Unable to build rapidjson tests on Mac OS X - macos

I am trying to build the tests for rapidjson 0.11 (http://code.google.com/p/rapidjson/) on Mac OS X . It includes three projects: gtest (builds fine), unittest (build fails), and perftest (build fails), and when building make error out with Error 1 and Error 2.
The compiler output shows the following errors for both unittest and perftest which causes make to fail:
../../include/rapidjson/reader.h: In function ‘const char* rapidjson::SkipWhitespace_SIMD(const char*)’:
../../include/rapidjson/reader.h:116: error: ‘_SIDD_UBYTE_OPS’ was not declared in this scope
../../include/rapidjson/reader.h:116: error: ‘_SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY’ was not declared in this scope
../../include/rapidjson/reader.h:116: error: ‘_SIDD_BIT_MASK’ was not declared in this scope
../../include/rapidjson/reader.h:116: error: ‘_SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY’ was not declared in this scope
These pre-processor constants are related to SSE4 instructions. rapidjson can use SSE2 or SSE4.2 to speed it up, and it defaults to using SSE4.2 when building.
The makefile includes the -msse4.2 compiler switch to enable SSE4.2 support, and looking through the header files reveal that on OS X, both SSE4_1 and SSE4_2 pre-processor constants need to be defined for the SIDD... constants to be defined. For some reason, these SIDD... constants aren't being defined.
Further research showed that the -msse4 switch enables support for both SSE4.1 and SSE4.2, so I tried chaning the switch to -msse4, but it still errors out.
Not sure if the -msse4.2 switch automatically defines SSE4_2 , but I tried manually defining it, and sill no luck.
NOTE: If you want to try building it yourself on Mac, you will need to download a different premake script file, as the included one doesn't work. You can download the corrected script from the attachment on the second post here https://code.google.com/p/rapidjson/issues/detail?id=54
Any ideas on how to get it building successfully on OS X ?

Short answer - I had an older version of gcc (4.2) which didn't support -msse4.2 flag (it was introduced in gcc 4.3).
After upgrading to the latest version of gcc, the above issue disappeared:
Check which version of gcc is active with by opening a terminal and
running gcc -v
Download MacProst installer for your version of OS X from http://www.macports.org/install.php and run installer (easy way to upgrade GCC version)
Open new terminal window (must be new as PATH environment var is updated after MacPorts
Check which versions of gcc you already have installed with port select --list gcc (NOTE: you probably won't have some of the later versions installed already. See next step)
Install latest version of gcc (gcc47 at the moment) with sudo port install gcc47 (this will take a while to download)
Run port select --list gcc again and you should see the new version in the list (eg. mp-gcc47)
Select this latest version as active gcc version with sudo port select gcc mp-gcc47
Run gcc -v again to check the latest version is active
With the compiler sorted, the first attempt to build rapidjson for release32 gave me errors about the limits header file due to __int128 not being defined for 32-bit builds`. Gnu's official position is that you need to roll your own. See answers at following link for more info:
Compiling 32bit binary: expected unqualified-id before '__int128'
Building for release64 or debug64 solved this issue, but it still failed to build due some warnings about casting away qualifiers in test/unittest/readertest.cpp:187:4. As the make file included the compiler flag -Werror=cast-qual, these warnings were treated as errors. Removing this flag in both unittest and perftest makefiles solved this issue (not ideal solution but I just wanted to get it building).
There were still linker warnings as the /usr/lib64 folder didn't exist, and the makefiles included the flag -L/usr/lib64, but the build was still successful.
SUCCESS - Both unittest_release_x64_gmake and perftest_release_x64_gmake ran without problems!
NOTE: rapidjson build instructions are included in the readme file in the ZIP archive.


