Sentinel values for the first iteration of a loop? - algorithm

Imagine the following pseudocode
objects[i], 1 <= i <= n
objects[0] = 0
for i from 1 to n
if(objects[i] - objects[i-1] > constant)
do something
I'd like to know if there's a specific name for the assignment objects[0] = 0.
I know that when values like these are used to stop loops, they are called sentinel values.
In this case, however, I'm using it so that the first object evaluated (objects[1]) will have something to compare against - obviously, objects[0] is not a real object, just sort of a flag. Is it still called a sentinel value? Is there another name for this? Or should I not be doing this at all?
Let me know if I haven't made myself clear and I should try to explain my question in another way.

Cormen et al. writes in Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.) on page 238:
A sentinel is a dummy object that allows us to simplify boundary
This definition is broad enough to account for your usage (e.g. sentinel values of infinity are used in CLRS to simplify the merge routine of mergesort).

I've always called it a "sentinel" whether at the beginning or the end, and haven't yet been fired for that.


Is this a correct way to think about recursivity in programming? (example)

I've been trying to learn what recursion in programming is, and I need someone to confirm whether I have thruly understood what it is.
The way I'm trying to think about it is through collision-detection between objects.
Let's say we have a function. The function is called when it's certain that a collision has occured, and it's called with a list of objects to determine which object collided, and with what object it collided with. It does this by first confirming whether the first object in the list collided with any of the other objects. If true, the function returns the objects in the list that collided. If false, the function calls itself with a shortened list that excludes the first object, and then repeats the proccess to determine whether it was the next object in the list that collided.
This is a finite recursive function because if the desired conditions aren't met, it calls itself with a shorter and shorter list to until it deductively meets the desired conditions. This is in contrast to a potentially infinite recursive function, where, for example, the list it calls itself with is not shortened, but the order of the list is randomized.
So... is this correct? Or is this just another example of iteration?
Edit: I was fortunate enough to get three VERY good answers by #rici, #Evan and #Jack. They all gave me valuable insight on this, in both technical and practical terms from different perspectives. Thank you!
Any iteration can be expressed recursively. (And, with auxiliary data structures, vice versa, but not so easily.)
I would say that you are thinking iteratively. That's not a bad thing; I don't say it to criticise. Simply, your explanation is of the form "Do this and then do that and continue until you reach the end".
Recursion is a slightly different way of thinking. I have some problem, and it's not obvious how to solve it. But I observe that if I knew the answer to a simpler problem, I could easily solve the problem at hand. And, moreover, there are some very simple problems which I can solve directly.
The recursive solution is based on using a simpler (smaller, fewer, whatever) problem to solve the problem at hand. How do I find out which pairs of objects in a set of objects collide?
If the set has fewer than 2 elements, there are no pairs. That's the simplest problem, and it has an obvious solution: the empty set.
Otherwise, I select some object. All colliding pairs either include this object, or they don't. So that gives me two subproblems.
The set of collisions which don't involve the selected object is obviously the same problem which I started with, but with a smaller set. So I've replaced this part of the problem with a smaller problem. That's one recursion.
But I also need the set of objects which the selected object collides with (which might be an empty set). That's a simpler problem, because now one element of each pair is known. I can solve that problem recursively as well:
I need the set of pairs which include the object X and a set S of objects.
If the set is empty, there are no pairs. Simple.
Otherwise, I choose some element from the set. Then I find all the collisions between X and the rest of the set (a simpler but otherwise identical problem).
If there is a collision between X and the selected element, I add that to the set I just found.
Then I return the set.
Technically speaking, you have the right mindset of how recursion works.
Practically speaking, you would not want to use recursion for an instance such as the one you described above. Reasons being is that every recursive call adds to the stack (which is finite in size), and recursive calls are expensive on the processor, with enough objects you are going to run into some serious bottle-necking on a large application. With enough recursive calls, you would result with a stack overflow, which is exactly what you would get in "infinite recursion". You never want something to infinitely recurse; it goes against the fundamental principal of recursion.
Recursion works on two defining characteristics:
A base case can be defined: It is possible to eventually reach 0 or 1 depending on your necessity
A general case can be defined: The general case is continually called, reducing the problem set until your base case is reached.
Once you have defined both cases, you can define a recursive solution.
The point of recursion is to take a very large and difficult-to-solve problem and continually break it down until it's easy to work with.
Once our base case is reached, the methods "recurse-out". This means they bounce backwards, back into the function that called it, bringing all the data from the functions below it!
It is at this point that our operations actually occur.
Once the original function is reached, we have our final result.
For example, let's say you want the summation of the first 3 integers. The first recursive call is passed the number 3.
public factorial(num) {
//Base case
if (num == 1) {
return 1;
//General case
return num + factorial(num-1);
Walking through the function calls:
factorial(3); //Initial function call
factorial(1) + factorial(2) + factorial(3) = returned value
This gives us a result of 6!
Your scenario seems to me like iterative programming, but your function is simply calling itself as a way of continuing its comparisons. That is simply re-tasking your function to be able to call itself with a smaller list.
In my experience, a recursive function has more potential to branch out into multiple 'threads' (so to speak), and is used to process information the same way the hierarchy in a company works for delegation; The boss hands a contract down to the managers, who divide up the work and hand it to their respective staff, the staff get it done, and had it back to the managers, who report back to the boss.
The best example of a recursive function is one that iterates through all files on a file system. ( I will do this in pseudo code because it works in all languages).
function find_all_files (directory_name)
- Check the given directory name for sub-directories within it
- for each sub-directory
find_all_files(directory_name + subdirectory_name)
- Check the given directory for files
- Do your processing of the filename; it is located at directory_name + filename
You use the function by calling it with a directory path as the parameter. The first thing it does is, for each subdirectory, it generates a value of the actual path to the subdirectory and uses it as a value to call find_all_files() with. As long as there are sub-directories in the given directory, it will keep calling itself.
Now, when the function reaches a directory that contains only files, it is allowed to proceed to the part where it process the files. Once done that, it exits, and returns to the previous instance of itself that is iterating through directories.
It continues to process directories and files until it has completed all iterations and returns to the main program flow where you called the original instance of find_all_files in the first place.
One additional note: Sometimes global variables can be handy with recursive functions. If your function is merely searching for the first occurrence of something, you can set an "exit" variable as a flag to "stop what you are doing now!". You simply add checks for the flag's status during any iterations you have going on inside the function (as in the example, the iteration through all the sub-directories). Then, when the flag is set, your function just exits. Since the flag is global, all generations of the function will exit and return to the main flow.

