Visual Studio can't switch accounts when connecting to Team Foundation Server - visual-studio

I have different accounts with different VSO subscriptions. I'm trying to connect to a different account (from the one I'm logged in VS-2015) so that I can check in code in the repository that I have in that account. But when trying this, Visual Studio brings me to the profile website, from which is basically a dead end - what am I supposed to do from there?
The "Connect to Team Foundation Server screen sometimes just freezes after authentication, and doesn't go anywhere from there.

So clearing the settings file, which is named CurrentSettings usually in the folder C:\Users\your user name \Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings (Windows) - helped get passed this issue.
Also, when you are brought to the VSO Profile page (the one I showed in my picture question) you have to select the project you are trying to open.


Active Directory account keeps getting locked

We use Visual Studio for development and Team Foundation Server for source control.
I save my Active Directory account credentials in publish profiles of my web application projects.
Could this be the reason why my AD account keeps getting locked? For instance maybe VS or TFS are trying to communicate using saved credentials? Has anyone faced this issue?
We use ADFS for SSO. All TFS as well as publish profile authentication goes through ADFS. ADFS logs show something tries my account with bad password 10 times in 5 minutes or once every 30 seconds. Does that sound about right for Team Explorer within Visual Studio? Does that sound right for publish profile within Visual Studio? Only VS team can tell I guess?

This account has no subscription - Publishing to Azure from Visual Studio

Earlier this year I successfully deployed a MVC app to Azure from Visual Studio.
Now I'm trying to do the same thing again, but now I am told my azure account "has no subscription".
However I am 100% positive I do have a subscription associated with my email. My old MVC app still runs and I can see my Pay-as-you-go is properly charged.
What I Have tried to fix it
Emptied my browser caches, history, cookies etc.
Removed my account from Visual Studio, restarted, and added them again.
Formatted my computer and reinstalled everything (not really because of this problem, but the timing was perfect).
Updated the Azure SDK to the newest 2.9.5.
I did the following things above based on advice from these pages:
Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions
Unable to publish to Azure with VS2015
No subscription found in windows azure account
But alas, no luck.
The only thing that comes to thought is I tried to add an Azure Pass to my account, but without luck. But I can't see how that should change anything...
So my question is: How do I make Visual Studio recognize my current Pay-as-you-go subscription, so I can publish my services, apps, etc. from Visual Studio directly?
Or at least: What has gone wrong? Whom can I contact to get help with this?
As always, thank you for your time and patience, and please write a comment if you need further information.
You may try to connect first via the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s). (The server explorer has an azure root node, if the azure sdk installed)
If you have connected, the publish wizard won't ask (usually) for sign in again.
In my case, the solution was as follows:
Open Server Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on Azure and select "Manage and filter subscriptions":
Screenshot of Manage Subscriptions Dialog
Click the Certificates tab, click Import, then click Download subscription file. This will take you to the azure portal page where you can download a .publishsettings file for your subscription. After downloading that file, click the Browse button in the Import dialog shown above and select that file.
I had the same issue. To solve it I opened the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s) and refreshed the Azure connection. It still said 0 subscriptions, but in the publishing options I could connect without any issue.

tfs unable to browse projects

I'm using Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online) server {MyProject} I'm able to connect to the server, map the project, even receive a review request, but I can't see my team projects under DefaultCollection.
Currently when I'm opening the Source Control Explorer I'm only seeing
underlying projects are missing, but my user is in project team members list.
What I missed, what I should do else to be able to browse my projects, get and work with them?
Note: My account was not a microsoft account. I received an email to join the visual studio after tfs administrator added my email as the project team member. I follow to the link and I create a new account during VS sign up using that email and then successfully signed in.
Thanks a lot
This is usually caused by the "Access Level" that the Admin assigned to your account.
When your account is assigned as "Stakeholder", you can only access to "Work" section, cannot access to "Code". If you want the access to "Code", you need to ask your Admin to change the access level of your account.
Have the TFS Admin review your user's rights to the code in the team project. Generally we add users to the Contributor role for the project.
You should also try hitting the Refresh button (third from the right) on the Source Control Explorer window.
I had similar problem and as usual Microsoft has not useful error. Here is step by step tutorial to fix it.
The problem
This is related to user permissions. Note two things
If you are using 5 user free version, make sure to select user as "Basic user". Free version allows only basic membership.
Then go to Security setting, expand to see "Team Foundation Administrators" and add the new user this. This should resolve the browe project issue.

