suggestions on constructing nested statements properly - nested-loops

I am having trouble constructing my own nested selection statements (ifs) and repetition statements (for loops, whiles and do-whiles). I can understand what most simple repetition and selection statements are doing and although it takes me a bit longer to process what the nested statements are doing I can still get the general gist of the code (keeping count of the control variables and such). However, the real problem comes down to the construction of these statements, I just can't for the life of me construct my own statements that properly aligns with the pseudo-code.
I'm quite new to programming in general so I don't know if this is an experience thing or I just genuinely lack a very logical mind. It is VERY demoralising when it takes me a about an hour to complete 1 question in a book when I feel like it should just take a fraction of the time.
Can you people give me some pointers on how I can develop proper nested selection and repetition statements?

First of all, you need to understand this:
An if statement defines behavior for when **a decision is made**.
A loop (for, while, do-while) signifies **repetitive (iterative) work being done** (such as counting things).
Once you understand these, the next step, when confronted with a problem, is to try to break that problem up in small, manageable components:
i.e. decisions, that provide you with the possible code paths down the way,
and various work you need to do, much of which will end up being repetitive,
hence the need for one or more loops.
For instance, say we have this simple problem:
Given a positive number N, if N is even, count (display numbers) from
0(zero) to N in steps of 2, if N is odd, count from 0 to N in steps of
First, let's break up this problem.
Step 1: Get the value of N. For this we don't need any decision, simply get it using the preferred method (from file, read console, etc.)
Step 2: Make a decision: is N odd or even?
Step 3: According to the decision made in Step 2, do work (count) - we will iterate from 0 to N, in steps of 1 or 2, depending on N's parity, and display the number at each step.
Now, we code:
//read N
int N;
//make decision, get the 'step' value
int step=0;
if (N % 2 == 0) step = 2;
else step = 1;
//do the work
for (int i=0; i<=N; i=i+step)
cout >> i >> endl;
These principles, in my opinion, apply to all programming problems, although of course, usually it is not so simple to discern between concepts.
Actually, the complicated phase is usually the problem break-up. That is where you actually think.
Coding is just translating your thinking so the computer can understand you.


Factorial using recursion(backtracking vs a new approach)

I am trying to learn recursion. for the starting problem of it , which is calculating factorial of a number I have accomplished it using two methods.
the first one being the normal usual approach.
the second one i have tried to do something different.
in the second one i return the value of n at the end rather than getting the starting value as in the first one which uses backtracking.
my question is that does my approach has any advantages over backtracking?
if asked to chose which one would be a better solution?
//first one is ,
ll factorial(int n)
return 1 ;
return n*factorial(n-1) ;
int main()
factorial(25) ;
return 0 ;
// second one is ,
ll fact(ll i,ll n)
if(i==0)return n ;
int main()
int n ;
cin>>n ;
cout<<fact(n,1) ;
return 0 ;
// ll is long long int
First of all I want to point out that premature optimization at the expense of readibility is almost always a mistake, especially when the need for optimization comes from intuition and not from measurements.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%" - Donald Knuth
But let's say we care about the 3% in this case, because all our program ever does is compute lots of factorials. To keep it short: You will never be smarter than the compiler.
If this seems slightly crazy then this definitely applies to you and you should stop thinking about 'micromanaging/optimizing your code'. If you are a very skilled C++ programmer this will still apply to you in most cases, but you will recognize the opportunities to help your compiler out.
To back this up with some fact, we can compile the code (with automatic optimization) and (roughly) compare the assembly output. I will use the wonderful website
Don't be discouraged by the crazy assembler code, we don't need to understand it. But we can see that both methods
are basically the same length when compiled as assembler code
contain almost the same instructions
So to recap, readability should be your number one priority. In case a speed measurement shows that this one part of your code really is a big performance problem, really think about if you can make a change that structurally improves the algorithm (i.e. by decreasing the complexity). Otherwise your compiler will take care of it for you.

Are boolean operations slower than mathematical operations in loops?

I really tried to find something about this kind of operations but I don't find specific information about my question... It's simple: Are boolean operations slower than typical math operations in loops?
For example, this can be seen when working with some kind of sorting. The method will make an iteration and compare X with Y... But is this slower than a summatory or substraction loop?
Boolean comparisons
for(int i=1; i<Vector.Length; i++) if(Vector[i-1] < Vector[i])
Versus summation:
Double sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<Vector.Length; i++) sum += Vector[i];
(Talking about big length loops)
Which is faster for the processor to complete?
Do booleans require more operations in order to return "true" or "false" ?
Short version
There is no correct answer because your question is not specific enough (the two examples of code you give don't achieve the same purpose).
If your question is:
Is bool isGreater = (a > b); slower or faster than int sum = a + b;?
Then the answer would be: It's about the same unless you're very very very very very concerned about how many cycles you spend, in which case it depends on your processor and you need to read its documentation.
If your question is:
Is the first example I gave going to iterate slower or faster than the second example?
Then the answer is: It's going to depend primarily on the values the array contains, but also on the compiler, the processor, and plenty of other factors.
Longer version
On most processors a boolean operation has no reason to significantly be slower or faster than an addition: both are basic instructions, even though comparison may take two of them (subtracting, then comparing to zero). The number of cycles it takes to decode the instruction depends on the processor and might be different, but a few cycles won't make a lot of difference unless you're in a critical loop.
In the example you give though, the if condition could potentially be harmful, because of instruction pipelining. Modern processors try very hard to guess what the next bunch of instructions are going to be so they can pre-fetch them and treat them in parallel. If there is branching, the processor doesn't know if it will have to execute the then or the else part, so it guesses based on the previous times.
If the result of your condition is the same most of the time, the processor will likely guess it right and this will go well. But if the result of the condition keeps changing, then the processor won't guess correctly. When such a branch misprediction happens, it means it can just throw away the content of the pipeline and do it all over again because it just realized it was moot. That. does. hurt.
You can try it yourself: measure the time it takes to run your loop over a million elements when they are of same, increasing, decreasing, alternating, or random value.
Which leads me to the conclusion: processors have become some seriously complex beasts and there is no golden answers, just rules of thumb, so you need to measure and profile. You can read what other people did measure though to get an idea of what you should or should not do.
Have fun experimenting. :)