suggestions on constructing nested statements properly

I am having trouble constructing my own nested selection statements (ifs) and repetition statements (for loops, whiles and do-whiles). I can understand what most simple repetition and selection statements are doing and although it takes me a bit longer to process what the nested statements are doing I can still get the general gist of the code (keeping count of the control variables and such). However, the real problem comes down to the construction of these statements, I just can't for the life of me construct my own statements that properly aligns with the pseudo-code.
I'm quite new to programming in general so I don't know if this is an experience thing or I just genuinely lack a very logical mind. It is VERY demoralising when it takes me a about an hour to complete 1 question in a book when I feel like it should just take a fraction of the time.
Can you people give me some pointers on how I can develop proper nested selection and repetition statements?
First of all, you need to understand this:
An if statement defines behavior for when **a decision is made**.
A loop (for, while, do-while) signifies **repetitive (iterative) work being done** (such as counting things).
Once you understand these, the next step, when confronted with a problem, is to try to break that problem up in small, manageable components:
i.e. decisions, that provide you with the possible code paths down the way,
and various work you need to do, much of which will end up being repetitive,
hence the need for one or more loops.
For instance, say we have this simple problem:
Given a positive number N, if N is even, count (display numbers) from
0(zero) to N in steps of 2, if N is odd, count from 0 to N in steps of
First, let's break up this problem.
Step 1: Get the value of N. For this we don't need any decision, simply get it using the preferred method (from file, read console, etc.)
Step 2: Make a decision: is N odd or even?
Step 3: According to the decision made in Step 2, do work (count) - we will iterate from 0 to N, in steps of 1 or 2, depending on N's parity, and display the number at each step.
Now, we code:
//read N
int N;
//make decision, get the 'step' value
int step=0;
if (N % 2 == 0) step = 2;
else step = 1;
//do the work
for (int i=0; i<=N; i=i+step)
cout >> i >> endl;
These principles, in my opinion, apply to all programming problems, although of course, usually it is not so simple to discern between concepts.
Actually, the complicated phase is usually the problem break-up. That is where you actually think.
Coding is just translating your thinking so the computer can understand you.

for loop and if statement positioning efficiency

I'm doing some simple logic with for loop and if statement, and I was wondering which of the following two positioning is better, or whether there is a significant performance difference between the two.
Case 1:
if condition-is-true:
for loop of length n:
common code
do this
another for loop of length n
common code
do that
Case 2:
for loop of length n:
common code
if condition-is-true:
do this
do that
Basically, I have a for loop that needs to be executed slightly differently based on a condition, but there is certain stuff that needs to happen in the for loop no matter what. I would prefer the second one because I don't have to repeat the commond code twice, but I'm wondering if case 1 would perform significantly better?
I know in terms of big-O notation it doesn't really matter because the if-else statement is a constant anyway, but I'm wondering realistically on a dataset that is not way too big (maybe n = a few thousands), if the two cases make a difference.
Thank you!
First one is good one because there is no need to check the condition every time but in second case you have to check the condition on very iteration. But your length of code will be long . If code size matters then put the common code into the method and just call the method instead of block of common code.

Expectation Maximization Reestimation

Typically, the re-estimation iterative procedure stops when - lambda is less than some epsilon value.
How exactly does one determine this epsilon value? I often only see is written as the general epsilon symbol in papers, and never the actual value used, which I assume would change depending on the data.
So, for instance, if the lambda value of my first iteration was 5*10^-22, second iteration was 1.3*10^-15, third was 8.45*10^-15, fourth was 1.65*10^-14, etc., how would I determine when the algorithm needed no more iteratons?
Moreover, what if I were to apply the same alogrithm to a different datset? would I need to change my epsilon definitions?
Sorry for the long question. Pretty puzzled by it... :)
"how would I determine when the algorithm needed no more iteratons?"
When you get a "good-enough" result within a reasonable amount of time. ;-)
"Moreover, what if I were to apply the same alogrithm to a different datset? would I need to
change my epsilon definitions?"
Yes, most probably.
If you can afford it, you can just let it iterate until the updated value <= the old value (it could be < due to floating point error). I would be inclined to go with this until I ran out of patience or cpu budget.

How does a finite state machine perform division?

I am taking a course on models of computation and currently we are doing finite state machines. One my tasks is to draw out a FSM that performs division of 3; to simplify the model the machine only accepts numbers multiple of 3. I am not sure how this exactly works, especially since I imagine FSM putting out only single binary values. Could you guys give examples (division by 2 or 4) or hints on how to approach this?
This is what you need, I think (sorry about the bad picture). The 'E' represents epsilon/lambda/no-output. The label of the edges denotes 'input/output'. For each symbol read there is also a corresponding output which may be lambda (no output).
