What's the recommended way to use "question mark" icon? [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I develop a desktop application, and I'd like to add a "question mark" icon besides one of the textbox (that describes the meaning of that textbox).
My question is what's the common way to use the question mark:
Should I show the text when hovering on the question mark? e.g. using a tooltip?
Should I show the text just after clicking on the question mark?
Thank you!

I suggest you show the tooltip on hover. That is one click less for me as a user.
That aside another thing to consider while constructing a forms based user interface is to label the controls descriptively enough such that users don't need any further help beyond the component label. If the tooltip is your primary means of conveying the meaning of the control, you definitely have to rethink the form design. Basically don't use tooltips as an affordance, a placeholder with 2-3 words as additional description is a better first choice.
The only place where I see click to reveal tool-tips being really useful is in a touch interface.


Meaning of the CRM Appointment Icons [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I don't understand what the second icon in the image below for an appointment. Does it mean something is wrong with the appointment?
Woo hoo. I found this. This is nothing but completed Recurring appointments.
Here are the repro steps:
Create a new appointment. Make it as a recurring one by setting "Recurrence"
Recurring Appointment screen will open. Save it
You will see "End series" button in command bar. Click & End it with "Complete" option
That's it, you will see this icon (I checked in Advanced find list)

Track content and simulate key press [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to know if it would be too hard to implement the routine below with *.bat file on Windows:
1) detects when an input/textarea (on a Chrome browser) contains a certain word (like "word123")
2) fires a custom physical keypress on the keyboard so the key pressed gets displayed in the input/textarea where the caret is positioned.
This is a very specific use case in a hospital system where we need to detect some special words in medical record where doctors are typing in any page they are browsing.
One suggestion is to use something like AutoHotKey, which can certainly do the monitoring and simulate a physical key press. However, if you're triggering based on the word being entered, then the physical key press would happen right away (as soon as the '3' is released in your example). Agree that this isn't really a programming question yet - if you give AutoHotKey a try and run into issues, come back and post some code.

Need UI/UX Design layout name [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am an UI newbie. Can any one please tell what is the "layout" name or what is the layout design called in which the travel portal Cleartrip.com is designed. It has got a "left hand side option" like Flights, Hotel etc in vertical fashion and "right hand side selection" with their accompanied parameters. I know it is minimalist design but is there any specific sort of "name" which is called for this sort for design? I will be very obliged to get answers from experts.
I would describe it as a 3 column fixed width layout with menu navigation on the left column, body/content in the middle and and informational banners on the right column.

Make a program come to foreground but not clickable [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm pretty new to programming and I wanted to create a new project.
I have something in mind, but before I start learning how to program it, I need to know something.
I want the program to be able to stay on the foreground, so it always visible when active, but I want it to be only clickable when a certain key-combo (or something like it) is entered.
So it stays visible, but not clickable unless a specific key is tapped, when you go back to the other program (for example while watching a movie) it becomes unclickable again.
Is this possible? And if so, what language you advise me to start this project in?
EDIT: let's say only Windows for now, can I use java for this? How do I approach this problem?
My C++/Win32 API approach:
The "not clickable" part: just throw away any messages your application receives prior to whatever key combination you're looking for has been pressed. The trickier part is if you want a message aimed at your window to pass through and go to the window behind yours - you would first obtain the HWND of the window behind, and then use the SendMessage function to forward all unwanted messages to that window.
The "stays at the top" part is even easier. Use the extended window style WS_EX_TOPMOST in your call to CreateWindowEx and it'll stay at the top no matter what.
Here's a good Win32 API tutorial if I made your brain explode.

Breakpoint isn't breaking [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Trying my hand at Mac Cocoa for the first time. Lion and XCode 4.1.
My little app is supposed to save a date and a task. I'm using 2 buttons, a scroll view, and an array controller. One button is for adding, the other for deleting.
The add button has no effect, and execution doesn't stop at a breakpoint in the handler. I know it's a broad question, but can anyone point me at what to look at? I think it's all wired correctly, but obviously not.
Make sure you actually connected your buttons to an action, either on a specific desired target or on the First Responder.
