Magento sale watermark - magento

Due to being a new to Magento world, I have limited understating of its coding pattern.
I have created a cart price rule which works fine. However now I want to show the sale watermark image on product listing page making product on sale more prominent for customers. This sale watermark must not be displayed when sale period is over.
My approach is as below
Modify the cart price rule form to let admin to upload corresponding sale water mark. Then update list.php to determine the rule and then add sale water mark image to product list.As cart price rule specify the sale dates, I am assuming after due date rule would become inactive and image would not get displayed.
However before i start coding for it, I am wondering if someone has easier approach.

This extention will probably save you alot of time.
I have bought from them many times and they are great.
AheadWorks On sale Extention (affiliate link)

if products are on sale it means you are using special price??
if yes than you can use special price and follow these simple method to achieve what you want


How to add stickers or labels for buy one get one offer in magento?

Hi I need to create buy one get one free discount in shopping cart price rule..It is working fine but I want to have Stickers or Labels for the users to know the offer.How to do it??
I don't really understand what you're asking.
If you've made the rules in the CMS admin, then it's down to you to show on the front end how you want to visually display these offers isn't it?
You'll need to create the images, and then place them in your HTML markup

Magento - edit custom priced configurable product in cart

i got a problem with a magento extension(currently for 1.8.1):
I have products in my cart.
Therefore I can choose a gift and add it for free into the cart (via observer the priced is set to 0)
BUT here the problem: if the gift is a configurable product i want to set the options. After editing the product the price is set to the original-price again.
How can i keep the gift-price?
Several ways to accomplish this, but the probably easiest (and cleanest) is via a custom total model.
Here is a description, somewhat dated but should be enough to get you started.
Just make sure your total model is calculated after the subtotal model so your quote item price adjustment sticks.
You will also want to pay attention to whether or not you want your total model to be calculated before or after the tax total model.
How do I get quote totals before saving payment method?

Magento products use a custom price when added to cart

My client has a Magento catalogue of thousands of simple products (wheels & tyres). Some of these wheels & tyres can be purchased together as a package (4 wheels & 4 tyres), and in this instance they can be purchased for a lower price, which I'd ideally like set as a separate price attribute.
They cannot be bought for these reduced prices individually though.
I have already created a custom form and controller for adding these products to the cart using the standard price, which works fine, but I need to make it so that it uses the reduced 'package price' for each unit instead.
What I've Tried
I have tried using tier pricing, but this doesn't work because as soon as someone buys 4 tyres on their own, they'll pay the package price rate.
I've tried setting a custom price on the product when adding to cart, which works but obviously creates that price for the product for general purchase so isn't an option.
What I Need
I need to know if there's a way that I can create a discounted/custom price on the products added to the cart using my custom form? I've scoured the forums but I'm not come across a solution yet.
I don't mind using an observer if need be, but I'm a bit stuck right now! I know that once in the cart the products get their prices directly from teh database so I don't know if something has to be done to the quote object instead?
Any help or advice much appreciated.

Magento Configurable Product Page RRP Updating

We have a configurable product made up of simple products all with different prices and RRP's when on the product page you select the simple product from the drop down it updates the price however it doesnt update the RRP.
Is their a way to get the RRP to update as well as the price?
I am not sure what RRP (Recommended Retail Price?) is but I think you may want to look at Magento's event system and look for the product_save_before event.
You can create an extension that will inject code just before the product saves that can modify the product. In this case you want to change the RRP.
Hi yes RRP is RRP (Recommended Retail Price?) In terms of the product_save_before is that tied to the option drops downs generated from the simple products? I might have no mentioned but this is the front end of the site. When a users selects the simple product on the website it to change not just the sale price but the RRP as well thats shown (RRP is stored as an attribute along with the price)

Magento - only show special price

I have a problem with the special price in grid mode product view.
I want the special prices to show the way the sold out items show, with a little image saying SALE, but without the normal prices showing. heres the link to the product page.
Thanks for your answers!
Have you tried checking getSpecialPrice on the product model? If it returns an empty don't apply your image and show the normal prices, if it has a value apply your special class/image to get the sale ribbon and don't show the normal prices.
