How to debug ExtJS in IE8 - debugging

i'm trying to debug an ExtJS application using IE8 but the file ext-all-debug.js it's too big for the internal IE8 debugger and takes ages to load the code, is there any faster Javascript debugger for IE8 ? Another solution that i came up with is to include every extjs file instead of the big ext-all-debug.js but i cant't find the full list (and order) of the files merged into ext-all-debug.js
Thanks for your help

i cant't find the full list (and order) of the files merged into ext-all-debug.js
Here you go:
Search for ext-all.js.
This file is actually part of the JSBuilder tool which helps you create a custom version of ext-all.js with just the files you need.
Edit: I generated a copy-and-paste list of the 3.2.1 includes

FireBug for FireFox. You don't have to really test your application in IE8 so I suggest FireBug. If you really want to, you can use FireBug Lite. JS Lint to detect syntax problems.


Creating custom builds of Mozilla Firefox

I am trying to build my own version of Firefox with slight UI changes and by adding some addons(extensions) to the build.
I have downloaded the source code from repo. Where would I start to achieve this?
Which all codes hold the UI structuring? Where do I put my addon xpi files?
PS: I tried to read the Mozilla documentation. Its either kinda outdated or I am not really getting it? A detailed insight would be much appreciated.
To do this, simply place the extensions in the distribution/extensions
directory in the application's distribution directory.
Here are the extension
Flags In firefox
Do more with themes
For Editing you may need XUL
Go here and customize every component you need

TypeScript source maps in Firefox console?

Is it possible to see TypeScript source maps in console?
I'm using Firefox Developer Edition and the Console is showing the .js line-numbers. I have a single .js file, compiled from multiple TypeScript files.
Chrome and Safari are showing the TypeScript sources correctly.
I have been trying to deal with this problem. I found an answer that works for me and have detailed it in an answer here Firefox isnt showing typescript ts source maps in the debugger
Your problem looks similar. Fundamentally it seems because FF does not handle relative paths to the .map files which are specified in your compiled javascript.

kendoui - popup editing - v 2012.3.1114

When I insert a new record in popup mode, for some fields does not change the status (red triangle), the value is not updated and the data is transmitted "empty" to the webservice.
If I press "backspace", the field changes status to "modified" (red triangle) and sent to the webservice.
In the "2012.2.814" worked well.
I attach a sample program (rename png in htm)
Thank you.
if you are using the MVC wrappers, make sure you've updated the DLL. In either case, make sure you've updated all the .js files to 2012.3.1114. In our projects, we will go through the process of deleting all the kendo*.js files in the Scripts directory then replacing them with the latest versions. That also takes care of the occasionally deprecated js file. Check your layout and make sure you aren't calling them in the wrong order (if you're using MVC-4 I highly recommend using CDN and/or the bundling option).
Also update your Content and check a couple of browsers (Chrome's developer tools, Fiddler, Firebug as well) to see if there are any errors/warnings that might help explain it.
Finally, Kendo now supports jQuery 1.8.2 - the previous versions required jQuery 1.7. I found that moving to jQuery 1.8.2 gave a modest performance boost and resolved some grouping issues I was having with the Grid component.

WkHtmlToXSharp not rendering HTML elements as soon as I change the source HTML

I have downloaded WkHtmlToXSharp (which uses WkHtmlToPdf under the hood) and opened the solution.
When I run the test given with the project - CanConvertFromFile, it gives me a nicely formatted PDF output.
But as soon as I delete even a blank space from the source HTML file ( WkHtmlToXSharp.Tests\Resources\page.xhtml) it renders only text with no HTML structure in place i.e. all text on the page is rendered as a single line.
I am finding the same problem with my dev project using WkHtmlToXSharp.
I suspect this is due to change of character encoding of the source file. Do you know what the character encoding should be? Is this an issue with WkHtmlToPdf as well?
Note: Sorry for the slightly misleading tag (WkHtmlToPdf), the site did not allow me to create tag WkHtmlToXSharp.
Many Thanks!
wkhtmltopdf assumes UTF8 as default, but there's a property (WebSettings.DefaultEncoding) which can be used to override the encoding expected.
However, your problem looks more like you are re-using a disposed instance or something similar. May you describe a bit deeper your use case.. is it an ASP.NET application? a console project? are you running under visual studio's dev web server?
I believe the cause of this is in the issue tracker on Pablo's repo. Issue #7: Only works first time
datimson commented 25 days ago
Also, for the sake of helping anyone else who might have this problem, when debugging with WkHtmlToXSharp in ASP.NET you need to stop the ASP Development server before restarting or rebuilding the application - this is what was causing my text only PDF outputs.

Multiple swf files not loading in DNN 5.X

We have run numerous tests now and it has now come down to either a DNN-SWFObject loading multiple swf files on a page or Firefox bug.
Here's the outcome we need:
Two swf files on one page:
Header.swf: which holds the nav and some bling animation.
Map.swf: which has different provinces of the country highlighted on rollover. The active province is highlighted by reading the URL via Javascript and then loaded into the Map.swf via FlashVars.
In all of our other tests in other browsers, the scenario works very well but in Firefox 3.5.3 The swf files refuse to show.
We have stripped this test down to the bare minimum, one html page scenario and embedding it the same way using SWFObject 2.2 and this works in Firefox. When it is uploaded in DNN, the swf files refuse to show.
Is there anything anyone can think of?
Many thanks,
My first thought would be the way dnn renames element ids - and are you using client ids
If you could post some code it might help to look at it or a url to look at
