How magento uses modified code in googles analytics for tracking - magento

I saw many tutorials that teaches just getting the number in google analytics and putting it in magento, but i want to change the default code in analytics. My doubt is, only the number provided by analytics will be sufficient for magento sees my changes in the tracking code or i need to put the code like in a normal site?
Is there a good manual for coding in analytics for e-commerce beyond the guidelines offered by google for developers?

Putting the Google Analytics account number into Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Google API will be sufficient enough. It will track your ecommerce sales data (this code is rendered on the success page - success.phtml) as well as placing the general tracking code throughout the site.


How can I implement Google's "Indexing API for job posting URLs" if my job board only has a dashboard and no place to put the key?

We have a job board for the German market. The template/software we use is from a company called JBoard, whos programming language is PHP and Laravel. We are having difficulties being listed in Google for Jobs, so now we want to use one of Google's features (=instant indexing: for the jobs on our website. We have already generated a key but cannot connect it to the website. According to JBoard, they do not have any place in the backend where you can store the key. However, JBoard says that they have clients who have successfully implemented Google’s API outside of their platform. Apparently it is done with google sheets, google search console and an API token (which I am able to generate via our dashboard). We did find a developer, but he couldn't finish the implementation due to personal reasons. Does anyone know how to implement the instant indexing for jobs when your website is not based on wordpress, Squarespace etc., and with no access to the backend code? Thanks in advance.

zagat content in the Places API - ERROR

I am many errors on my Maps API Console.
I am the website owner, not the developer or webmaster.
Got an email from Google about new pricing. Below is the email.
Today we are announcing important changes, including our new name - Google Maps Platform, a simplified product structure, pay as you go pricing for all, and more. Please take a few minutes to review the announcement to familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes.
We would like to highlight a few updates that may impact your implementation. Beginning June 11th, we are launching our new pricing plan and providing all users access to support. We’ll continue to offer a free tier — all developers will receive $200 of free monthly usage of our core products.
How does this affect your current account(s)?
Based on your usage over the last 3 months and our new pricing plan, we estimate that your monthly cost will exceed the current $200 free tier.
I am trying to figure out why I have so many API calls.
I am seeing in the console, that in the "Google Places API Web Service" I have alot of "Zagat content in the Places API" calls, and they all result in error.
I am trying to figure out how this is happening, but not finding any info online. I see that the "zagatselected" parameter was discarded May of 2017. I can not figure out what is causing these errors.
Everything has been working fine, I have my own API key, and have for a long while. The only reason I am really looking into this, is because Google will now start charging me monthly.
Is it possible you expose your Maps API key to the client, don't have any restrictions on it, and someone else is calling the API/raising those errors?
If you have a snippet of code like this....
<script src="[APIKEYHERE]&libraries=geometry,places&callback=initialize">
...on a public web page, it would be easy for someone else to take the API key and use it themselves, unless you add a IP or referrer restriction to only allow it to be used client-side from your website. You can set up restrictions on who can use your API key following these instructions.
I suspect that the new Google Maps and Places API pricing scheme (which significantly lowers the number of free Places API calls) might cause some less ethical users to use keys they can scrape off websites.

Is there any google analytics reporting ruby gem available to get most popular products from e-commerce section ?

I am looking for a solution where I can fetch google analytics data like Popular Products, traffic on Mobile device, Avg Cart value etc.
There is a Ruby Google API client library, which is designed to call the Google Analytics Reporting API v4. The reporting API is capable of querying any of populated dimensions and metrics. The hardest part will be setting up OAuth 2.0 but after that it is all down hill. If you get stuck setting up OAuth feel free to come back to SO to ask any problems you are having with your code.

Google Ecommerce Tracking for Magento

I am having some difficulty in getting google's eCommerce tracking working consistently for Magento. I have set the UA code in the google api section of the admin and eCommerce tracking is switched on. When I go to the success page the code is there. Some orders are being sent but not all. I have installed google chromes analytics tester and the beacon is being sent. Take yesterdays orders for example, 1 from sagepay is in analytics however another sagepay order is not which rules out payment gateway. I have re-set the permissions on the success page and tidied up a couple of warnings in the console but nothing is working i'm pretty stumped.
I have also installed Jiraffe real-time analytics and am having the same problem with that tracking orders, it didn't track a single order yesterday but is tracking cart data fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
First of all not every user who uses payment gateway is comming back to your success page as some of them are just leaving the transaction at thank you page on third party services - then you won't see such transaction in GA. Second of all not every user let you to track him (adblock is preventing its users to be tracked).As for now please just reply if you are sure that users got back to Magento's success page.To get a much better overview of yours customer behaviour I would recommend you to install this extension Fooman Google Analytics Plus and set up proper funnels (you'll find brief instruction at extensions page)
I would suggest that you check the formating of data passed to GA :
prices should be formated as "1200000.00" : no separator for thousands, dot as decimal separator, no currency
text values should be escaped properly quotes contained in them: 'That\s it'
The Fooman extension is a good start since the basic GA implementation in Magento is a shame of non sense, while not perfect.
Google tracking in Magento :
Open the Magento Admin area and navigate to System->Configuration->Sales->Google API.
Expand the Google Analytics section.
Pick the Yes option from the Enable drop-down menu. Enter the Google Analytics account number in the Account number field. Click on the Save Config button.

magento and google adwords/organic search conversion

Basically I'd like to know what is the conversion rate of customers coming from both google adwords and organic search and actually buying something on magento based webshop. Is there a way to do that? I already have google analytics on the website.
If you have auto-tagging set up for your adwords & analytics account, you can get that information easily.Once you login into Google Analytics,you can go to traffic sources--> Overview ,and you will see top traffic sources.
If you click on view full report, you can see the data that you are looking forward to.