Faster way of testing a condition in MATLAB

I need to run many many tests of the form a<0 where a is a vector (a relatively short one). I am currently doing it with
Is there a faster way?
Not sure which one will be faster (that may depend on the machine and Matlab version), but here are some alternatives to all(v<0):
nnz(v>=0)==0 %// Or ~nnz(v>=0)
sum(v>=0)==0 %// Or ~sum(v>=0)
isempty(find(v>0, 1)) %// Or isempty(find(v>0))
I think the issue is that the conditional is executed on all elements of the array first, then the condition is tested... That is, for the test "any(v<0)", matlab does the following I believe:
Step 1: compute v<0 for every element of v
Step 2: search through the results of step 1 for a true value
So even if the first element of v is less than zero, the conditional was first computed for all elements, hence wasting a lot of time. I think this is also true for any of the alternative solutions offered above.
I don't know of a faster way to do it easily, but wish I did. In some cases, breaking the array v up into smaller chunks and testing incrementally could speed things up, particularly if the condition is common. For example:
function result = anyLessThanZero(v);
w = v(:);
result = true;
for i=1:numel(w)
if ( w(i) < 0 )
result = false;
but that can be very inefficient if the condition is rare. (If you were to really do this, there is probably a better way than I illustrate above to handle any condition, not just <0, but I show it this way to make it clear).

for loop and if statement positioning efficiency

I'm doing some simple logic with for loop and if statement, and I was wondering which of the following two positioning is better, or whether there is a significant performance difference between the two.
Case 1:
if condition-is-true:
for loop of length n:
common code
do this
another for loop of length n
common code
do that
Case 2:
for loop of length n:
common code
if condition-is-true:
do this
do that
Basically, I have a for loop that needs to be executed slightly differently based on a condition, but there is certain stuff that needs to happen in the for loop no matter what. I would prefer the second one because I don't have to repeat the commond code twice, but I'm wondering if case 1 would perform significantly better?
I know in terms of big-O notation it doesn't really matter because the if-else statement is a constant anyway, but I'm wondering realistically on a dataset that is not way too big (maybe n = a few thousands), if the two cases make a difference.
Thank you!
First one is good one because there is no need to check the condition every time but in second case you have to check the condition on very iteration. But your length of code will be long . If code size matters then put the common code into the method and just call the method instead of block of common code.

Algorithm Efficiency - Is partially unrolling a loop effective if it requires more comparisons?

How to judge if putting two extra assignments in an iteration is expensive or setting a if condition to test another thing? here I elaborate. question is to generate and PRINT the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence where n>=1. my implement in C was:
void main()
int x=0,y=1,output=0,l,n;
printf("Enter the number of terms you need of Fibonacci Sequence ? ");
for (l=1;l<=n;l++)
printf("%d ",output);
but the author of the book "how to solve it by computer" says it is inefficient since it uses two extra assignments for a single fibonacci number generated. he suggested:
print a,b
I agree this is more efficient since it keeps a and b relevant all the time and one assignment generates one number. BUT it is printing or supplying two fibonacci numbers at a time. suppose question is to generate an odd number of terms, what would we do? author suggested put a test condition to check if n is an odd number. wouldn't we be losing the gains of reducing number of assignments by adding an if test in every iteration?
I consider it very bad advice from the author to even bring this up in a book targeted at beginning programmers. (Edit: In all fairness, the book was originally published in 1982, a time when programming was generally much more low-level than it is now.)
99.9% of code does not need to be optimized. Especially in code like this that mixes extremely cheap operations (arithmetic on integers) with very expensive operations (I/O), it's a complete waste of time to optimize the cheap part.
Micro-optimizations like this should only be considered in time-critical code when it is necessary to squeeze every bit of performance out of your hardware.
When you do need it, the only way to know which of several options performs best is to measure. Even then, the results may change with different processors, platforms, memory configurations...
Without commenting on your actual code: As you are learning to program, keep in mind that minor efficiency improvements that make code harder to read are not worth it. At least, they aren't until profiling of a production application reveals that it would be worth it.
Write code that can be read by humans; it will make your life much easier and keep maintenance programmers from cursing the name of you and your offspring.
My first advice echoes the others: Strive first for clean, clear code, then optimize where you know there is a performance issue. (It's hard to imagine a time-critical fibonacci sequencer...)
However, speaking as someone who does work on systems where microseconds matter, there is a simple solution to the question you ask: Do the "if odd" test only once, not inside the loop.
The general pattern for loop unrolling is
create X repetitions of the loop logic.
divide N by X.
execute the loop N/X times.
handle the N%X remaining items.
For your specific case:
nLoops = n/2;
while (nloops-- > 0) {
print a,b;
if (isOdd(n)) {
print a;
(Note also that N/2 and isOdd are trivially implemented and extremely fast on a binary computer.)