Building Boost on Mac OS M1 chipset

I tried almost a hundred things to make this works but nothing seems to be working.
I recently acquire a Mac book pro M1 MAX (so arm64 architecture), system provided by default with clang g++.
I wanted to install boost library. Using homebrew the 1.80 version was installed but I need to work on a project with the 1.65.1 version (I tried compiling my project with 1.80 version and tons of undefined symbols and errors were raised from boost library even if I have all of them, so I'm guessing I need to install the exact same version required)
so I decided to build and compile boost by myself following the boost guide
Following section 5.1 I tried to use the bootstrap script and this one fails using Darwin toolset. (apparently some Clang warning caused error). I resolve then by changing the boost source code like this :
But there's still lot of issues during the compilation
I don't know what to do to be able to compile with clang, I don't even know if this will be compiled for arm64 architecture.
anyway I install gcc compiler and tried with gcc toolset.
./bootstrap --with-toolset=gcc
The bootstraps works but then running the b2 script cause a segmentation fault instantly and on every commands I tried (even the --help options raised an exception...).
Why is building boost so complicated on arm chipset ?
What can I do to build boost (either clang or gcc, arm or cross compiled universal library) ?
I'm desperate at this point.
Thanks for the help.
I tried everything
with clang (darwin)
with gcc
with options to add arm64 as architecture
changing the source code of boost to fix

Looking for a mingw-w64 build of gcc that includes mudflap

I'm trying to debug a segfault in some code built with mingw-w64's version of gcc. Since no Windows build of gcc includes the Address Sanitizer, I've been looking for a version prior to 4.9 that would allow me to use Mudflap instead.
(It has to be 4.8 or earlier, since Mudflap was removed from gcc in 4.9 - see https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Mudflap_Pointer_Debugging)
I've tried using downloads of 4.8.1 and 4.6.4 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/host-windows/releases/ - but my builds all fail with cc1plus.exe: fatal error: mf-runtime.h: No such file or directory.
I have tried using the original MinGW as well, but 4.5 as downloaded from
just fails silently with error code 1.
Is there any site that still hosts a mingw-w64 build of gcc old enough to include mudflap? Preferably with SEH threads instead of SJLJ. If not, is there anywhere I can download a mingw-w64-compatible set of libraries and headers to install mudflap to work with an existing build?

How to build boost with mpi support on homebrew?

According to this post (https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/pull/2953), the flag "--with-mpi" should enable boost_mpi build support for the related homebrew formula, so I am trying to install boost via homebrew like this:
brew install boost --with-mpi
However, the actual boost mpi library is not being build and can not be found.
There is currently some work being done around this, according to: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/pull/15689
In summary, I can currently build boost, but it seems the "--with-mpi" flag is being ignored. Could someone please check, if I should be able to build boost (with mpi support) on Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)?
The (verbose) output generates these lines:
MPI auto-detection failed: unknown wrapper compiler mpic++
Please report this error to the Boost mailing list: http://www.boost.org
You will need to manually configure MPI support.
warning: skipping optional Message Passing Interface (MPI) library.
note: to enable MPI support, add "using mpi ;" to user-config.jam.
note: to suppress this message, pass "--without-mpi" to bjam.
note: otherwise, you can safely ignore this message.
Not sure how exactly I can fix this and get the mpi stuff to be build - any ideas?
Just in case this helps anyone else along the line, here's how I fixed this. The main error is MPI auto-detection failed: unknown wrapper compiler mpic++, any typing mpic++ at the command line verified that it was not working properly for me. I used brew to install open-mpi, but the same error was showing in the verbose output for installing boost. A run of brew doctor showed that openmpi was not linked properly, so I fixed those errors and reran brew -v install boost --with-mpi --without-single and it finally built and installed all of the libraries without a problem
To anyone that comes across this, the package migrated to boost-python and boost-mpi separate from boost. Use brew install boost-mpi
Just get it worked on OSX 10.11.5. I've tried brew, but with no luck.
Suppose you already have gcc installed. Here are what I've done:
1. Find and disable (but do not remove) clang
clang alway cause headaches. There would be a lot of warnings when building Boost.
which clang, which should give you /usr/bin/clang
Rename it: sudo mv clang clang_mac_remove, also for clang++: sudo mv clang++ clang++_mac_remove. You can change the names back if you need them in future.
2. Install OpenMPI
If you already installed using brew, uninstall first. Becasue it would have used clang as the compiler wrapper by default. You need to change the wrapper to gcc.
Download the package.
Specify the wrapper compiler to gcc and g++:
./configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ F77=ifort FC=ifort --prefix=/usr/local
Below may take a long time.
make all
sudo make install
Reference: https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/HUGG/Open+MPI+install+on+Mac+OS+X
3. Install Boost MPI
Download the package.
Run ./bootstrap.sh (can open it first and specify the toolset to gcc, otherwise, the default option is darwin for mac).
Add using mpi ; in project-config.jam file. Then ./b2 —with-mpi will only build the mpi library.
Then, all built libraries can be found in the folder ~/Downloads/boost_1_61_0/stage/lib.
Copy or move them to /usr/local/lib or any other commonly used library path.
Reference: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/doc/html/mpi/getting_started.html
4. Compile with Boost MPI
LIBRARY DIR = -L/usr/local/lib
INCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include/
LINKER = -lboost_mpi -lboost_serialization
mpic++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include/ -c boost_test.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lboost_mpi -lboost_serialization
Good luck!

