Visual Studio Work Account Login Re-Enter Loop - visual-studio

In VS2017, VS2019, and VS2022 our developers have been having significant issues with Visual Studio logging in with their company emails (Office 365 accounts - Visual Studio access granted that way).
This is encountered in both the Visual Studio Account Settings pane and the Azure New Publish Profile window. They successfully log in (uname, pword, and 2FA), and then within a second or two they are asked to re-enter credentials. We have seen this happen frequently over the past year or so over multiple VS versions (both before and after fresh installs), multiple computers (both before and after a complete windows wipe and reinstall), and with every developer on staff. (I personally have seen it happen upwards of 8 times in a row before the program decided to keep it).
Does anybody know what is going on with this, and if there is any way to stop (or even mitigate - we'll take what we can get at this point) this from happening?
Example "Re-Enter Credentials" screen shot

Do the accounts have access to multiple tenants which also have 2FA? From my experience the re-enter credentials loop is to cycle through tenants which enforce 2FA. If you go to account settings and amend the 'Apply filter...' to just the tenant you are working on then it should only ask for the credentials to be validated once.

try this solution ->
if not work, uncheck the checkbox, then try again (this solved my problem)


VS2015 Community Subscription license is stale

I have a Windows Form app that I developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. I recently got a message that my license "has gone stale" and must be updated. When I click the link, I get an error message: "We could not download a license. Please check your network settings or proxy settings."
Going to my subscription online, I see "Visual Studio Dev Essentials"
I tried the solutions from without success. My account is a "work" account and we do not use MFA at this time.
Visual Studio Community 2015 won't sign in. How do I fix this? suggests that uninstall/reinstall is needed, so perhaps that is my best next step.
I found the VS2015 installer here:
Anyone know if it is possible to update a stale VS2015 license currently? It occurs to me that MS may have made that impossible somehow since it is an old version.
I installed VS2019 CE to use that, and it opens just fine but my app has issues with fonts (which is a separate issue), and forms look almost ok on screen but very bad when run.
This was caused because years ago, I used a "personal" microsoft account, which has the same user id as my "domain" account. The domain account is what I use for Office 365, Azure, and domain logins. Apparently VS 2015 was connected to the personal account. I knew of this personal account, but since I don't use it anymore, I incorrectly assumed it was kaput.
To fix, I opened VS2015, and when prompted to update license, I selected "Add an account..." and entered my userid and noted it was a personal account, and entered that password (different from domain p/w, and thankfully saved in chrome for better or worse). Then, when I clicked on "Check for an updated license", it found one right away and is now working.

cannot Publish web app with Visual Studio 2019 and Azure

There are lots of examples of people having a similar problem to mine, but none of them are the problem that I'm having.
I'm running the Community edition of Visual Studio 2019 (maybe that's the problem). I've already created a free Azure account using the same username/pw/email as the account that I have the version of Visual Studio installed as (note that Azure didn't used to support Core, but it does now).
I'm following this Microsoft Doc on how to create a ASP.NET Core web app with Azure. I've created the project, and it's time to "publish" the web app.
Seems simple: right click on the project >> Publish. Here is the first window, where I should make sure that App Service is highlighted, then hit Create New and Create Profile.
In the next window I can either create my Azure account (which I already have) or sign in. This option seems strange, being that I'm clearly already signed in. Perhaps they mean signed into Azure? In any case, I choose "Already have an account (sign in)" because I do. If I were to choose the first option to create an account, it would tell me that I already have an account.
Next, it asks me to sign into Microsoft Visual Studio account (of which I'm already signed in -- my picture is on the upper right corner of the IDE). I do it anyways:
Next I put in the password (I'll spare you this screenshot -- I showed the last one to illustrate that it wanted me to sign into Visual Studio when I'm already signed in), and...
It takes me back to the App service window. According to the Microsoft doc, the wizard should continue to creating the resource group.
What I've tried:
getting to "Publish" without signing into Visual Studio
getting to "Publish" without signing into Azure (note that the email/pw associated with the Azure account is the same as my Visual Studio account, and I have access to the Azure account; I can go to the Dashboard, at least)
and every variation of being signed into one and not the other or none or both
repeated the entire thing while running Visual Studio 2019 as admin
from the "Pick a publish target" window selecting select existing instead of create new. It takes me to the same window that create new does
instead of .NET Core, using just plain old .NET Framework 4.7.2
What I haven't tried
Uninstalling and reinstalling the Azure SDKs. I'm scared if I do that, then Microsoft won't let me re-install them (because I already have once), and besides, this seems to be a problem with signing in.
Maybe there's some config that I'm missing, either in Visual Studio or Azure?
Maybe it's because I'm using the free Visual Studio version AND the free Azure?
Maybe it knows that I'm laid off and broke, and just wants to push the nail in?
I'm stuck. Does anyone know anything about this?
This question involves both Azure accounts and Visual Studio.To deal with this problem, we can start with these two aspects.
First, we can publish the created project using FTP. If the project runs normally, it means that there is no problem with the free subscription account. The problem may appear on VS.
Second, we can devenv.exe / resetuserdata to clear the personal account cache information on Visual Studio.
I solved the problem, just enable yours directories in visual studio 2019.
Thanks :)
I solved this problem.
After 30 days of a free trial account, when you want to deploy for example a new Azure app service you can see the label "(disabled) free". This is why you cannot proceed with Visual Studio publishing anymore.
I had the same problem with you. I created a new Microsoft account and then a new Azure account. Now Visual Studio allows me to proceed with creating a new profile in order to publish my app.
I hope I helped you.

