Matlab onCleanup with Compiled applications (windows) - windows

I have an application made with matlab compiler.
I want to do some shutdown activities whenever it ends. As it seems to be impossible to catch signals in matlab (or I'm not able to), I checked to use onCleanup (Matlab: Is it possible to create signal handlers (.m scripts)). It is working within matlab (native), but not within the compiled application.
I tried to end the application with CTRL-C and with taskkill (which only work with /f). In both cases the onCleanup-method was NOT executed.
For testing purposes here
function sigtest(varargin)
while true
a=rand(round(5*b));%to be saved
my source code, which I compiled via mcc -m -v sigtest.m.
As onether try, I inserted the lines
after line 2, but also this .NET-Event is not working.

If you're registering shutdown activities within M-code, they're only going to work on a graceful shutdown of the process. The taskkill /f command will do a "forceful" shutdown, which I think will terminate the process immediately. The Matlab interpreter won't get a chance to run whatever cleanup code is still pending. I think Ctrl-C on a console application (which the compiled sigtest.m will be running as) will have the same effect. Same applies to the .NET-Event: if you forcefully kill the process, that callback never gets a chance to run.
If you want on-exit code, or any other cleanup stuff, to run, you need to find a way for the program to find out when it should exit and initiate a more graceful shutdown itself. For example, in your sigtest example, you could check stdin at the end of every pass through the loop, see if the user has typed 'quit', and if so call exit(). Then your onCleanup stuff should run.
In a GUI compiled Matlab application, this is more straightforward; you have GUI controls to exit the application. I don't know what the canonical way is to make a console compiled Matlab application responsive to user exit requests, or if there even is a good one. You might want to make this a GUI app if you think the user might want to request a graceful abort of its operation.


How do I launch an updater properly?

I've got a program that needs to be able to update itself. I have a second program that will perform the updates, downloading and installing. The updater will obviously need to be able to update the main program, and for that, the main program can't be running. So I want to have the main program launch the updater with a call to ShellExecuteEx, but the MSDN documentation has me a little confused.
It says that:
The SEE_MASK_NOASYNC flag must be specified if the ... process will
terminate soon after ShellExecuteEx returns. Under such conditions,
the calling thread will not be available to complete the DDE
conversation, so it is important that ShellExecuteEx complete the
conversation before returning control to the calling application.
Failure to complete the conversation can result in an unsuccessful
launch of the document.
And under SEE_MASK_NOASYNC, it says that the ShellExecuteEx call won't return until the operation is complete. What I want is to launch the updater and then immediately terminate the main program, so the updater can run without trouble. Is that the correct way to do it? And is there anything special I need to do to keep the launched updater from being marked as a "child process" that will be killed when the main process shuts down?
Do you have to call ShellExecute? I do something similar and launch via CreateProcess and it works fine.
(In reality, cmd.exe is launched which runs a batch file. The batch file waits, starts the updater and waits for it to finish, then waits a bit, then launches the main app again. Never had any trouble with it)
DDE won't be used to launch an EXE directly. (It's only used to launch certain types of files if they are regsitered as needing to be launched that way. If you're just running an EXE by name, DDE should be irrelevant.)
So you should specify SEE_MASK_NOASYNC (to make sure the ShellExecuteEx call finishes doing all it needs to do and your app is then free to end the thread as soon as the call returns) and the API should return very quickly.
here's a good CodeProject article about launching an updater:

Catching CTRL+BREAK in a Windows application

Heres a simple question - is there anyway that a non-console (ie a CWinApp) application can receive and process CTRL+BREAK, it would appear SetConsoleCtrlHandler doesnt do the job nor the installation of signal handlers?
I unfortunately am working with a legacy CDialog based app which is run under the control of Microsoft HPC and HPC uses CTRL+BREAK to cancel the program (assuming i guess that nobody in their right mind would have a non-console app running in the background)
Calling AttachConsole with ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS should do the trick. This will attach your process to the HPC console so that it can receive the control-break signal. You should probably do this before calling SetConsoleCtrlHandler.
If that doesn't work, try AllocConsole instead. If HPC doesn't have a console of its own, it might be assuming that the sub-process will have created a new console group (this happens automatically for console-mode applications) in which case it will be sending a control-break signal to the sub-process PID. If so, it shouldn't matter whether the console group was created automatically or explicitly.
You may wish to start by making sure that HPC is indeed sending a control-break signal (presumably via GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent) by checking that SetConsoleCtrlHandler works as expected for a console-mode application. If it is calling TerminateProcess instead then there is nothing you can do about it.

