Build and Archive Is Disabled - xcode

I've read every other thread on this and have tried everything but the "Build and Archive" function is determined not to be clicked.
I am running OSX 10.6.7 and Xcode 3.2.4. I am developing a MAC application and am trying to submit it to the Mac App Store, but to do this i need to run the Build and Archive feature, and I simply cannot figure out how to get it to run. I have heard about these "developer tools 1.1" from some other thread but cannot find those either. If you are about to say that that will fix things, then please link me, otherwise, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
P.S. Yes im in Release Mode

Another answer could be that your active SDK should be set to Device not to simulator. You can find this setting in Project > Set Active SDK > Device.
Happy Coding..!

Figured it out... In order to Build and Archive with a Mac App (as opposed to iOS) you need Xcode 3.2.5 (maybe even 3.2.6) or better. So to all those with the same problem, make sure you are running the lasest version before trying ot Build and Archive.


XCode on Apple M1 shows "linking in object file built for iOS" or "ld: warning: directory not found for option" or "'Framework not found"

I am trying to compile a "WebViewGold" ios app on an M1 processor MacBook Pro, using XCode latest (13.4.1) version.
I have greatly struggled to find a solution to those XCode error codes.
I have browsed related answers in threads like: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS,,
Nothing mentioned in the above answers worked!
Any idea about what I should do?
There is a possible, very simple solution provided by this answer.
Basically, freshly upgraded versions of XCode (for example, 13.4.1) running on Apple Silicon-powered Macs (like my M1 MacBook Pro), have components that cannot properly use/output the appropriate object files in all the output platform combinations you need.
This leads to some "interesting" issues and error message cross-overs that find "almost correct" answers on StackOverflow. Hence the many suggestions to exclude "arm64" platform and similar from the build options.
The simple answer to all of that is... to just run XCode with Rosetta enabled. Rosetta will engage with the components that miss the needed cross-platform capabilities.
Here is an example of how to enable an application to use Rosetta.
You select the app icon, then go to the File menu and select "Get Info".
Then click the "Open using Rosetta" checkbox.
It does seem that Build Active Architectures Only = NO is the issue, at least in Debug mode. I can successfully produce a Release archive, so I'd suggest just leaving it alone unless you're trying to debug the Intel version. Try a library, as you can ship the binary that way.

Xamarin.iOS crash on 6.1 simulator

i recently received my Macbook and wanted to start developing iOS apps with it.
I Created a default Master-Detail App using the Templates in Xamarin.Studio and everything worked.
Now today i wanted to actually do something in the app, but didn't change a single line of code, still the app doesn't show up anymore in the simulator as long as i want it to use the 6.1 sdk for ios. if i use any other (6.0 etc) it works fine.
I already tried clearing my Cache in /Users/MYNAME/Library/Xamarin/ but this didn't change anything.
What would you suggest me to do now? can i simply reinstall the 6.1 sdk?if so, how would i do this?
Thanks for your help
I had a similar problem where the environment hang when I was trying to debug in the simulator (just showing the spinning ball). I found out that it only occured if I had my phone connected to the computer. Perhaps not valid in your case, but it might be a lead in your problem solving.
I'm using the latest version of everything. :)
From within Xamarin Studio (or MonoDevelop):
Project -> Your.Application.Name Options
Build -> iOS Build (iPhone Build in MonoDevelop)
SDK version: -> 6.1 (it's probably still on 6.0)
This fixed it for me. Also, it wouldn't hurt to make sure the target build in info.plist is set to 6.1.
Delete this folder:
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1
And if your Library folder is hidden:
sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library/
I have experienced this problem several times again and my previous answer doesn't solve it. Ya know what does? Rebooting the computer. Works every time. shrug
You need to fill the Application name, Identifier, Version # in the project setting.
I had the same problem and got it solved that way.

Xcode version / AppStore

When ready to present an app to put on the appStore; is there a minimum version of Xcode required? Or any version however old is good?
According to Apple,
You should always use the latest Xcode (requires Apple ID to login)
Note: You can build with the very latest SDK, and run your app on an earlier operating system. The Deployment Target build setting controls the lowest operating system version that your app will run on. This setting is independent of the Base SDK build setting.
Using any other SDK is TEMPORARY
It's important to understand that using an older SDK is a temporary workaround, not a solution. Issues preventing your app from using the latest SDK should be fixed as soon as possible. It will be much easier to fix these issues while the older build system is still supported.
Latest & Easiest way
Application Loader
You need to have some minimum version of the XCode, but no need to have the very latest one...
And for easy steps & guidelines to submit app in to appstore please check out the following url
Easy Steps for App Store Submission & Certificates creation - By iOSCodeGUIDE

Xcode no codesign_wrapper

Im using Xcode 4.4 on Mountain Lion OS X 10.8, to archive an iOS app however I keep receiving this error:
(null): There is no codesign_wrapper executable. Please reinstall the Xcode developer tools. (-19058)
Has anyone come across this problem or know how to solve it?
Thanks, Sami.
Do you need to install the command line tools via xcode?
they are located in the Preferences window's Downloads section and the Components tab.
In case anyone else comes across this as well...I was having trouble with this for hours while trying to submit the application with the Application Loader. Perhaps its a slightly different issue, since your getting this error while trying Archive, but for what its worthere this is/was my situation
. Using the "latest" Xcode 5.0.1 (past what I saw other threads saying - using 4.0.x), eventually installing Xcode 5.1 when released with the same error/issue. After upgrading, I believe I was still receiving the issue because I was still using the same (2.9) Application Loader from the first (5.0.1) Xcode. When I explicitly opened the new (2.9.1) Application Loader from (5.1) Xcode via Xcode --> Open Developer Tool --> Application Loader, the submittion process went futher. However failed for me for a different issue.
So it goes.

Xcode Crash while "build and archive"

i have snow leopard 10.6.3 installed via iAtkos..everything runs good even XCode as well.I can successfully build iPhone apps run them on the simulator and the device but when i use the "build and archive" option( for adhoc distribution or itunes connect ) XCode simply crashes..does anybody have a solution for this?
thanks in advance
btw XCode version 3.2.3(tried 3.2.3 as well same result,also in safe mode)
Mac OS X version 10.6.3
I had the exact same problem, and it turned out it was caused by a variable of wrong type in info.plist. My short bundle version was created as int instead of string.
I was getting the warnings about it, but it didn't seem relevant since the crash happened only when archiving, and normal building worked fine, the app ran fine. I suggest you check your benign looking warnings, one of them could fix the issue.
You might try 3.2.4 (available now).
