Maximum number of apps that can manually deploy to Windows Phone [closed] - windows-phone-7

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have windows dev account and so I registered my WP device Nokia Lumia 710 in windows dev center to test my apps I currently building... I have Windows Phone sdk 7.1. there were some sites that you can directly download xap files of known Applications that is free in Windows phone App store. Due to high rates in Mobile GPRS (300Mb for 1 US$ in Sri Lanka and it quietly high in here) I decided to download apps manually and deploy it using "Application Deployment" in Windows Phone sdk.
I could deploy round 10 apps to my device, but after that is giving me a error saying "The maximum number of developer applications on this phone has been reached" as a solution it suggest to remove a developer app and try again.
What's the reason for this?
Thank you

The reason is to prevent what you're doing. When unlocking a phone, you're supposed to deploy only applications you've developed. In which case it is unlikely to reach the 10 apps limitation.
Now, you could argue that deploying free apps doesn't harm anyone, and I agree (except that you don't get the automatic updates). But if you can deploy free apps, you can also deploy paid apps. So I believe it's primarily to prevent piracy that Microsoft has enforced that limit.
By the way, if you want to avoid using your mobile plan, you can download and install apps directly from a desktop PC by using Zune. That way, you're still using the Marketplace, and the number of deployed apps isn't limited.


Create First App for Windows Phone [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new Windows Phone App development for A start i want you guys help .Some best tutorials to read and start and please help me how to do complete setup for this development.Please hep me .what i need to start the development process . In which languages can we start the development of Windows Phone
To begin with, WELCOME to the best mobile platform to develop for. It may not be apparent to you now but the Windows Phone has the best tools and one of the easiest languages to learn supporting it.
As a new Windows Phone Developer you will need a few things to get started:
First you will need to download if you haven't already, Visual Studio Express (or other version if you have it).
It can be found here
I would recommend downloading Visual Studio 2012 Express For Windows Phone
This should also provide you with the SDK
Once this is all installed you are ready to get developing. There is a slew of great tutorials out there on the basics of Windows Phone Development.
When you feel comfortable investing some money into your education I would HIGHLY recommend PluralSight This is a professional learning resource that provides THE BEST video training on the market.
If you want to take a cheaper approach to education then here are a few books I would recommend. 101 Windows Phone Apps and also Windows Phone 8 A Problem Solution Approach . Though not required, these books will provide you with the solid foundation you need to become a successful developer.
Finally, once you have your app complete you are going to need to get it on the market! Simply sign up for a developer account at the Windows Phone Developer Hub They will have all the instructions you need there to getting your app certified and on the market.
Congratulations again on starting in Windows Phone Development. Also welcome to Stack Overflow.
EDIT# You can find a complete tutorial on my blog
Why not start by the beggining?
Go to the official Windows Phone WebSite and learn the started Tutorial here
After you knows bases, you can read this, on the Nokia Website for developer... (with lot of tutorial...)
Windowsphone developer page:
I think you will find everything you asked there - and many many more information.
And you should begin with this:
Getting started guide

Installing wp7 app on microsoft surface tablet [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there a way to install a wp7 app in a surface tablet? I've trie running the xap file of my app but the os doesn't know what to do with it.
How can I deploy my wp7 app into a surface tablet?
I have the "Pro" edition.
If you have a Surface Pro, then you can probably try to install the WP8 SDK and then can probably try to run an emulator, and with a following wind you might eventually be able to deploy your XAP to that emulator.
But there's no way currently to run WP apps on Win8 directly.
Maybe this might come in the next release - currently rumoured to be called "Blue"
The Surface Pro runs Windows and therefore can install Windows apps. It does run Windows Phone and can't run WP7 apps.
It's not directly possible - as another poster said you could try the testing emulator. You might have more luck if it was a windows phone 8 app, because windows 8 on your surface pro is very similar to windows phone 8. A windows phone 8 app can be ported to a tablet windows store app extremely easily, but if you can't do this the emulator is your best bet.

WP7 & WP8 compatibility [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I can't find a straight answer for compatibility issues between WP7 and new WP8.
For example: what if some popular apps like facebook, twitter will be updated to WP8? Will they still work on WP7 (7.8)? Or the latest WP7-compatible version will stay in Marketplace for WP7 users and new fo WP8 will be just for WP8 users?
I'm asking because many of my friends are interested in buying Lumia 800 in great price, but they worried about limited number of apps in future.
The latest WP7-compatible version will stay in Marketplace for WP7 users
Exactly. And developers can continue to update the WP7 version of an app even when a WP8 version has been published.
If an application is compiled for Windows Phone 8, it will NOT work on Windows Phone 7.x.

Can I submit an iOS app to the Mac App store? [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I've created an iOS app that supports multiple resolutions and I'd like to submit it to the Mac App store. Can I submit the IPA to the Mac App store?
More info:
I have an iOS account that I paid $99 for. Do I also have to buy another account? I'm not using XCode.
No. OS X does not have UIKit as a native framework, so it simply won't run. You could look into The Chameleon Project from The IconFactory, which attempts to create a UIKit API compatible framework for the desktop.
If you manage to get your application into an OS X ready state, you'll need a Mac Developer account to submit it to the Mac App Store. Signup is basically identical to the signup for an iOS account, and costs the same. See for more.
It appears it will be possible,
Quote, ...There are now several app stores on desktops, mobile devices and tablets that service AIR developers including Apple App Store, Android Market, BlackBerry App World, Intel AppUp center, Samsung Apps, and Toshiba App Place...

How distribute private program to more than 100 devices? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I work in a big company and we have the enterprise count. I build a private iPhone program and successful make a enterprise distribution with ad hoc. So I can delivery the program to 100 devices without the app Store.
But someone say to me that I can delivery to a infinite number of iphone without using the app store. Is it possible?
If not, and if my program will be used to more than 100 iPhones, what can i do? What choice I have?
With or without an enterprise account, as an iOS developer you can distribute your app wirelessly via a custom webpage.
How to:
iOS Developer Library:
The 100 device limit only affects regular developer accounts.
But someone say to me that I can
delivery to a infinite number of
iphone without using the app store. Is
it possible?
Yes. The whole point of the enterprise developer program is that it lets large organizations distribute in-house apps without having to go through the App Store. You're not limited in the number of devices that you can distribute to. However, you should read the enterprise program license carefully -- I believe it contains terms that say, essentially, that you're only allowed to distribute within your organization. That is, you can't get an enterprise license and then start distributing your apps publicly.
