jqGrid: add loadonce as parameter to the AJAX-request - jqgrid

I have a PHP-script to handle the AJAX-Requests of many different jqGrid's.
I generate the "ORDER BY" statement with the 'sidx' and 'sord' parameters and the "LIMIT" statement with the 'page' and 'rows' parameters.
Similar to the PHP-example here.
The problem is, that in the PHP-script I can not determine if the loadonce-parameter of the current jqGrid is set or not.
But only if it is not set, I have to filter the returned data (LIMIT by page and rows).
How can I force jqGrid to send an additional parameter?
I dont want to change all my Grids. Is there a global way of doing it?
------ EDIT ------
With the help from this answers (here and here) i got this now.
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
postData: {
loadingType: function() {
var isLoadonce = $("#list1").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'loadonce');
console.log('isLoadonce: ' + isLoadonce);
return isLoadonce ? 'loadAll' : 'loadChunk';
This works, if the Grid has the ID "list1". How can I reference the current Grid without ID?
------ EDIT 2 ------
This seems to work. It looks to me a bit like a hack. Is there a better way?
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
serializeGridData: function(postData) {
var isLoadonce = $(this).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'loadonce');
var newPostData = $.extend(postData, {
loadingType: isLoadonce ? 'loadAll' : 'loadChunk'
return $.param(newPostData);

To pass in an extra parameter you can add:
postData: { ExtraDataName: ExtraDataValue },
then whenever jqGrid goes to get data it will pass that name pair to your controller.

With serializeGridData, jqGrid provides an event to modify the data sent with the Request. The event is called in the context of the current Grid, so we can access the current Grid with this.
By exdending $.jgrid.defaults we can make all Grids sending their loadonce parameter as additional requestparameter without changing any Grid.
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
serializeGridData: function(postData) {
var isLoadonce = $(this).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'loadonce');
var newPostData = $.extend(postData, {
loadingType: isLoadonce ? 'loadAll' : 'loadChunk'
return $.param(newPostData);


Pass DataTable reference to the callback function on load

My current code is:
var CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: ajaxurl + '?action=pos&post_action=get_commissions'
'initComplete': function (settings, json){
//possible to access 'this'
I improved the code above as below with help :
var CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: ajaxurl + '?action=pos&post_action=get_commissions'
'initComplete': function(settings, json){
function callbackFunction(settings){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
// api is accessible here.
Update :
Now I can access api from callback function. But I want use same callback with load() as below code.
CommissionLogs.ajax.url( newAjaxURL ).load( callbackFunction(), true);
But settings param is not accessible in load function.
I can clear and destroy datatable and re initialize always. But what will be the right way.
I think you need settings:
$('#example').dataTable( {
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
function myFunction(settings){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
// Output the data for the visible rows to the browser's console
// You might do something more useful with it!
console.log( api.rows( {page:'current'} ).data() );
Other option is re-use your var CommissionLogs variable throughout the code without using this, I recommend strongly this last option.
The dataTable.ajax.url().load() has not access to settings.
So can not call a callback function with settings.
But possible to use callback function without settings.
So here is an alternative way to use settings.
CommissionLogs.clear();// clear the table
CommissionLogs.destroy();// destroy the table
CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: newAjaxUrl
'initComplete': function (settings, json){

Kendo UI: How to get the text input from the Multiselect

I'm trying to use Kendo UI MultiSelect to select some stuff from an API. The API won't return all items because they are too much. It will only return those that contains the searchTerm.
I'm trying to figure out how to send the input text in a Kendo UI Multiselect. When I say the input text, I mean what the user typed in the input before selecting anything from the list. That text has to be passed on to the DataSource transport.read option.
See this Codepen to understand
Note: The example above won't do any filtering. But if you type "bre", the console should log searching bre.
Use the data property in the read transport options, this allows you to modify the query being sent by returning an object that will later on be serialized in the request.
by default read are GET requests so it will be added to the queryString of your url specified.
If it were to be a POST it would be added to the POST values.
<div id="multiselect"></div>
dataTextField: 'first_name',
dataValueField: 'id',
filter: "startswith",
dataSource: {
serverFiltering: true, // <-- this is important to enable server filtering
schema: {
data: 'data'
transport: {
read: {
url: 'https://reqres.in/api/users',
// this callback allows you to add to the request.
data: function(e) {
// get your widget.
let widget = $('#multiselect').data('kendoMultiSelect');
// get the text input
let text = widget.input.val();
// what you return here will be in the query string
return {
text: text

