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Closed 11 years ago.
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Right now, when I insert an image into a slide, powerpoint keeps a copy of it and doesn't change the image when the parent file on disk changes.
How do I link an image to the file on disk so that everytime I change the file, the corresponding image in the slide also changes.
Creating an object is the heavyweight way to do things, or can be.
Use PowerPoint's Insert, Picture, From File command.
Browse to the picture you want to insert.
To the right of the Insert button there's a downward arrowhead. Click that.
Now depending on your PPT version, you'll see two or three options. Once is a straight link. That'll produce a link to the image file that'll update whenever you open the presentation and PPT finds that the image has changed. And unless you take special steps, the link will break if you move the file, leaving you with a red x instead of an image.
If you have 2007 or later, there's a Link + Embed option. That embeds the image in the presentation file (no broken links/red Xs) but still checks the original to see if the embedded image needs updating.
From PPT and Images:
Add a link to an image file:
If you link to an image file rather
than embed the image, any changes made
to the original file will be reflected
in the presentation.
Click in the slide where the linked
object or embedded object will be
On the Insert menu, click Object.
Click Create from file.
In the File box, type the name of the
file, or click Browse to select from a
To create a linked object, select the
Link check box. (An embedded object is
created if you don't select the Link
check box.)
To display the linked object or
embedded object as an icon — for
example, if others are going to view
the file online — select the Display
as icon check box.
Hello Stackoverflow members, have a good day. I was creating this use case diagram for my sketching (Paint) desktop program, which is my project for my university.
This is the scenario of my project:
The user can ONLY access the sketching program if he has correctly logged in.
So firstly, the login window will be displayed, asking him to write his account details.
after the right access to his account, the program will be opened.
He can do after that many things, such as: write something using the pen tool, highlight something, creating a shape(circle or line, square), and changing its coordinates(location on the canvas). as well as the user can add an image or note.
The user can press the back button(Undo button) to remove the last thing added to the board. surely if the board is clean, then the back button will be hidden.
The user can delete all the items on his board, by pressing on the recycle bin. but nothing will be removed before the system display a dialog message, that says
if you press 'ok', then everything has drawn on the board will be removed.
if you press 'cancel', then nothing will be removed.
The user can save his project in png file format.
if the user press 'save as', then he can choose the project file path, wherein this path the projected image will be stored there.
if the user press 'save' instead of 'save as', then there are two possibilities:
Firstly: he doesn't select the project path before ---> so in this case, the program will allow him to identify the file path firstly, and after that, the image will be stored in that path.
Secondly: he has already selected and saved the file in that path ---> so in this case, the last editing on the projected image will be saved.
if the user EXIT the program, then, there are two possibilities:
Firstly: he has selected the file path and saved the image there, and from that moment he hasn't drawn or added anything to his board. ---> in this case the program will be closed.
Secondly: he has added or drawn new something after the saving process ---> in this case, the system will display the alert save dialog, that tells him the following:
-if you press 'Yes', then the last changes will be stored, and the program will be exited.
if you press 'NO', then the last changes will NOT be stored, and the program will be exited.
if you press 'Cancel', then you will return to the program.
Thirdly: he has drawn or added something, but hasn't saved the image before ---> in this case the system will display the save dialog and till him the following:
if you press 'Yes', then you will choose the path, where the file will be stored there. and after that, the program will be closed.
if you press 'No', then no image will be stored, and the program will be closed as well.
if you press 'Cancel', then you will return to the program.
Fourthly: he has NOT drawn or added anything from when he opened the program ---> in this case the program will be closed directly.
The use case is available in the following pdf link:
please zoom in (the diagram is big)
Your UML use-case diagram looks impressive. But while it looks ok from the syntactic point of view, it is not what the use-cases are meant for:
use cases should describe what the user needs
each use-case should correspond to a user-goal
use cases should not present a functional decomposition, i.e. breaking down a user need into detailed steps describing how the need will be addressed.
use cases should not describe the user-interface
login use-cases are fine from an UML point of view, but they are often the symptom of either a functional decomposition or a user-interface description. So whenever you have a use-case diagram with a spiderweb around a login case, you should ask yoursef if you did not go too far in the details.
For all these reasons, your use-case diagram appears too detailed and using the wrong decomposition. Again, it's not wrong, but it's not the recommended way to use them.
Finally, what's the purpose of use-case diagrams? Communicate with stakehodlers and peers. Such an ultra-detailed diagrams are very difficult to read and they will not help you to achieve the primary objective of such diagrams: discussing requirements with stakeholders and peers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is probably a very simple question, but I need to know what this type of form is called. I need to figure out how to build it for an application I am working on an can't find any info anywhere. I drew up a quick image in Photoshop to illustrate what it looks like.
The bulk of it looks like a PickList. Here's one implementation.
