How to remove Installanywhere installation from registry - installation

I'm trying to install a tool that was packaged by installanywhere,
The installation doesn't start because the install is detecting a previous version of this toll.
I removed any installation of that tool from: "Add\remove program"
and removed any folders containing this tool , But I can still see it's registered in the Registry.
How can I remove it from there so I can install my tool?

I managed to find this tool,
Which is great for uninstalling:
Revo Uninstaller Pro


How to upgrade pgAdmin 4 on windows?

I installed pgAdmin 4 as part of the postgres installer for Windows. pgAdmin is now telling me there is a newer version (4.8, > 4.5 which I have). However, there is no built in upgrade functionality that I can see, and when I went to download and run the pgAdmin 4 installer to upgrade, it installed itself in the wrong place, leading to problems.
At first I tried installing it to the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4), which was incorrect, because the previous installation (from the postgres installer) went to a different location (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4).
The second time, I pointed it to my existing install of postgres (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4), but it installed itself to a subdirectory there instead (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\v4), rather than upgrading the existing installation, once again yielding to duplicated installations and problems arising from that. I assume if I go download the postgres installer, it will just reinstall version 4.5 of pgAdmin, though I have not tested this.
What is the correct method for upgrading a pgAdmin instance originally installed by the postgres Windows installer?
I think the best option is to go to Program and files -> Select PostgreSQL and "Uninstall".
Uninstaller will ask you if you want to uninstall the whole application or only individual components. Select individual components and then select pgAdmin.
This will uninstall pgAdmin from PostgreSQL directory.
From now, install the latest version pgAdmin only from official website which will install it into: C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4
If you Download the installer from here
It should automatically install the 4.8 version in (C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4)
overwriting any existing 4.x version but keeping your server connections and setting.
In your case, the previous install was in a different place, therefore, you ended up having 2 versions.
What I suggest to you is go to control panel and uninstall from there all the versions you have. After that go to the above link, download and install the v4.8 in the default location. Every time there is a new version available just install it and let the installer install it on the default location.
Please note that your pgadmin server connections can be found in %appdata%\pgAdmin.
Note that I have personally just upgraded from v4.5 to v4.8 using this method (installing it in the default location) and it worked like a charm.
Not sure the best approach here.
If you update directly pgadmin from: the installation goes into
"C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4\runtime\pgAdmin4.exe"
Wheras the installation of the whole EnterpriseDB Installer from: is installed here:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\bin\pgAdmin4.exe"
This looks like a wholly undesirable conflict? And leads to the problem identified by #Anomaly ?
To anyone finding this post (like me), before uninstalling your current pgAdmin 4, be aware that there may be limits on compatible versions based on your version of PostgreSQL. Following the instructions by Claudio Corchez, I removed my existing pgAdmin 4 and downloaded the latest 6.15. When I attempted to install it, the installer informed me that this version was not compatible with my version of PostgreSQL 10.3. So, I headed back and downloaded 4.30, which is now running. Unfortunately, it warns me each time I run it that a newer version is available. I just need to upgrade my entire PostgreSQL installation.
I had the same issue previously, and had to manually select the path.
Apparently now (v. 4.25) it auto-detects the path and updates correctly.
I had to download from the website, there was no update button embedded in pgAdmin itself

How do I install XAMPP to another directory on Windows 10?

I'm having the hardest time installing XAMPP on C:\Development\xampp on Windows 10. I would like my C drive to be as clean as possible so I'm moving as many dev tools to the Development folder as I can to achieve this. I get an error towards the end of the XAMPP installation about a problem running the post-install step. It then suggests I install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, which I already have the 2012 version installed. Originally XAMPP was installed on C:\ with no problems.
How do I install XAMPP to the above directory or any directory other than C:\?
I have tried installing XAMPP portable and now receive the following error
I'm no longer on Windows so I can't re-test, but as I recall, the easiest way I managed this was to use the portable version of xampp.
Make sure to run the shell setup script so that it recognizes it's location properly.
You can get it from Apache Friends
Or from

When installing Appcelerator CLI, appc setup command throws error

I am trying to install the appcelerator cli but keep running into an issue that I haven't been able to find a fix for.
When running the "appc setup" command I get the error "cannot find module 'C:\cyclic.js'"
link to full screen capture of error
I am running windows 7 64 bit and am following the directions here
*Edit: If you are facing this same issue. Uninstall Node, and Appcelerator. Then make sure you install JDK 32 Bit (if using windows). DELETE the NPM and Appcelerator folders in your C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\ directory. Then reinstall Node (I had success with 32 bit) and the Appcelerator CLI. That worked for me.
Hello make sure you have node.js and JDK installed and environment variable set properly. For reference!/guide/Installation_and_Configuration. Now, As you already tried "appc setup". You need to delete all cache of previous installation try and try reinstalling again. Run,
sudo rm -rf ~/.appcelerator
sudo npm uninstall -g appcelerator
appc use latest
appc setup
To setup the Appcelerator CLI, install Node.js, install the appcelerator module using the NPM CLI, then run the appc setup command to download and setup the latest CLI package. You can follow the guide here. Also you can check this link, if you experience an issue installing any of the npm packages.
If still not solved, I suggest you to start from scratch. I see you work on Windows, true?:
Remove install of NodeJS from "Uninstall programms" of control pannel
Remove install of Appcelerator from "Uninstall programms" of control pannel
Remove any folder from C:\Program Files or your user's folder referencing "node" "npm" or similar.
Go to your user's folder and remove any .app or .appcelerator folder (could be hidden, so look it well)
Don't forget to look in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming (probably will be hidden)
Now you have only Java JDK installed (I'm using 1.8).
Proceed with a new appcelerator.EXE install, it must detect that you don't have Node and will download by itself the proper Node version.

OSX - Uninstall older version of an existing application

I have created an application with node webkit. I packaged and distributed the first mac version of it. I am about to distribute the next version of the same. I want an installer or something similar to Inno Setup for windows which would help me uninstall the previous version of my application and install the newer version.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I assume that you have packed your app in a DMG to release the first version. If you need to do a cleanup on the existing installation, you can use a PKG-DMG combination. PKG allows you to have pre-install/post install scripts. You can do your uninstallation/cleanup via these scripts.
Packages is a tool that can help you create a PKG file. If you want to automate this, you can use command line pkgutil. You can add the PKG directly to DMG instead of app.

How to uninstall Trac on Windows?

I installed Trac on Windows 7 using Trac-1.0.1.win32.exe.
How do I cleanly uninstall this? My reason for uninstalling is that I installed it with Python 3.4, and then discovered that it actually requires Python 2.7. So I would like to remove the existing install, and re-install it for Python 2.7 .
Nothing appears for Trac in the Windows 7 "Add/Remove Programs" area. There is a program RemoveTrac.exe that was created under the Python34 directory, however when I run that it pops up a MessageBox with title Runtime Error and text This program is normally started by windows, and it does not uninstall.
I'm not sure but to me it seems that installer just checks your environment, detects some pathes and sets them in the installed Trac environment. Trac should be on top of Python and SVN. So likely, you can just remove the installed Trac directory.
