team foundation 2010 read only workitems user account mismatch - visual-studio-2010

I am trying getting ready to move my TFS 2010 database for the third time to its final perminent server, however, I am running into a very annoying user issue. When I restored the new system as a test I connected my Visual Studio IDE to the new server (same name as the old one) and tested and got that system working properly. Now when I go to the old server now I can connect and see everything - but I no longer have permissions to create work items or edit items.
I can use Visual Studio 2012 just fine as well as the Microsoft Test Center 2010 to edit items. I've experienced this before with my local system tfs at home and got around it by changing the user name I log into on my computer and then adding permissions for that new username.
Since these the user id's are workstation accounts - not domain accounts each system has its own user guid even though they might have the same account name. I noticed in VS 2010 the workitem in history show modified by unknown user - however it has the username in VS2012. It seems that connecting to both systems might somehow made the user matching between my domain user account and workgroup user account break.
I am about to roll to the new server and am concerned that my userbase will not be able to modify items in VS2010. I cannot use the workaround I did before since I can't have everyone create a new username.
Any help would be appreciated - as I am sure I am not the only one with a workgroup not domain tfs system that has run into this issue before.


Visual Studio Work Account Login Re-Enter Loop

In VS2017, VS2019, and VS2022 our developers have been having significant issues with Visual Studio logging in with their company emails (Office 365 accounts - Visual Studio access granted that way).
This is encountered in both the Visual Studio Account Settings pane and the Azure New Publish Profile window. They successfully log in (uname, pword, and 2FA), and then within a second or two they are asked to re-enter credentials. We have seen this happen frequently over the past year or so over multiple VS versions (both before and after fresh installs), multiple computers (both before and after a complete windows wipe and reinstall), and with every developer on staff. (I personally have seen it happen upwards of 8 times in a row before the program decided to keep it).
Does anybody know what is going on with this, and if there is any way to stop (or even mitigate - we'll take what we can get at this point) this from happening?
Example "Re-Enter Credentials" screen shot
Do the accounts have access to multiple tenants which also have 2FA? From my experience the re-enter credentials loop is to cycle through tenants which enforce 2FA. If you go to account settings and amend the 'Apply filter...' to just the tenant you are working on then it should only ask for the credentials to be validated once.
try this solution ->
if not work, uncheck the checkbox, then try again (this solved my problem)

Trying to deploy an SSAS database immediately locks the user out. What is going on?

I'm trying to bring a new server, with SQL Server 2012 Data Warehouse edition installed, into production. Recently the act of deploying a new SSAS database definition using Visual Studio immediately causes the user that owns the installation on the server to become locked out of the network. Neither I nor the network administrator can figure out what is going on.
I'm perfectly willing to believe that somewhere deep within Visual Studio it has an incorrect password for that user and is making several sequential attempts to log in until the network locks the user out. But I have no idea where in Visual Studio that user/password is stored so that I can check it.
FWIW, I'm deploying things from a Visual Studio installation on my client computer using my personal account. The account that is immediately getting locked is a specially created network account to be used for installing and running the server software.
Where can I find the referenced user account? What else might be happening?
Have you tried using the SSAs import wizard instead of using VS?

Visual Studio can't switch accounts when connecting to Team Foundation Server

I have different accounts with different VSO subscriptions. I'm trying to connect to a different account (from the one I'm logged in VS-2015) so that I can check in code in the repository that I have in that account. But when trying this, Visual Studio brings me to the profile website, from which is basically a dead end - what am I supposed to do from there?
The "Connect to Team Foundation Server screen sometimes just freezes after authentication, and doesn't go anywhere from there.
So clearing the settings file, which is named CurrentSettings usually in the folder C:\Users\your user name \Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings (Windows) - helped get passed this issue.
Also, when you are brought to the VSO Profile page (the one I showed in my picture question) you have to select the project you are trying to open.

Access to App_Data path where ldf file is denied when checking in with Team Explorer

I can't seem to check in my changes to Team Foundation Server. I get the "Access to path App_Data is denied". So I googled it and found this link on Stackoverflow Access to the path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\App_Data' is denied
But I tried to add the permission for the folder by unchecking read only and it says after you make the changes you will need admin permission. So I hit ok and then nothing happens. I then go back into the permissions tab and see that the red only option is still checked. Not sure what I need to do here. I also don't see anyone else besides me that I can share permissions with. I'm the only user on this machine and I think I have admin rights.
MVC 5 application with Sql Server Express and Visual Studio Team Services.
Ok so I had to detach my database from SQl Server Express in order to check in and check out. By detaching from my database in Sql Server Management Studio access was given and the ldf file was unlocked. But this seems really burdensome if I'm checking in and out all the time. I don't want to have to attach and detach every time I want to check in and check out of source control in Visual Studio Team Services.
Am I missing something here. Is there a way to check in .ldf files when my database is attached??
I'm using SQl Server Express 2014 and VS 2013 and Team Services as source control. Note - I'm not using localdb because I created full text searching features in my app and localdb doesn't support it.

Making Visual Studio TFS plugin store your credentials?

Every time I open Visual Studio 2008, I get a pop-up dialog prompting for my username and password ('Connecting to Team Foundation Server'). Presumably this is because I have my TFS server stored in the Team Explorer tab, in Servers, so it wants to connect to it on startup. In addition, this happens when I open a solution file whose solution is associated with TFS source control, for obvious reasons.
My problem is identical to that described in various places on the web, such as:
In all cases I can see, the suggested solution is to add the TFS server credentials to Windows' stored credentials. I'm using Windows 7, so I think the way you do that is in the Credential Manager.
Well, I've added the TFS server with my credentials to the 'Windows Credentials' list, and I still get the prompt for my username and password when I open Visual Studio 2008. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can get it to login with my credentials automatically?
I added my TFS server's computer name, along with my username and password, into the Credential Manager (before I just had its IP address). Now, VS2008 does load without prompting me for credentials... but VS2005 still prompts me for them, even though it has the exact same server registered in Team Explorer! Whatsmore, the server registered in Team Explorer is the server's IP, which was already stored in Windows Credentials, rather than the server's name. So this is still a mystery. Could this be some registry setting peculiar to the VS2005 version of the Team Explorer source control plugin? Where in the registry could I find this potential setting(s)?
Did you even try to access TFS web site and enter your credentials to IE?
If you don't try, please try and check "Remember my credentials" checkbox.
I think this can solve your problem.
I found another way, check this article
and read Step 7,
may be this can be answer your problem.
For Visual Studio 2008, entering the credentials in the Credential Manager as I described above seemed to work.
I entered the server's IP address instead of its hostname in Visual Studio 2005 too, and at first it still prompted me for the username/password on startup. However, it has now stopped doing so. Maybe something needed to timeout? All I can say is, Visual Studio's TFS plugin works in strange (and undocumented) ways.
I had the same problem. The problem was that the TF-Server was not recognized being in the local intranet zone. So I added our TF-Server to the trusted sites in Internet Explorer settings and changed the user authentication in security level to automatically sign on with current username and password.
