multiple choice answer buttons in cshmtl (Razor) - visual-studio-2010

I am developing a web application in cshtml (Razor/c# compatible html) which includes a "test section". This section has a question with 4 possible answers (only one being correct). At this point I retrieve the 4 answers from a record in a SQL database.
Then I need to set the display value of 4 different buttons to each of these values (or "assign" answers to buttons), in a randomly generated order.
(i.e. if the correct answer is in field 1 all of the time, I don't want the correct answer being the first button every time. It should move about.)
Any ideas, SO?


How to achieve customize templates option in jqgrid

I am having a grid whose configuration is placed in server for purely customizing sake where User can decide which columns he need to view and save the template.
Now if I want to have this feature present in grid whose configuration is also maintained in client side. How do I achieve it.
Pardon me if I m not clear or being a noob, I am still learning jqgrid .
Your question is too common formulated. I would recommend you to read the answer, this one and this one which shows how the user could save the state of grid and to hide some columns, to change there width or order the columns. If I understand your question correctly, then the answers will provide you the main ideas for the implementation of your requirements. You can just try the demo, make some changes in the grid and then close the demo and visit the demo once more. You will see that the hidden columns stay hidden, the order and the width of columns will stay persistent and so on.

How to insert multiple rows into embedded view from a subform? Lotus Notes

I have a section that contains a subform ( containing 3 editable fields for the user ).
Then I have an embedded view categorized having two actions: Add and Trash.
What i want to do: After the user complete the 3 fields and then press Add, the first row in the embedded view will appear. ( This easy thing I did ). But then after the first click on Add, I want that all the 3 fields to be refreshed, all of them to have as their value: "".
After, if the user wants to add another row into the embedded view (with different values), in my case it is overwrited on the 1st row. I want to be separate rows in order.
I tried something with #Command(ViewRefreshFields) into the Add action code but I didn't make it to work. Please help, J. U.
Jazir, I'm guessing that you also go by the names "Florin G Mihalache", "Josh Mitchell" and "Yveniss Ltoreau", and I've been following the development of your application along with many other professional Notes developers.
I really think you need to go back to the very first basics, and work out the difference between forms, subforms, documents, views, embedded views, and other important components of Lotus Notes databases.
I strongly suspect that for a couple of weeks you have been trying to use a form to create other documents, via a subform, to be displayed in an embedded view in that form, when what you should be using is just a view, and documents. Perhaps you might need to use pages, outlines and framesets. It is very important that you understand these basic concepts before confusing the people who have tried to help you, to whom you may have lied.
I have voted your question down, not just because you have shown a lack of research, but because you appear to keep switching ID when people lose patience with you. I will undo that vote if I become convinced that you are not Florin.
The documents displayed in an embedded view are controlled by the view's selection formula. You haven't shown that. You haven't shown your code in the Add button. You haven't shown what properties you have set on the embedded view -- e.g., show single category. So you're not giving us quite enough info to diagnose your problem and help you.
But in general, I think that if you want to control the order of insertion of individual documents into an embedded list, perhaps using an embedded folder would be a better idea than an embedded view.

People Picker for MVC3

I am looking for People Picker Control similar to SharePoint one for MVC3 applications.
Can you please suggest if there are any such controls available?
What is the best approach to pick the people from AD in MVC3?
Requirement: On one of the Views, I need to select a user from AD.
I was thinking about People Picker kind of control.
I know this is quite old so I doubt you still need this answered but perhaps it will be useful to someone else.
Just last week I had to build a control like does this for us. It's basically two main parts, a JSON service that accepts partial text and returns a list of suggestions and the HTML/CSS/jQuery+UI control.
The service is pretty straightforward so we'll skip over that here.
I'm in the process of doing a write-up on the web side but basically we wrapped the jQuery autocomplete with some custom CSS to make an input that is similar to the address line in GMail. This was done by styling a container div to look like a long input field. The actual input field is within that container and styled to be essentially invisible. Clicking in the container moves focus to the input box. Upon selecting a suggested name, I create a new container to insert before the 'cloaked' autocomplete input which contains the user name and a hidden input with our desired value to send along when the form is submitted. I had to do some other overloads on the autocomplete to get it to act consistently but essentially this is all there was to it.
The control looks at the container for a data-input-name attribute to figure out what 'name' to set the hidden inputs to when they are created with each user pick. When the form is submitted the default model binder rolls all the users of a particular picker (since you can have multiple on a page) into string arrays of the values - assuming your model has string array properties with the same name as used by the input controls - which we can then process on the server side.
By far the hardest part was figuring out the right HTML + CSS to get the look and feel right. I'm not a very strong UI person so this took me forever and still falls down in Chrome which seems to add an accent around input boxes even with (or because of?) styles which make it blend into the parent control.
For our purposes it's been working great over the last week.
UPDATE: It's now on GitHub with a Demo.