Compiling pulseaudio on Mac OS X with CoreServices.h

I'm trying to compile pulseaudio on Mac OS X, however by default I get lots of errors about not finding standard files like inttypes.h, errno.h or stdio.h. Putting -isystem/usr/include in CPPFLAGS fixes those errors, but then later on I get fatal error: 'CoreServices/CoreServices.h' file not found.
I've tried also adding -framework CoreServices and/or
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers but neither work.
What's the proper way of making the compiler find it?
I think I'm using clang, gcc produces even more errors.
You are on the right track, those are the framework and include flags but if you use the correct configuration options you will find even the system includes are picked up properly.
The Makefiles will attempt to set the framework appropriately based on the --with-mac-sysroot and --with-mac-version-min attributes.
Example configuration option to specify the SDK location:
If you are building on Mountain lion (10.8) you still need to use the 10.7 minimum compatibility as there are headers missing in the 10.8 SDK which PulseAudio makes reference to.
You can pass the configure options to the autogen.sh which will run configure once autoconf has completed. You can try the following command which has been tested on the master branch:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local --disable-jack --disable-hal --disable-bluez --disable-avahi --with-mac-sysroot=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk/ --with-mac-version-min=10.7 --disable-dbus
If you get m4 macro errors copy the m4 macros from aclocal into the m4 sub-directory and try again.
There are a few other problems but these are bound to be cleared up may date quickly. Adding it here as it may help someone trying to get this built.
error: Multiprocessing.h cannot be found:
This has been deprecated in 10.7 but the headers are still included it CoreServices and will build just change the include instruction in the file src/pulsecore/semaphore-osx.c.
-#include <Multiprocessing.h>
+#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
error: ‘lt_PROGRAM_LTX_preloaded_symbols’ undeclared.
This may be a problem compiling src/daemon/dumpmodules.c and can be fixed by declaring the external macro.
extern const lt_dlsymlist lt_preloaded_symbols[];
error: gdbm.h: No such file or directory
For some reason the default include dir is not considered by the compiler and you can add the path to the src/Makefile look for and set the variable GDBM_CFLAGS.

gcc compiling error on Solaris 10

I want to compile a source code, but there are some compiling errors about __sync_xxx functions (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap etc.)
GCC version on machine is 3.4.3 (it must be gcc 4.1 or over for supporting atomic builtins), so I have downloaded GCC v4.6, copied it to another directory (I didn't remove v3.4.3) then change the $PATH path for GCC but it doesn't work (the same error occurs).
I want to ask that is only changing gcc path with export PATH=... enough for compiling with new GCC?
Use the following configure option when compiling gcc:
--program-prefix=foo --program-suffix=bar
and it will produce bin programs of the form "foo-gcc-bar", so that you may differentiate different builds of gcc.
Replace foo and/or bar with an appropriate "tag" for your build (eg "-4.6" for example).
This way if it doesn't find your toolchain correctly it will fail fast rather than using the 3.4 version.
It also means that different toolchain builds can coexist in the standard installation prefix directories.
We have to use -march=686 switch to get it to work on intel.
Try checking and updating LD_LIBRARY_PATH, to use the lib path for the new gcc installed.