As Valamas mentioned, it also seems to have the extra feature of some sorting functionality, but this is not standard.
1) Prepare two "lists" (components, controls, widgets, ..) in the UI framework of your choice. Add two buttons and add two click handlers for add/remove and also some for the ok/cancel. And two buttons&handlers for up/down.
2) At startup, fill the left widget with all known items.
3) In the clickhandler for "add" button, check what is "selected/highlighted" on the left list widget, remove it from that list and add it to the right list.
4) In the clickhandler for "remove" button, check what is "selected/highlighted" on the right list widget, remove it from that list and add it to the left list.
5) in the handler for up (or down) again check what is selected/highlighted on the right list. check not only what, but also at what index. Add one to that (or subtract) and then move the item to the new position. The 'move' operation will depend heavily on what widget you are using. It will either provide you with easy 'move item' method, or not - in which case you'd first remove the item and then reinsert the item at new position.
6) in the clickhandler for "OK", read all items from the right list and return them as the final selection.
and, well, that'd be all.
Here is a good reference in C# for a basic PickList implemetation:
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'd like to know how I can add the slide numbering (current page/total pages) to my Powerpoint presentation, please. Any idea how that can be accomplished?
Thank you.
Follow instructions here that are indicated in this link to add the number of pages / total number:
On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Master,
and then click the slide master thumbnail.
On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then drag to
draw the text box where you want the slide number to appear on your
With the cursor still in the text box, on the Insert tab, in
the Text group, click Slide Number.
In the text box, place your cursor
before the <#>, and then type 'Slide'.
Place your cursor after the <#>,
and then type 'of x' , where x equals the total number of slides in your
On the Insert Menu, click "Slide Number"
I'm familiar with delphi scripting so I basically need a strong direction to start from. I've done importing images from files in other languages and it has been quite trivial, but I can find little documentation about this for delphi.
I need to be able to register a control event on a button that will open up a "choose folder/file" dialouge, and then import an image into an object that I can append to a List of some sort.
Anyone have any documentation on this?
Although your question is rather broad and "delphi scripting" sounds interesting here is an example that might get you started:
Project: Let the user select an image and display this image
This form contains a TButton, a TOpenPictureDialog and a simple TImage for displaying one image (sorry, no list of pictures in this example).
Part 1 ("register a control event on a button"):
Attach an OnClick event handler to the button by double clicking the button in the form designer. If your button's Name is btnOpenPicture then the auto-generated handler will have the name btnOpenPictureClick (see the following code). The code in this handler will be executed when the user clicks the button.
procedure TForm1.btnOpenPictureClick(Sender: TObject);
if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute(Self.Handle) then
Part 2 ("'choose folder/file' dialouge") is represented by OpenPictureDialog1.Execute which opens a dialog where the user can choose a picture. The Execute command waits until the user closes the dialog and returns True if the user chose not to cancel the dialog but rather chose an image file (the filename is stored in OpenPictureDialog1.FileName).
Part 3 ("import an image into an object") would then be Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile which instructs the TImage component to load and display the file the user chose.
I cannot immediately name a component included in Delphi which could be used easily as a list for displaying images visually (that's your "append to a List of some sort"). I only know some third-party components which are not available for free, thus not good for quick experimenting.
Maybe this can be a base for asking more specific questions (as already encouraged by the commentators of your question). I already have one: "Is there a VCL component I could use for displaying a list of images?"
There are lots of articles and tutorials on how to do this. Code for loading images can be found in this Stackoverflow question; to complete your problem, you need a TButton and probably a TOpenPictureDialog.
I am a beginner so please take it easy. First some history, I am trying to modify a flash movie (not created by me) that has 4 images in it.
I have to now add 2 more images (pic5.png and pic6.jpg) to the "slideshow" as shown in the attachment, I have added the 2 images to the library. The problem I am having (as I understand, I may be incorrect) is that _root.count = 4 causes the movie to jump back to the first image after it displays the 4th one which does not display the 5th & 6th image.
My question, how do I edit the value of _root.count to 6, so that it will show all the 6 images. Additionally how do I create a hyperlink on each image.
Please can someone guide me.
Many thanks.
Looking at your screen shot, Layer 2 (which contains the slideshow movieclip) is locked. If you unlock the layer by clicking on the padlock icon you should then be able to edit the script.
To edit the script double-click on the script in the Movie Explorer panel and the Actions panel should open. You can edit the script here.
The second part of your question - how to create a hyperlink - is very broad and there are many different ways to approach it. The most elegant approach would depend on how your project was structured.
The simplest way might be to define a variable to hold the path to the current image and add another onClipEvent handler.
So in the existing onLoad you would add…
this.path_to_image =;
Then add the new event handler
getURL (this.path_to_image);
You would then have to update the path_to_image variable whenever the image changed.
slideshow.path_to_image =;