Different layout for 1st and rest pages of report - birt

I currently have a detailed report to design:
A report which has different header-footer-detail for the first and rest of the pages. I tried to overcome the challange by using 2 Master Pages (not quite achieved anything yet) but I am stuck at the point which row count of 1st and rest of the pages... 1st page has 20 rest of the pages have 35 rows. Namely the question is:
"How can I set different pagebreak intervals for the table for each page?"
PS: BIRT version: 3.7
Edit: I've tried to create a group on row number and put a filter on row number to maintain flow between 2 different tables but no luck. (It didnt make real sense to put row filter but tried anyway :))

What you may need to do in the body section of your report is create a grid of one column and two rows. In the advanced properties for the upper cell, look under the section property for the Master Page setting, set that value equal to the name of your first master page. Place your report contents in that cell and set the master page references to your first master page as well. Repeat this for the second cell and references to the second page. Your table(s) have an advanced property for page break interval that you can adjust to control how many rows go on a page.
However if you want your table data to flow continuously from the first page into the second page and onward, I am not sure if this is possible but will update my answer if I find a way.


Telerik Reporting: Repeat a page containing 2 graphs and a table

I need to build a report (in Visual Studio) that takes an ObjectDataSource, and groups the data into separate pages. Each page needs to contain 2 graphs and a table that deal with that particular group of data.
How can I approach this? There is some documentation on page breaks on groups in a table, but my pages need to contain charts as well. Is there a demo that shows how to build what I need?
Eventually I will also need to add this report into a ReportBook, but first things first.
If I understand your question correctly this should be straightforward:
Create a new report
Add a group definition to group the data into the two distinct groups that you want to display. [Careful here because if you don't define your groups correctly, you could end up with more than 2 pages] Use a Boolean or "greater than" and "less than or equal" (or vice versa) are your best bets.
Size the Group Details section to be the size of the page you want (8.5"x11" or whatever fits on "one page")
Insert a Panel into the Group Details section and expand it to be the same size as the Group Details section
Anchor the panel to all sides, and set the CanGrow and CanShrink properties to "false"
Inside the Panel add your Graphs and Table and bind to the grouped data
Set the Page Break property of the Group Footer to: "After" to separate the data into two pages

Elements between page breaks after each tabular row in BIRT

I have a report design where I have to display each row of a table in separate pages as header and on each page I need to display separate body. In BIRT, if I set the page break property for table as always, I can see the data on separate pages but I am not able to insert other elements in between these rows. Is it possible?
You have to add multiple Detail rows. In first you'll have what you have recently, in second you can put whatever you like, just treat it as a grid.

Multiple detail rows and page breaks on report

I have a problem with a rdlc page breaking and table with multiple detail rows. Tried everything that crossed my mind, none works.
As you can see on the picture below, the table has 7 detail rows.
Now, when report is rendered, the page gets spitted between, for example, rows 2 and 3 which is bad.
I wish to keep all of detail rows (that belong to one record) on the same page. How can I accomplish this?
I think you should create a group based on whatever joins the one record together, let's call it PlaceID. So right click, Add Group, choose what to group by.
Then, under the row groups you should have a group by PlaceID, and underneath that, a row marked "Details". Highlight Details in the lower section, which should highlight in the report the rows involved. Set the KeepTogether property of that section to True, should keep details on the same page.
If you don't want to use the Group option mentioned by Jerry, this option in the Table Properties may help...

Google Spreadsheets: Working with data inserted from forms across tabs

I'm in great need of help. I've a form which asks basic questions and puts the results into rows of an existing spreadsheet.
Specific data from those responses are "promoted" to 2nd, 3rd and 4th tabs based on IF formulas on tabs 2+ checking the value of a pull down selection on in the corresponding row on each previous tab. (Waterfall)
My challenge is - forms data is inserted into a new row (Does not use existing) and if I set the pulldown value to "Approved" on the first tab, the formulas on the second tab which were contiguous now skip the row where the form data was automatically entered.
I suspect I need to learn how to properly use ArrayFormula, etc, but have not managed to fix this looking at existing examples combined with my IF statements.
Help is appreciated. Sample is here. Safe to ignore the first and last tabs.
Thank you.
You can try using an open-ended range with ArrayFormula. For example, the formula on "2-Pipeline" in cell D3 could be:
=arrayformula(IF('1-IdeasReceived'!U2:U="Approved",'1-IdeasReceived'!L2:L, ))
The ranges U2:U and L2:L should pick up all rows in those columns, even after you've had forms submitted.
Since this is an ArrayFormula over column ranges, you only need it in cell D3; it will inject CONTINUE formulas down the rest of the column.
Warning: Your spreadsheet is combining dynamic row content (e.g. pulled from another sheet) with static content (e.g. "Environment, Health & Safety" column on "2-Pipeline" sheet). This is bound to result in misalignment if rows are added or deleted in the middle of the source data.

Using a Grid Element in a Sub-Table cell causes a page break to be added to PDF export

Currently, my report is set up with a Child table placed in a row of a Parent table. Each row of the child table has a Grid element that allows me to have more control over the format of the report. There are several fields in the child report with varying field lengths so a Field per Column of the report won't work. Note that I am only setting the data source of the Tables, not of the grid elements.
This works when rendering to HTML, however, when rendering to a PDF file a page break appears just before the row containing the child page.
Things I have tried to resolve the issue with:
Setting page breaks to "Avoid"
Setting the page break interval to something high
Tested with 2.6.2 and 3.7.2. 4.2 currently will not run on my machine.
When you using a column for each field in the table instead of a Grid element in a single cell, the problem goes away but this is undesirable as there are multiple fields with varying field lengths. Merging multiple cells to make room for the different lengths does work, but it can become unruly when you need to change the report format.
The size of the grid/table does not matter - this happens even when I am only using a couple fields from the data set.
After some more experimentation, I found out that if I remove all Detail Rows of the Parent table that are before the Child Table row, the report is created properly. Unfortunately I need to have rows of information ahead of the Child Table so this does not solve the issue.
Does anyone have a solution?
