growl framework osx and sandboxing - xcode

I was going to build a new project based on an old one. So when i tried to run the old one i got this message from XCode:
But the application started normally and the growl notification worked as expected:
The old project(sandboxed) succeeded the app store review and is in selling status since Oct 23, 2012.
Do you think there is something wrong here or i should just ignore the XCode message and use the old code on my new project? Also did someone else had the same issue and how did you manage it?
I use osx 10.7 and XCode 4.5.2


Problems Submitting Mac App To Mac App Store

I'm trying to submit a new app to the Mac App Store but I'm getting this error every time I try to validate my bundle.
"The bundle is invalid" Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the OS."
I'm using Xcode 5.0.1 on a brand new MacBook Pro which came with Mavericks preinstalled.
What's going on? Surely this error message can't be right.
I haven't got a fix for this yet but I do have a work around..... use another Mac.
Oh wait; you haven't got another mac. Well this is what I had to do to get around it on the one it wasn't working on.
The problem seems to be that Apple don't like my particular ProductBuildVersion, which is 13A3017. I've got one of the brand new MacBook Pro 15" Retinas released Oct 2013. I'm not sure if that build version is just for these, or just for retina ones or what.
But anyway,
Use this command in terminal
sudo nano /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
change the ProductBuildVersion from 13A3017 to 13A603 (which is another Mavericks buildVersion)
Archive the app again, (I also restarted Xcode), and resubmit it.
When you're done switch the version straight back to what it was before or anything could happen.
I've submitted a bug report to Apple so hopefully this should be fixed soon.

Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error

Hi I just upgraded to Mountain Lion. I created an empty Single View Application and run it. The first time it runs fine but the next runs will give me the "There was an internal API error" pop-up warning TWICE. It's the same with my other projects. They run okay once but gets this error the next runs. There was no warning or any specific warning message of any kind.
Any idea how to solve this?
Would really appreciate your help.
I have it working on iOS6 Beta 4!! This is what I did but other variations may also work:-
Install XCode 4.5 Developer Preview 4
Delete your app from the device
Run your app from Dev Preview 4
Delete your app again (not sure if you have to do this)
Return to XCode 4.4.1
Run your app, stop running, run again!!!
Of course you could continue developing in 4.5, but I prefer to wait.
Installing 4.5 Beta 4 installs updated device support. Once this is done once (possibly on any device) it should work fine. If you use the same device on a different machine you will have to again run it once from 4.5 Beta 4 before using your preferred version of Xcode (You do not need to delete the app from your device this time).
Edit: I am pretty sure that if you make a change to your core data you will need to run from 4.5 for the first time also.
Don't know if this helps, but I've deleted all files in ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and it worked as a charm (Xcode 4.4.1, OSX 10.7)
I had this problem when I upgraded my device to Preview4 but had my MBP still running Xcode Preview3. Updating to Xcode Preview4 made the problem go away for me, no restarts necessary.
Deleting the app manually from the device/simulator will allow you to build and run successfully. A long term solution is to not use a Beta Xcode :)
Sounds crazy but you can also not use the Beta version of XCode 4.
However, you must keep it in your left hand to authorize your iPhone to compile with the non Beta version (don't ask me why, it works).
If you run your app with XCode 4.5 preview & IOS6 Beta 4, the second time you run your app on the device, you'll get the internal API error.
In theory, you cannot use XCode 4.4 to compile on your iOS6 Beta 4 iPhone.
It seems that, if you launch XCode 4.5 Preview, connect your iPhone (so it is recognized), run the application on it (even if you get the error), quit XCode 4.5, launch XCode 4.4 and .. tadaaaa... your iPhone is now recognized as an authorized device to compile on...
And of course, XCode 4.4 doesn't generate the api error...
I have Xcode 5.0.2 and iPhone with iOS 7.0.6.
Every time when I launched my project on iPhone, I saw "There was an internal API error". And it was launched on simulator without any problems.
I did all the stuff that usually helps (like remove an app, clean, restart Xcode, restart a mac, etc.).
This problem went away only after I restored the iPhone. Sad but true.
I don't know so far, why it appeared.

Xcode no codesign_wrapper

Im using Xcode 4.4 on Mountain Lion OS X 10.8, to archive an iOS app however I keep receiving this error:
(null): There is no codesign_wrapper executable. Please reinstall the Xcode developer tools. (-19058)
Has anyone come across this problem or know how to solve it?
Thanks, Sami.
Do you need to install the command line tools via xcode?
they are located in the Preferences window's Downloads section and the Components tab.
In case anyone else comes across this as well...I was having trouble with this for hours while trying to submit the application with the Application Loader. Perhaps its a slightly different issue, since your getting this error while trying Archive, but for what its worthere this is/was my situation
. Using the "latest" Xcode 5.0.1 (past what I saw other threads saying - using 4.0.x), eventually installing Xcode 5.1 when released with the same error/issue. After upgrading, I believe I was still receiving the issue because I was still using the same (2.9) Application Loader from the first (5.0.1) Xcode. When I explicitly opened the new (2.9.1) Application Loader from (5.1) Xcode via Xcode --> Open Developer Tool --> Application Loader, the submittion process went futher. However failed for me for a different issue.
So it goes.

Build and Archive Is Disabled

I've read every other thread on this and have tried everything but the "Build and Archive" function is determined not to be clicked.
I am running OSX 10.6.7 and Xcode 3.2.4. I am developing a MAC application and am trying to submit it to the Mac App Store, but to do this i need to run the Build and Archive feature, and I simply cannot figure out how to get it to run. I have heard about these "developer tools 1.1" from some other thread but cannot find those either. If you are about to say that that will fix things, then please link me, otherwise, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
P.S. Yes im in Release Mode
Another answer could be that your active SDK should be set to Device not to simulator. You can find this setting in Project > Set Active SDK > Device.
Happy Coding..!
Figured it out... In order to Build and Archive with a Mac App (as opposed to iOS) you need Xcode 3.2.5 (maybe even 3.2.6) or better. So to all those with the same problem, make sure you are running the lasest version before trying ot Build and Archive.

Why doesn't iPhone ad hoc distribution in iOS 4 (Xcode 3.2.3) work?

Before iOS 4, I could successfully build my app using the ad hoc distribution profile and send it to my clients for testing.
Now. under Xcode 3.2.3, when I (and my client) drag and drop the .app folder into iTunes, the app does not appear among the list of apps and no message (error, warning, etc) is displayed.
Is there a known problem with ad hoc distribution in Xcode 3.2.3?
Hey, so I just ran into this, and I found that I could fix it by setting the value:
"LSRequiresIPhoneOS" to true (checked) in the application's Info.plist file.
I had a look back at all my old projects, and found that they all had this checked. I'm guessing that what happens is that when you open an old iPhone project in Xcode 3.2.3, it corrupts that parameter for some reason. I also encountered another other weird thing when I opened the project: a build parameter that is iPhone specific ("iPhone OS Deployment Target") was not there, and instead, the parameter "Mac OS Deployment Target" was there. This issue was resolved by saving the project. It all seems to point to Xcode failing to be backwards compatible with iPhone projects, which I've definitely seen other manifestations of in previous SDK upgrades.
Anyhow, hope this helps! If anybody has any deeper insights I'd love to hear them.
