dilemna with jqgrid and ajaxfileupload - ajax

I am using jqgrid and ajaxFileUpload.js script in order to pass parameters and files to a php script. The structure of the code is like this:
beforeSubmit: function (postdata,formid)
$.ajaxFileUpload (
url: url_2.php,
afterSubmit: function(reponse,postdata)
return [true,'',''];
I have a dilemna:
According to the jqgrid behaviour, url_2.php is called, then url_1.php.
url_2.php handles the data (parameters + file), url_1.php handles nothing.
url_2.php could return an error or message (e.g "already exist") but, the errors are displayed in the form by the aftersubmit event, and this event receives error from url_1.php !!!
I suppose that I am obliged to put the ajaxfileupload in the beforesubmit event !!!
Any ideas to solve this dilemna ?

You can use jquery form plugin and jqGrid dataProxy method instead.
useDataProxy: true,
dataProxy : function (opts, act) {
opts.iframe = true;
var $form = $('#FrmGrid_' + $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'id'));
//Prevent non-file inputs double serialization
var ele = $form.find('INPUT,TEXTAREA,SELECT').not(':file');
ele.each(function () {
$(this).data('name', $(this).attr('name'));
//Send only previously generated data + files
//Set names back after form being submitted
setTimeout(function () {
ele.each(function () {
$(this).attr('name', $(this).data('name'));
}, 200);
For example http://jqgrid-php.net file fileUpload class uses this. This is described in How to force dataProxy call in form editing if editurl is set in jqgrid also.


Pass DataTable reference to the callback function on load

My current code is:
var CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: ajaxurl + '?action=pos&post_action=get_commissions'
'initComplete': function (settings, json){
//possible to access 'this'
I improved the code above as below with help :
var CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: ajaxurl + '?action=pos&post_action=get_commissions'
'initComplete': function(settings, json){
function callbackFunction(settings){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
// api is accessible here.
Update :
Now I can access api from callback function. But I want use same callback with load() as below code.
CommissionLogs.ajax.url( newAjaxURL ).load( callbackFunction(), true);
But settings param is not accessible in load function.
I can clear and destroy datatable and re initialize always. But what will be the right way.
I think you need settings:
$('#example').dataTable( {
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
function myFunction(settings){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
// Output the data for the visible rows to the browser's console
// You might do something more useful with it!
console.log( api.rows( {page:'current'} ).data() );
Other option is re-use your var CommissionLogs variable throughout the code without using this, I recommend strongly this last option.
The dataTable.ajax.url().load() has not access to settings.
So can not call a callback function with settings.
But possible to use callback function without settings.
So here is an alternative way to use settings.
CommissionLogs.clear();// clear the table
CommissionLogs.destroy();// destroy the table
CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: newAjaxUrl
'initComplete': function (settings, json){

multiple xhr.get s with dojo

how do I do two xhr.gets one after the other using dojo ?
I have ....
require(["dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(xhr, dom) {
// Using xhr.get, as very little information is being sent
// The URL of the request
url: "inc/etl2json.php?item=Execs",
// The success callback with result from server
load: function(execContent) {
dom.byId("Execs").innerHTML = execContent;
// The error handler
error: function() {
// Do nothing -- keep old content there
I would like to do another xhr.get to "inc/etl2json.php?item=Execs" and assign it to dom.byId("Elapsed").innerHTML = elapsedContent;
just call again xhr.get() inside the load function, well that if the content is supposed to change, else you could just use the same data retrieved the first time:
//use the first data you retrieved
load: function(data2){
//do what you like with the nuew data
Although nesting is a straightforward solution it almost always leads to unreadable code, so I would do the same as #Ricardo did, but use the advantage of Dojo's Deferred (+ here) and employ chaining:
var requestUrl = "inc/etl2json.php?item=Execs";
xhr.get({ url: requestUrl})
.then(function(results) {
dom.byId("execs").innerHTML = results;
.then(function(results) {
return xhr.get({ url: requestUrl});
.then(function(results) {
dom.byId("elapsed").innerHTML = results;
See it in action at jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/phusick/73X88/
I think you should add another xhr call for the elapsedContent. I don't see any relation between the two calls so you should make them separate. Nesting one in another is not necessary.
just add
// The URL of the request
url: "inc/etl2json.php?item=Execs",
// The success callback with result from server
load: function(elapsedContent) {
dom.byId("Elapsed").innerHTML = elapsedContent;
// The error handler
error: function() {
// Do nothing -- keep old content there

