to modify a Dojo Themes and just simply need add your CSS for anything else you could use with no problem SCSS/SASS.
I would suggest in that case to process your styles using a separate "tasks", example you could use gulp-sass or similar.

Use Grunt to make DOM changes

So I want to use Lazysizes (lazy loading responsive images). Included in my Grunt stack is Responsive Images Extender, which outputs responsive image code (srcset) from simply including an "img" tag with a "src" attribute. Lazysizes requires the "data-srcset" attribute in replace of the "srcset" attribute, however. I added a script to my page that changes the "srcset" attributes to "data-srcset" attributes, but this isn't ideal as images are are already downloaded at runtime. It would be ideal if I could change the tags with Grunt, as there is no advantage in changing them live.
This seems like a very common thing, but I cannot find a good way to do it. String replace doesn't seem like an ideal solution, since it can cause problems if I ever use "srcset=" in my code.
I gave the grunt-responsive-images-extender a major makeover and added the possibility to change the attribute name of srcset to anything you want (data-srcset in your case) via the srcsetAttributeName option.
There is a grunt tans called dom_munger. With dom_munger you can change HTML attributes and do a lot of interesting stuff; however I cannot find a way to change an attribute name to another thing. Perhapse you can have a better luck checking it.

Where is the actual documentation for highlight js / CKeditor theme values?

whether it be ckeditor themes, or codesnippet themes, where are the actual string values to pass as arguments to the config options? I'm having trouble finding the actual string values, or something pointing to the convention/pattern the value follows.
The ckeditor documentation is huge, and the links send you around in circles, referring you to generic documentation pages, but either the actual string values for possible arguments are not available.
the one example for plugins follows all lower case, no separation between words.
the highlight js themes that ckeditor requires seems to be snake case, but some are inconsistent and not working.
For instance, I'm looking to find values for
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
skin: 'kama',
} );
A link to to this in the ckeditor documentation would help, with a short liner saying to copy the file name excluding the paths and the file type suffixes.
reference the file name without the .css suffix to get the correct string format for the codeSnippet_theme,
the files are named inconsistently.
you might think you need
'atelier_forest_dark', since 'school_book' works, but it's actually
It's also
hybrid, which is available from the demos is not available from this list of CDN files hosted by ckeditor.

Full list of possible classnames added by Modernizr?

Where can I find such a full list?
I can tell there are .js and .no-js , .touch and .no-touch.
But .opacity -- is there .no-opacity or just missing .opacity means no support? This is just an example. A full list helps me a lot in writing code for those devices that I don't have.
All Modernizr detects will add .<feature> if supported and .no-<feature> if not. The set of detects depends on the custom build settings you chose in the downloader.
In the source of every Modernizr build, there's a URL in the comment at the top, which looks something like this:
which lists all of the detects which have been included. So if fontface is in this list, you know that Modernizr will either add .fontface or .no-fontface depending on the detection result.

Sublime Text 2 - Autocomplete questions

I'm loving Sublime text but there are a few things I'd like to configure on the auto-complete:
HTML: Auto-completion of attributes within tags
When adding a class attribute to a div I have to do control+space to get the auto-complete list, is there a way of bringing that up automatically when adding attributes to tags?
HTML: Adding equals and quotes
When auto-completing the class attribute I then have to type the equals and quotes, can they be added automatically?
CSS: Auto-completion of property values
When I autocomplete a property, e.g. position I then have to add a space and press control+space or start typing to get the values autocomplete list. Is there a way of showing this list straight after the property autocomplete?
I've tried searching for an existing solution but can't find one, so I'm hoping there are some config files that I can amend! Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Try control + shift + p -> set syntax HTML in order to get auto-completion on html tags
also install: (streamlines package installation process)
and emmet: (makes writing html/css x times faster)
for more information on configuring sublime text you could check:
Definitively for autocompletion install first Package Control and them Emmet from the Palette Command, just search "emmet" and Enter.
If you don't have Package Control installed, do that first. Next find the Tag package through Package Control via ST2 and install it. I believe that's the one you're looking for, otherwise Emmet (Zen Coding) could be the one I'm thinking of. Either way, make sure your document syntax is set to HTML.
