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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'd like to know how I can add the slide numbering (current page/total pages) to my Powerpoint presentation, please. Any idea how that can be accomplished?
Thank you.
Follow instructions here that are indicated in this link to add the number of pages / total number:
On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Master,
and then click the slide master thumbnail.
On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then drag to
draw the text box where you want the slide number to appear on your
With the cursor still in the text box, on the Insert tab, in
the Text group, click Slide Number.
In the text box, place your cursor
before the <#>, and then type 'Slide'.
Place your cursor after the <#>,
and then type 'of x' , where x equals the total number of slides in your
On the Insert Menu, click "Slide Number"
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently testing a web application and facing a problem. I need to know what type of cursor now to open the context menu. It's impossible to find an element that can be context (right mouse button) clicked on, I can only track the cursor type.
For example. if you move your cursor over a link it turns into a hand; or when you move your cursor over textfield it turns into "I". I need to know when the cursor has changed.
Do you have any ideas, how can I do this?
Selenium can only query things in your browser, and the cursor display is controlled by your OS.
The best I can suggest would be to check the CSS cursor attribute value using:
function String getElementCursorType(WebElement element) {
return element.getCssValue("cursor");
See for a list of possible return values and a live demo to see the actual cursor used by your system.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm brand new to cocoa and objective c, I'm using xcode and trying to set up a basic interface with two textfields and a button and when the button is clicked I get the data input into the textfields. How do I get ahold of the textfields so i can get the text from them?
You would benefit from reading the cocoa tutorials on apple's website.
All you need to do is open your nib file and click the show assistant editor. Ctrl click the text field and drag it to the header file in the right window. Name the property and leave it as an outlet. This will create a property that you can use to access the text field.
You should link textField with property in you view, then you can call textField.text for getting text
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I develop a desktop application, and I'd like to add a "question mark" icon besides one of the textbox (that describes the meaning of that textbox).
My question is what's the common way to use the question mark:
Should I show the text when hovering on the question mark? e.g. using a tooltip?
Should I show the text just after clicking on the question mark?
Thank you!
I suggest you show the tooltip on hover. That is one click less for me as a user.
That aside another thing to consider while constructing a forms based user interface is to label the controls descriptively enough such that users don't need any further help beyond the component label. If the tooltip is your primary means of conveying the meaning of the control, you definitely have to rethink the form design. Basically don't use tooltips as an affordance, a placeholder with 2-3 words as additional description is a better first choice.
The only place where I see click to reveal tool-tips being really useful is in a touch interface.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using Powerpoint 2007 and I have set up hyperlink from slide A to slide B in the same document. In the slide show, the hyperlink is working perfectly.
But after slide B, how can I return back to slide A itself?
My slide structure is as follows :
Slide A -> Link 1 to Slide B (after viewing slide B, should return back to Slide A)
Link 2 to Slide C
Link 3 to Slide D
How can I do this? When I set hyperlink, there is a option like SHOW AND RETURN, but it's disabled by default. How to enable it?
Please Help. Thank you
Link to Last Viewed Slide (or words to that effect).
That will always return you to the slide viewed immediately before the current slide.
Mark hyperlink, then
Home -> Drawing -> Action Settings and there will be settings Last slide viewed
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Closed 11 years ago.
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Right now, when I insert an image into a slide, powerpoint keeps a copy of it and doesn't change the image when the parent file on disk changes.
How do I link an image to the file on disk so that everytime I change the file, the corresponding image in the slide also changes.
Creating an object is the heavyweight way to do things, or can be.
Use PowerPoint's Insert, Picture, From File command.
Browse to the picture you want to insert.
To the right of the Insert button there's a downward arrowhead. Click that.
Now depending on your PPT version, you'll see two or three options. Once is a straight link. That'll produce a link to the image file that'll update whenever you open the presentation and PPT finds that the image has changed. And unless you take special steps, the link will break if you move the file, leaving you with a red x instead of an image.
If you have 2007 or later, there's a Link + Embed option. That embeds the image in the presentation file (no broken links/red Xs) but still checks the original to see if the embedded image needs updating.
From PPT and Images:
Add a link to an image file:
If you link to an image file rather
than embed the image, any changes made
to the original file will be reflected
in the presentation.
Click in the slide where the linked
object or embedded object will be
On the Insert menu, click Object.
Click Create from file.
In the File box, type the name of the
file, or click Browse to select from a
To create a linked object, select the
Link check box. (An embedded object is
created if you don't select the Link
check box.)
To display the linked object or
embedded object as an icon — for
example, if others are going to view
the file online — select the Display
as icon check box.