team foundation 2010 read only workitems user account mismatch

I am trying getting ready to move my TFS 2010 database for the third time to its final perminent server, however, I am running into a very annoying user issue. When I restored the new system as a test I connected my Visual Studio IDE to the new server (same name as the old one) and tested and got that system working properly. Now when I go to the old server now I can connect and see everything - but I no longer have permissions to create work items or edit items.
I can use Visual Studio 2012 just fine as well as the Microsoft Test Center 2010 to edit items. I've experienced this before with my local system tfs at home and got around it by changing the user name I log into on my computer and then adding permissions for that new username.
Since these the user id's are workstation accounts - not domain accounts each system has its own user guid even though they might have the same account name. I noticed in VS 2010 the workitem in history show modified by unknown user - however it has the username in VS2012. It seems that connecting to both systems might somehow made the user matching between my domain user account and workgroup user account break.
I am about to roll to the new server and am concerned that my userbase will not be able to modify items in VS2010. I cannot use the workaround I did before since I can't have everyone create a new username.
Any help would be appreciated - as I am sure I am not the only one with a workgroup not domain tfs system that has run into this issue before.

TFS in Visual Studio 2012 under Windows 8

I'm having trouble connecting to the hosted Team Foundation Service using Visual Studio 2012 RC.
Upon my first connect, a window was opened prompting me for my username and password, however I was added to TFS with a different Live ID. I've re-registered a new Live ID and now I can't get access to TFS. When I try to do so, I get this error:
If you log out from All Live accounts in your Browser's and then try logging into TFS again you should be prompted for the credentials and you can login with the account that has access to TFS Preview.
I got the tf31003 error while trying to connect to a hosted TFS at
I could access the site using my Live Id through Firefox but when trying to connect using VS 2010 I was getting that error.
The issue with my case was that VS2010 was trying to login using Internet Explorer which I was signed in under a different account. To solve this I opened Internet Explorer and logout from Hotmail/Live and went to the about URL and connected to the TFS instance, which connected successfully.
After that I went back to VS 2010 and tried to connect to the server again, this time I was shown the Login window where I was able to enter my login details. Once done my server was successfully added to the 'Team Server Foundation list' and was able to get the list of all my projects.
I had the same problem, except I am running VS2012 Update 2. This is overboard, but this is a thorough list of everything I did that eventually fixed it.
Ensured Visual Studio was not running
I opened Internet Explorer, pressed CTRL+SHFT+DEL, selected everything and clicked "Delete"
I opened Fiddler and navigated to "Tools > Clear WinINET Cache" and "Tools > Clear WinINET Cookies"
I opened the windows Credential Manager and removed all entries (including all Web Credentials, Windows Credentials, and Generic Credentials)
I disconnected my Microsofot account from my Windows account
Opened Visual Studio and connected to TFS, and it finally prompted me to login
Again, this is overboard, and not very surgical, but as I was in a hurry, so I decided to take the shotgun run, and it worked.
I had the same issue, the simplest solution I got was to delete just three cookies.
I found this recommendation in other post. It worked for me.
To see the cookie files directly so to "Internet Options -> In the Browsing History Section Click "Settings" -> Click "View Files" -> They are all text files.
I received this same error (TF31003 / TF30063) when setting up a new TFS Build Server on Windows Server 2012 because Active Scripting was not enabled in IE.
In order to login - you must enable active scripting to see the login prompt below...
I actually discovered this after installing Visual Studio where the popup dialog specifically informs you of this required setting. Hopefully this will save sometime hours of lost time...