Visual Studio doesn't authentificate me after I switch versions

In Visual Studio (no matter if 2013 Professional, 2013 Community or 2015 Community, they all behave the same on different machines in different places and networks like home, office, friends' places) can't seem to access my login information and asks me to re-enter user and password. Here is a screenshot of the message, followed by a rough translation because I use the German version:
Translation: "An error occured, and no user information could be accessed for "[email address]". Re-enter your login information for this account. (Link: Re-enter login information)
(box with my correct live id)"
I haven't found a way to get any details about what error occured where and when or why, which doesn't help. Apparently it does save which account I use, but without re-entering my log-in at least once a day, functions that rely on it (e.g. accessing TFS repositories that my account has rights to) do not work. It seems to have some correlation to the time since I last logged in, because even after rebooting the machine it still works correctly if I logged in before.
It's not preventing me from work, but it's still very annoying. I've spent quite some time on google, but when I look for keywords like "visual studio login error" or similar fitting things I find all kinds of pages mainly about Visual Studio Online, or pages that explain how to login inside of Visual Studio - nothing mentions this problem, so I suppose it isn't a very common one.
My internet connection in all places is usually pretty stable, and no other open application show any signs of connection problems, so I can all but rule that out as the cause.
It took a while, but it seems to be a problem only when I switch versions of Visual Studio. I.e., if I only use 2013 for a while, it works fine. If I then login with 2015, I get the error when I use 2013 again after that, and vice versa.
I've fixed this issue by allowing visual studio through the windows firewall, then restarting visual studio. It stems from parts of visual studio not having access to the authentication servers.
Press the windows key and search for "firewall" and select "allow a
program through windows firewall
Click "Allow another program..."
Choose Visual Studio from the programs list and click add
Restart (or start) Visual studio

Visual Studio 2013 keeps requiring to enter in MS Live username/password for license

Every few months I get a message that Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate cannot login to download an updated license and I must re-login. I enter my MS Live account and it updates fine, but I will get the message again in a few months.
Anyway to fix this so it doesn't keep happening?
I am running update 4 which I believe is the latest.
Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate can only be bought as part of the Dreamspark Premium programme (only via an educational institution that has bought this package) or via MSDN.
The licenses for the two methods vary but however both require you to re-enter your login details every three months.
It is auth'ed by a login token, that expires if:
Three months have passed since it was issued;
The password for the Windows/Microsoft Account was changed;
Your licence is revoked;
Switching your 'signed-in user'
Visual Studio logs in using a token, and that token has a limited lifetime. Visual Studio will try to extend the token in the background, but there are a couple of things that could cause the renewal to fail. In such cases you need to log in again to get a fresh token.
Some actions/conditions I know of:
A wifi-connection that requires form authentication;
Proxy servers that interfere;
You choosing the "Log off all sessions" on any Windows account on any site.

team foundation 2010 read only workitems user account mismatch

I am trying getting ready to move my TFS 2010 database for the third time to its final perminent server, however, I am running into a very annoying user issue. When I restored the new system as a test I connected my Visual Studio IDE to the new server (same name as the old one) and tested and got that system working properly. Now when I go to the old server now I can connect and see everything - but I no longer have permissions to create work items or edit items.
I can use Visual Studio 2012 just fine as well as the Microsoft Test Center 2010 to edit items. I've experienced this before with my local system tfs at home and got around it by changing the user name I log into on my computer and then adding permissions for that new username.
Since these the user id's are workstation accounts - not domain accounts each system has its own user guid even though they might have the same account name. I noticed in VS 2010 the workitem in history show modified by unknown user - however it has the username in VS2012. It seems that connecting to both systems might somehow made the user matching between my domain user account and workgroup user account break.
I am about to roll to the new server and am concerned that my userbase will not be able to modify items in VS2010. I cannot use the workaround I did before since I can't have everyone create a new username.
Any help would be appreciated - as I am sure I am not the only one with a workgroup not domain tfs system that has run into this issue before.
