Magento Shopping Cart rule not working for US - magento

I have an issue where a straight coupon code with a fixed price discount (74.99) is applied to any of a few sku.
I've never seen this happen before, but the code is applied just fine to any address in the EU, but outside the zone the code shows as applied and then doesn't display.
I considered the information in this discussion : Magento: Shopping cart price rule gets applied, but discount not subtracted from subtotal but it doesn't really apply since in the same store I can apply it to test addresses in Spain and the UK.
Has anyone seen this behavior before?


Magento shopping cart rule issue

When i apply shopping cart rule on cart in which cart item have less amount then coupon amount then grant total amount goes into negative value.
I have try to debug the issue but not succeed. Can you guys help me out how can i resolve the issue.
Mangeto 1.6.2
There is some tax calculation issue in the magneto 1.6. So its calculating the wrong amount during checkout. Things are working fine after changes GST calculation "Apply Customer Tax" - Before Discount as shown in

Shopping Cart Price Rules change

I want to amend shopping cart price rules and to add a new field there - subtotal with discount. Any idea how to do it? In addition to subtotal, i want to have subtotal with discount too, so that i can give discounts based on discounted subtotal, and not on base subtotal.
Thanks in advance.
Here is a related answer. It is not possible without custom modification.
Without modification Magento does not allow this.
Shopping Cart Price Rules are applied on the cart, whereas a grand
total is often not calculated until the last stage of the checkout.
Two very different touch points. This would be exceedingly difficult
to do, and I can't even begin to think where you would start.
Related answer

Magento sale watermark

Due to being a new to Magento world, I have limited understating of its coding pattern.
I have created a cart price rule which works fine. However now I want to show the sale watermark image on product listing page making product on sale more prominent for customers. This sale watermark must not be displayed when sale period is over.
My approach is as below
Modify the cart price rule form to let admin to upload corresponding sale water mark. Then update list.php to determine the rule and then add sale water mark image to product list.As cart price rule specify the sale dates, I am assuming after due date rule would become inactive and image would not get displayed.
However before i start coding for it, I am wondering if someone has easier approach.
This extention will probably save you alot of time.
I have bought from them many times and they are great.
AheadWorks On sale Extention (affiliate link)
if products are on sale it means you are using special price??
if yes than you can use special price and follow these simple method to achieve what you want

Magento coupon code doesn't calculate anything

I have a problem with magento coupon code, I've set up the shopping cart price rule for 10% off all products, but on checkout, when I enter the coupon code and click apply, the page refreshes but nothing is deducted from the price, can anyone help me solve this issue please, I've been looking around for a solution for a few days now, still no luck,
Thanks in advance
First of all make sure that in Rule Information it's Active and that all main customer groups are checked, and that the from and to dates are covering today (as you are testing it today).
You don't need any Conditions for a blanket 10% off rule but your Action tab should have;
The Apply set to 'Percent of product price discount'
Discount amount set to 10.
Maximum Qty and Discount Qty both set to 0.
And the 'Apply the rule' conditions all blank.
Sorry if this all seems obvious and isn't helping, I have a store with a working 10% off everything and these settings all make it happen. Best of luck.

Estimate Shipping and Tax issue in magento

When I add a product to my Shopping Cart, it does not display the standard shipping calculation. But once I proceed to the checkout page, and edit the shopping cart it shows the estimate price calculation.
How can I display the shipping when a visitor adds the product to the shopping cart?
I don't quite understand what you are trying to ask. This may be a shot in the dark, but when you first get to the cart, in order to get a shipping quote, you need to enter in your zip code. Perhaps if you've already gotten into the checkout process and have entered in an address, at that point since you've entered in a zip code already maybe the shopping cart page recognizes that?
