kendoui - popup editing - v 2012.3.1114 - kendo-ui

When I insert a new record in popup mode, for some fields does not change the status (red triangle), the value is not updated and the data is transmitted "empty" to the webservice.
If I press "backspace", the field changes status to "modified" (red triangle) and sent to the webservice.
In the "2012.2.814" worked well.
I attach a sample program (rename png in htm)
Thank you.

if you are using the MVC wrappers, make sure you've updated the DLL. In either case, make sure you've updated all the .js files to 2012.3.1114. In our projects, we will go through the process of deleting all the kendo*.js files in the Scripts directory then replacing them with the latest versions. That also takes care of the occasionally deprecated js file. Check your layout and make sure you aren't calling them in the wrong order (if you're using MVC-4 I highly recommend using CDN and/or the bundling option).
Also update your Content and check a couple of browsers (Chrome's developer tools, Fiddler, Firebug as well) to see if there are any errors/warnings that might help explain it.
Finally, Kendo now supports jQuery 1.8.2 - the previous versions required jQuery 1.7. I found that moving to jQuery 1.8.2 gave a modest performance boost and resolved some grouping issues I was having with the Grid component.


IBM SBT extension property not working

the example code on
I can see all extensions UI being displayed, but three of four configured extension do not work
1. save in extension does not work
2. commenting in extension does not work
3. delete in extension does not work
can see errors on all three of them on developer tools
I believe this is previously answered by Francis SBT javascript library
basically the playground uses dojo layers, the controls don't work with dojo layers.
Download the Toolkit
Extract the Tomcat Instance
Point the Instance to Greenhouse (Edit Managed-Beans.xml for sbt.samples.web)
Try the Control from
Navigate to the Control and Run it.
it should work from there.

slow scrolling when using responsive bootstrap theme

I am using a bootstrap 3 template and have noticed on some that scrolling is not smooth and kind of bumpy. I am not even sure what to look for. This only happens in Chrome. It does NOT happen in Safari or Firefox.
Is this a javascript or css problem? I have never run across this before.
This seems to happen worse in Chrome for mac, but also happens in chrome for windows.
It seems to happen when I make the window smaller and then make it bigger again. If I leave the window the same size, it seems to scroll fine.
Link: --> Click Sales then resize the window in Chrome and then scroll down and then up. You will notice it is very bumpy and not smooth
:root { scroll-behavior: auto; }
Add this simple code to your custom CSS file.
"scroll-behavior" declared as "smooth" in bootstrap css/bootstrap.reboot.css.
So we need to overwrite it using our custom css.
The problem is in the jquery.nicescroll plugin that is used with the theme, the function jQuery.fn.scrollTop make the problem, it takes more than 75% from the cpu when run. my solution is :
You are using the jquery.nicescroll plugin version 3.4.0 use the latest version currently version 3.5.0 available.
If not working as expected, downgrade to version 3.2.0 I'm using it with my site without any problem.
Also check that if the hwacceleration in the Configuration parameters of the plugin is set to (default: true).
Update 1:
nicescroll plugin is a solution to have a custom scrollbars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices and to override the default scrollbars of the browser " more information her ", "you didn't see the diffrence because the plugin used in your project works when your browser window under 767px" so another solution if you don't need it you can remove the plugin from your files by following this steps:
Delete the plugin file (jquery.nicescroll.js) from your script folder.
Delete the plugin link from all your files.
Delete the plugin function lines (21 to 36), (49 to 66), (149) from (unicorn.js) file.
Update 2:
I made some tweaks for the (unicorn.js), download it from her, then replace your original one.
Hope this will help you.

What buttons have changed labels from fckeditor to ckeditor 4?

It appears that some of the button names have been changed in ckeditor version 4.
Is there a complete list of these changes?
There is a partial list here.
I'm pretty sure that names haven't been changed. If something is not working check if plugin you need is included in your build (most likely it is a standard preset) and if not:
download a full preset (which in fact does not include all plugins too, but most of them) or
add required plugins to your custom CKEditor build.
[EDIT] another useful resource is the toolbar sample shipped with CKEditor package. E.g. here's one for a standard package.

Liferay ckeditor upgrade

I'm working with Liferay version 6.1.20 but sadly in this version the ckeditor 4.0 isn't implemented yet.
Is there a way to manualy upgrade CKEditor? or is it a job that i shouldn't start because it's to much work?
I would like to manualy update the CKEditor because the plugin that i'm hooking on isn't compatible with older versions of CKEditor.
I have been looking around on the web. But there isn't any information present as far as i know. I would be nice to know if it's word trying?
Ckeditor 4.0 is included in the trunk (6.2 M4) (this can be seen in the post from Juan Fernández in the liferay forum. Don't know if it will be part of 6.1 GA3 due shortly. I'm not sure how complex it is to upgrade CKEditor. You may want to see the github pull request mentioned in Juan's post.
It looks like that Replacing the ckeditor.js file and adding all the new required files is the first step of replacing the ckeditor. Besides that it's important to change the CKeconfig.jsp and remove all the old configurations. Toolbar settings can be made. These don't seem to cause any problems.
If your working with the .on method please notice that the contentDom event is fired 2 times. Once on loaded and once when the editor is ready. I checked editor.status === "ready" to prevent this. Because it is attaching the listeners when it's not ready.. Because of this the won't work.
=== Edit ===
Still having problems. But now with the save as draft action. It's saving the data but without the Html changes i have made.. I'm making span's with special attributes. but the editor won't save them..
== Edit 2 ==
The problem was a missing CKEDITOR config tag. config.allowedContent = true; (See edit for the problem)

How to debug ExtJS in IE8

i'm trying to debug an ExtJS application using IE8 but the file ext-all-debug.js it's too big for the internal IE8 debugger and takes ages to load the code, is there any faster Javascript debugger for IE8 ? Another solution that i came up with is to include every extjs file instead of the big ext-all-debug.js but i cant't find the full list (and order) of the files merged into ext-all-debug.js
Thanks for your help
i cant't find the full list (and order) of the files merged into ext-all-debug.js
Here you go:
Search for ext-all.js.
This file is actually part of the JSBuilder tool which helps you create a custom version of ext-all.js with just the files you need.
Edit: I generated a copy-and-paste list of the 3.2.1 includes
FireBug for FireFox. You don't have to really test your application in IE8 so I suggest FireBug. If you really want to, you can use FireBug Lite. JS Lint to detect syntax problems.