Is it possible to start console process from ruby GUI script (.rbw)

I have a GUI Ruby tool that needs to spawn a child command-line process, for example ping. If i do this on Windows, the console window will appear and dissapear for console process, that is very annoying. Is it possible to start a process from GUI Ruby script with no console window visible? If i use backtick operator or Kernel#system, the console window will appear, see example below:
require 'Tk'
require 'thread' { `ping` }
The issue is that every executable on Windows is defined to be either a GUI executable or a Console executable (well, there's more detail than that but it doesn't matter here) at the time it is built. The executable that's running your Ruby script is a GUI executable (it also happens to use Tk to actually build a GUI, even if only a very simple one in your screenshot) and the ping executable is a Console executable. If a GUI executable starts a Console executable, a console is automatically created to run the executable in; you can't change this.
Of course, the picture is more complex than that. That's because a console application can actually work with the GUI (it just needs to do the right API calls) and you can use a whole catalogue of tricks to cause the console window to stay out of the way (such as starting ping through an appropriately-configured shortcut file) but such things are rather awkward. The easiest way is to have the console window be there the whole time by making Ruby itself be a console app (through naming your script with the .rb suffix, not .rbw). Yes, it doesn't really get rid of the problem, but it stops any annoying flashing.
If you were using ping as the purpose of your app (i.e., to find out if services were up) then I'd as whether it is possible/advisable to switch to writing the checking code directly in Ruby by connecting to the service instead of pinging it, as ping just measures whether the target OS kernel is alive, and not the service executable. This is a fine distinction, but I've seen machines get into a state where no executables were running but the machine was still responding to pings; this was very strange and can totally break your mental abstractions but can happen. But since you're only using ping as an example, I think you can just focus on the (rather problematic) console handling. Still, if you can do it without running a subprocess then definitely choose that method (on Windows; if you were on any sort of Unix you wouldn't have this problem at all).
It is indeed possible to spawn processes with Ruby. Here is a couple of ways to do it. I am not sure what you mean with
the console window will appear and dissapear for console process
but I think the best way for you to do it is to simply grab out and err and show it to your user in your own window. If you want the native windows console to appear wou probably need to something fancy with windows scripting.
One way to keep a spawned console alive is to have it run a batch file with a PAUSE command at the end:
ping %1
In your ruby file: {`start runping.bat`}

How to handle abnormal program termination in Perl on Windows

I have a Perl program on Windows that needs to execute cleanup actions on exit. I wrote a signal handler using sigtrap, but it doesn't always work. I can intercept Ctrl-C, but if the machine is rebooted or the program is killed some other way, neither the signal handler nor the END block are run. I've read that Windows doesn't really have signals, and signal handling on windows is sort of a hack in Perl. My question is, how can I handle abnormal termination the Windows way? I want to run my cleanup code regardless of how or why the program terminates (excluding events that can't be caught). I've read that Windows uses events instead of signals, but I can't find information on how to deal with Windows events in Perl.
Unfortunately, I don't have the authority to install modules from CPAN, so I'll have to use vanilla ActiveState Perl. And to make things even more interesting, most of the machines I'm using only have Perl 5.6.1.
Edit: I would appreciate any answers, even if they require CPAN modules or newer versions of Perl. I want to learn about Windows event handling in Perl, and any information would be welcome.
In all operating systems, you can always abruptly terminate any program. Think of kill -9 command in Unix/Linux. You do that on any program, and it stops instantly. No way to trap it. No way for the program to request a few more operating system cycles for a clean up.
I'm not up on the difference between Unix and Windows signals, but you can imagine why each OS must allow what we call in Unix SIGKILL - a sure and immediate way to kill any program.
Imagine you have a buggy program that intercepts a request to terminate (a SIGTERM in Unix), and it enters a cleanup phase. Instead of cleaning up, the program instead gets stuck in a loop that requests more and more memory. If you couldn't pull the SIGKILL emergency cord, you'd be stuck.
The ultimate SIGKILL, of course is the plug in the wall. Pull it, and the program (along with everything else) comes to a screeching halt. There's no way your program can say "Hmm... the power is out and the machines has stopped running... Better start up the old cleanup routine!"
So, there's no way you can trap every program termination signal, and, your program will have to account for that. What you can do is see if your program needs to do a cleanup before running. On Windows, you can put an entry in the registry when your program starts up, and remove it when it shuts down and does a cleanup. In Unix, you can put a file or directory name starting wit a period in the $ENV{HOME} directory.
Back in the 1980s, I wrote accounting software for a very proprietary OS. When the user pressed the ESCAPE button, we were suppose return immediately to the main menu. If the user was entering an order, and took stuff out of inventory, the transaction would be incomplete, and inventory would be showing the items as being sold even though the order was incomplete. The solution was to check for these incomplete orders the next time someone entered an order, and back out the changes in inventory before entering the new order. Your program may have to do something similar.

Can I Get Notified When Some Process Starts?

I need to know (preferably with the least latency) when foo.exe is launched.
Right now, I have a thread that sits in a light loop (~10 Hz) and walks the process tree looking foo.exe.
This is less than elegant and I was wondering whether I could register with some part of the Windows API to get a callback when any process starts.
If no such facility is available, I am, of course, open to other methods of accomplishing this task more elegantly.
You can register yourself as a debugger for foo.exe through the Image File Execution Options. Anytime the system needs to launch foo.exe, it'll launch your app and pass foo.exe and its parameters to you. You will have to start the process yourself.
Note: as usual, some words of caution by Raymond Chen.
You can also set a system-wide message hook and for each new process your dll gets loaded, check if it's the one you care you just pass through, for foo.exe you notify yourself and then pass through. Unfortunately, that means you will be injecting your code in each process and you will be hurting the system perf a little bit. Not to mention that you can actually hose everybody if you have a bug in your code.
Possible options:
Is foo.exe under your control? If so modify the source code to send a signal.
Is foo.exe not under your control? Write an injection DLL and have it send a signal when it's loaded into the process with the right name.