jplayer+Ajax inserted content

I am using jPlayer to play audio files.
If I use the player on content, which is privided, when the page gets loaded, it works without any problems.
I also need it for HTML which is inserted by AJAX. Here it does not work. It seems, that the ready event is not triggered.
I wrote a function, which can be executed by click(). In that way, I can click it manually, when the HTML which contains the player is fully loaded. Here I have the same problem: The ready event is not triggered.
This is my function which works on non ajax inserted players fine:
$('.jp-jplayer').each(function () {
var src = $(this).attr('data-src');
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var post_id = $(this).attr('data-id');
$('#' + id).jPlayer({
ready: function () {
$(this).jPlayer('setMedia', {
mp3: "/prelisten/_lofidl/change_of_heart_full_lofi.mp3",
alert('#' + id);
swfPath: "/wp-content/themes/Dark_3Chemical_DE_mit_Pagenavi/Dark_3Chemical_DE/audioplayer/js",
solution: "flash, html",
supplied: "mp3",
wmode: "window",
cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_" + post_id,
play: function () { // To avoid both jPlayers playing together.
repeat: function (event) { // Override the default jPlayer repeat event handler
if(event.jPlayer.options.loop) {
$(this).bind($.jPlayer.event.ended + ".jPlayer.jPlayerRepeat", function () {
} else {
$(this).bind($.jPlayer.event.ended + ".jPlayer.jPlayerNext", function () {
//$("#jquery_jplayer_4858").jPlayer("play", 0);
jPlayer: $('#' + id)
Currently I am setting the src manually to exclude any possible errors here.
How can I get this function running on AJAX inserted content?
This is the code, which fetches the html including the players:
$.get('/query_posts.php', {
paged: _page,
cats: cols
}, function(data) {
$('#search-results').find('input[name="cartLink"]').each(function() {
$(this).val($(this).closest('.post1').find('.post_headl a').attr('href'));
To make an AJAX page reload work I had to first destroy all jplayer instances. So I wrote a little function that grabs all instances of a jplayer on the site (by looking for jp-audio classes) and calls jplayer('destroy'); and jplayer('clearMedia'). This function gets called in the $.ajax({ beforeSend: destroyJplayerInstances(); })
Here is a statement from the developer of jPlayer, Mark Panaghiston:
Hope that helps!

Custom Event For Custom JQuery Plugin

I made this jQuery plugin called removable when you click the objects button it slides up and should trigger a custom event like onDone.
Here's what I did (The codeing format is based on jQuery's http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring):
init: function(){
return this.each(function(){
$('a', this).click(function(){
// Somehow trigger the onDone method
onDone: function(){
// Default action
and this is what I've done when calling the plugin
onDone: function(){
// Overwrite default action
How can this be done?
If all you need is to call it at the end of the animation, just pass it as the second argument to slideUp or even just call it with $(foo).MyPlugin.onDone() inside the callback function.
otherwise look at trigger and bind jQuery functions - you can use any string you want for those event types so you can trigger and bind a MyPluginDone event
EDIT: based on comments you want something simpler -
As it states in the article you quoted, the best way to provide override-able defaults to options is to have your plugin accept an options object, then to get the combined defaults+overrides you do:
var combinedOpts = $.extend({},defaults,overrides);
and get all the values to use from there...
Try this one.
removable: function(options) {
var defaults = {
onDone: function(){alert('default action');}
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
$('a', this).click(function(){
onDone: function(){
alert('Overwrite default action');

Ajax Upload using valums ajax upload plugin inside a form

i just came across this ajax upload plugin and i wish to use it inside a form as shown in the demo page example 3. For some reason i am not able to make it work. I am not sure what parameters come into the function. For example here is my sample code.
var upload = new AjaxUpload('property_i',
action: 'submitproperty.php',
autoSubmit: false,
onSubmit : function(file , extension){
return false;
var upload_data = upload.setData({
Now the ID used in the AjaxUpload function should be ID of the or of the Entire form. Also how do i use setData method. Any suggestions or links will be very helpful. Thanks
I got it to work with the following code:
new AjaxUpload('#uploader_button', {
action: 'filename.ashx',
autoSubmit: true,
onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
// --- stuff here
// --- add postdata parameters
this.setData({ id: 1, title: docTitle.val() });
onComplete: function(file, response) {
// --- stuff here too
it doesn't utilize the var but instead adds the custom data params in the onSubmit block. The only other difference is that I haven't wrapped the parameter key in quotes as it seems to serialize correctly. And I'm not using autoSubmit: false , but instead it's true...
The only way I could get this to work with autoSubmit: false is to add this outside any function:
var uploader;
var uploadFile;
then in the AjaxUpload(...
onChange: function(file, response){
uploader = this;
uploadFile = file;
then in the function to do the upload:
uploader.setData({session: session});
Hope this helps
I'm using uploadify and very useful.