dilemna with jqgrid and ajaxfileupload

I am using jqgrid and ajaxFileUpload.js script in order to pass parameters and files to a php script. The structure of the code is like this:
beforeSubmit: function (postdata,formid)
$.ajaxFileUpload (
url: url_2.php,
afterSubmit: function(reponse,postdata)
return [true,'',''];
I have a dilemna:
According to the jqgrid behaviour, url_2.php is called, then url_1.php.
url_2.php handles the data (parameters + file), url_1.php handles nothing.
url_2.php could return an error or message (e.g "already exist") but, the errors are displayed in the form by the aftersubmit event, and this event receives error from url_1.php !!!
I suppose that I am obliged to put the ajaxfileupload in the beforesubmit event !!!
Any ideas to solve this dilemna ?
You can use jquery form plugin and jqGrid dataProxy method instead.
useDataProxy: true,
dataProxy : function (opts, act) {
opts.iframe = true;
var $form = $('#FrmGrid_' + $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'id'));
//Prevent non-file inputs double serialization
var ele = $form.find('INPUT,TEXTAREA,SELECT').not(':file');
ele.each(function () {
$(this).data('name', $(this).attr('name'));
//Send only previously generated data + files
//Set names back after form being submitted
setTimeout(function () {
ele.each(function () {
$(this).attr('name', $(this).data('name'));
}, 200);
For example http://jqgrid-php.net file fileUpload class uses this. This is described in How to force dataProxy call in form editing if editurl is set in jqgrid also.

JQGRID - Prevent adding empty row after execution of afterSubmit

I have a grid where I put a custom button in the navgrid for inserting totally different data in another table so I used editGridRow("new",…) where in the php url I just post data to a different table. Actually I am stuck with the issue if I submit the form, even if I settled reloadAfterSubmit:false, it add a new empty row in the grid…
You can see the piece of code here:
var rows = jQuery("#"+child_table_id).getRowData();
if ( rows.length != 0 ) {
savekey: [true,13],
afterSubmit:function(response, postdata){ alert('inserting to a total different table...'); return {0:true} }
title:"Insert new step...",
I tried even to add:
onClickButton:function(){ $("#"+child_table_id).setGridParam({ datatype: 'local' }); }
afterSubmit:function(response, postdata){ return {0:true} },
onclickSubmit : function(params, posdata) {return {0:true} },
afterComplete:function(response, postdata, formid) { $("#"+child_table_id).setGridParam({ datatype: 'json' }); }
but it added anyway a row in the grid…
So how I can prevent jqGrid to add a new empty grid and refreshing the grid?…
You wrote about "inserting totally different data in another table", but you add button to the navigator bar of the grid "#"+child_table_id and your code inside of onClickButton callback adds new row to the same grid:
jQuery("#"+child_table_id).navButtonAdd("#"+pager_id, { ...
jQuery("#"+child_table_id).editGridRow("new", ...
If you really want to add new row to another grid you should use id of another in the editGridRow (like jQuery("#"+another_table_id).editGridRow("new",...).

Ajax Upload using valums ajax upload plugin inside a form

i just came across this ajax upload plugin and i wish to use it inside a form as shown in the demo page example 3. For some reason i am not able to make it work. I am not sure what parameters come into the function. For example here is my sample code.
var upload = new AjaxUpload('property_i',
action: 'submitproperty.php',
autoSubmit: false,
onSubmit : function(file , extension){
return false;
var upload_data = upload.setData({
Now the ID used in the AjaxUpload function should be ID of the or of the Entire form. Also how do i use setData method. Any suggestions or links will be very helpful. Thanks
I got it to work with the following code:
new AjaxUpload('#uploader_button', {
action: 'filename.ashx',
autoSubmit: true,
onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
// --- stuff here
// --- add postdata parameters
this.setData({ id: 1, title: docTitle.val() });
onComplete: function(file, response) {
// --- stuff here too
it doesn't utilize the var but instead adds the custom data params in the onSubmit block. The only other difference is that I haven't wrapped the parameter key in quotes as it seems to serialize correctly. And I'm not using autoSubmit: false , but instead it's true...
The only way I could get this to work with autoSubmit: false is to add this outside any function:
var uploader;
var uploadFile;
then in the AjaxUpload(...
onChange: function(file, response){
uploader = this;
uploadFile = file;
then in the function to do the upload:
uploader.setData({session: session});
Hope this helps
I'm using uploadify and very useful.
