Estimate Shipping and Tax issue in magento - magento

When I add a product to my Shopping Cart, it does not display the standard shipping calculation. But once I proceed to the checkout page, and edit the shopping cart it shows the estimate price calculation.
How can I display the shipping when a visitor adds the product to the shopping cart?

I don't quite understand what you are trying to ask. This may be a shot in the dark, but when you first get to the cart, in order to get a shipping quote, you need to enter in your zip code. Perhaps if you've already gotten into the checkout process and have entered in an address, at that point since you've entered in a zip code already maybe the shopping cart page recognizes that?


Volusion Soft Add To Cart - Show cart Total instead of Subtotal

In the Volusion shopping carts "soft add to cart" feature, which is turned on in product options with "Enable Add To Cart Popup", the popup shows the "Subtotal" of products currently in the cart.
The issue is this Subtotal does not include quantity discounts and therefore shows customers a higher price than the actual Subtotal after discounts are applied.
For that reason, we would like to display the cart Total, which includes any quantity discounts applied.
The problem is, I cannot find a place where this can be done in the HTML we have access to and if I were to find it, I'm not sure of the proper Volusion syntax to use to call up the Total instead of the Subtotal.
I had a different issue, but the same problem (soft add to cart did not display the proper info).
In my case, we allow engraving on our products, for an additional charge, and when selected this option was not displayed in the popup cart. As a result, customers were not sure if they chose it or not.
My solution was to add a Shopping Cart block to the page, as part of the template, using jQuery.
If you call http://yourUrl/AjaxCart.asp you'll see the discount info you need in the JSON data, as well as the line items in the order.

Magento: Fixed Amount Discount For Whole Cart For Percentage?

It says on the Magento website that the 'fixed amount discount for whole cart' applies a percentage discount to the whole cart.
This is not the case. For instance, if I type in 10, the whole cart value will be reduced by £10/$10.
Is there any way to apply discount percentage to the whole cart?
I know I can apply a percentage discount to each unit in the basket, but I want to be able to provide a coupon code to reduce the entire cart by x%, not the pre-VAT product prices.
I'm using
I think it will be useful to provide an example of what I'm trying to achieve. So, I want to be able to provide people with a coupon code for 15% off the total cart price, after all other discounts have been applied.
For instance, there is currently an offer for 3 items for £22. I want to then reduce the total cart price by 15%, to £18.70.
Any help would be a godsend! Thanks in advance!
Check if "Stop Further Rules Processing" is set to "No".
If it set to "Yes", then rule applies only to the price of the first item in cart
This can be done by using simple steps. Just create a coupon at the admin panel by going to Promotions/Catalog Price Rules. Here click "Add New Rule" and give all the conditions and details. In the left side u can see option "Actions"...
Here you can apply the rule as discount by percentage of fixed value and u can give there ur discount value of 15%. If u dont know of creating coupons in magento, go through this link

Shopping Cart Price Rules change

I want to amend shopping cart price rules and to add a new field there - subtotal with discount. Any idea how to do it? In addition to subtotal, i want to have subtotal with discount too, so that i can give discounts based on discounted subtotal, and not on base subtotal.
Thanks in advance.
Here is a related answer. It is not possible without custom modification.
Without modification Magento does not allow this.
Shopping Cart Price Rules are applied on the cart, whereas a grand
total is often not calculated until the last stage of the checkout.
Two very different touch points. This would be exceedingly difficult
to do, and I can't even begin to think where you would start.
Related answer

Magento - how to setup countdown: Add $XX in cart and get free shipping

How do I add a countdown to a free shipping amount in Magento cart? I'm looking to add a small snippet of code by my cart on my Magento E-Commerce website, that will tell my customers how much more they will need to buy for to get free shipping.
For instance, I offer free shipping for all orders over $100, and the customer has added $60 worth of products to the cart - Then I would like to output 'Just add another $40 and GET FREE SHIPPING', and when we then reach the $100 benchmark, the echo will change to 'We will ship your order for free!'
Anyone out there that can figure this out?
Build an extension, get the cart value
Add a config variable or something to check against and you have your value.
If you need help with it, there are a lot of people who can do it for you, me too. Invoice included :-)

Doubled Subtotal and grand total in checkout magento 1.5

After adding products in shopping cart, move to checkout page. when return back to Shopping Cart page again either clicking back link or top menu Cart item link, Subtotal and Grand Total price becomes doubled.
When adding new product to cart again subtotal and total price become doubled.
Earlier It was working fine, when move to cloud server, this issue raised.
I am using magento 1.5
Please anyone help me out, this issue is coming in live site.
I had a similar problem. Check this post out: And check the sales_flat_quote_address table if there are to much address entries for the quote_id. I don't know how that happens but if there are more addreses it could happen that the quote is been doubled or trippled
You have not provided enough information.
First of all, magento 1.5 does not have this bug. The bug you are facing is likely to come from custom work that was done on the project.
Is the site using an ajax cart? if so, follow the add to cart methods it uses.
Was there any custom work done on the cart controller?
other than that you really have not given enough information for people to attempt to answer this.