How to design this page in razor world

In MVC-3/Razor, I need to create a page which will have five set of controls. Each set will have a drop-down and a text box. User will select an option from drop-down and then provide some feedback on text box.
When the view is shown very first time, I only have to enable controls in first set. Whereas all controls in 4 other sets should be disabled. Once user perform action in first set of controls (select optino from drop-down and enter in text box), the second set should become enable now, whereas other set of controls should still be disbaled. The data shown in this second drop-down is dependent upon what user has selected in first drop-down. Once user complete action in this second set, the data in third drop-down will depend upon whatever user selected in first and second drop-down etc.
I am a web-form aspx developer and not sure what will be the best way of designing this in MVC-razor world (because there is not view state etc).
Step 1)
What needs to be clarified is what will cause the other “sets” to be enabled?
Is it after the user has selected an item in the dropdown
Is it after they have entered some text in the textbox?
What also needs to be clarified is if you have a dropdown AND a textbox are they both enabled at the same time or is the textbox only enabled after you’ve selected an item in the dropdown?
Once you’ve got that figured out, move on to the next step.
Step 2)
Do the users need to visually see the 4 sets from the beginning (disabling the 3 other sets) or can you simply show the other sets (on the fly) once the previous one has been successfully filled?
Depending on the answers, this may vary your approach.
As for me, the way I’d do it is simply have/show one set that loads at the beginning.
Once the user has selected an item from the dropdown, I would make an AJAX call passing along the selected item and get back a list of values for the second dropdown.
Then, using jQuery, I would duplicate the row (or div) of the first set all while changing the values in the second dropdown box.
Repeat process for when an item is selected in the second dropdown.
But wait! There’s more!!!
Let’s assume you’ve reached the third set. What if the user decides to change the value in the first dropdown? What are your requirements if that happens? Should you remove all other sets and start back at square one? I guess so…
Since we are not aware of the full set of specs for your tasks, we can only assume stuff and this may (or not) be the best path to take.
Duplicating a row (or a div) using jQuery is quite fun and performance wise, it’s nice.
Keep in mind, you will have to give a different ID to your controls (dropdown + textbox) so when you submit the form, you could use the FormCollection to get those dynamically generated controls.

Different layout for 1st and rest pages of report

I currently have a detailed report to design:
A report which has different header-footer-detail for the first and rest of the pages. I tried to overcome the challange by using 2 Master Pages (not quite achieved anything yet) but I am stuck at the point which row count of 1st and rest of the pages... 1st page has 20 rest of the pages have 35 rows. Namely the question is:
"How can I set different pagebreak intervals for the table for each page?"
PS: BIRT version: 3.7
Edit: I've tried to create a group on row number and put a filter on row number to maintain flow between 2 different tables but no luck. (It didnt make real sense to put row filter but tried anyway :))
What you may need to do in the body section of your report is create a grid of one column and two rows. In the advanced properties for the upper cell, look under the section property for the Master Page setting, set that value equal to the name of your first master page. Place your report contents in that cell and set the master page references to your first master page as well. Repeat this for the second cell and references to the second page. Your table(s) have an advanced property for page break interval that you can adjust to control how many rows go on a page.
However if you want your table data to flow continuously from the first page into the second page and onward, I am not sure if this is possible but will update my answer if I find a way.
