Include TinyMCE in Joomla Frontend - joomla

I tried to include TinyMCE into my template but if I try to edit the texts in the frontend I have only a html-tag view. Have anybody got some hints for me?
That's the website and the template, perhaps this could help a little bit:

If anything of the above didn't help, chances are that the access to the plugin is restricted. Go to Plugin-Manager -> Editor - TinyMCE and check that Access is set accordingly. If e.g. a common user is allowed to edit the article but the Access Rule for TinyMCE is set to "Special", Joomla will display the mere HTML Editor even if there is no other Editor available or enabled. The same goes for setting Access to "Registered" when a public user is allowed to edit an article.

Go to Plugins and disable all editors there except to tinyMCE. Then once again make sure you have selected as a default editor tinyMCE. You can also define the default editor for each user from "User Manager", by opening the user and defining his/her default editor.


joomla html editor on the frontpage

I was wondering how one would go about implementing an editor like tinymce so that registered members of a joomla site can post articles, edit them, and get paid when someone downloads them
like thisenter image description here
This functionality is already built into Joomla.
All you need to do to enable this is to add a new "Create Article" menu option with Access = "Registered".
You will probably also need to enable a login module if there isn't one already so users can log in to the front end to see the new menu option.

I wish to add a button on the admin dashboard in Joomla 3.5, where in code do I need to make changes?

This button would be 'share' and placed at the article editor just like we have buttons like 'save','edit' etc
I facing a problem understanding joomla code structure and which file I need to make changes so as to add this button. Should it be administrator/layout/editor/ ?
There is a free plugin that can help you share your contents in social network. have a look .
Also there are several other plugins that may suit your requirements then to hack the core files
if you want to develop your custom editor button then you can check this link
Add Custom Button to Joomla's Article Editor (TinyMCE)

joomla 3.1.1 editor stripping html code

I disabled all editor plugins in plugin manager and now when I want to edit a html module a simple editor appears which only shows html code. after editing the code when I press the save button then html code changes somehow \" inserted to my code.
in global configuration => text filtering => no filtering is selected for super user and administrator.
how can I disable joomla editor from stripping my code?
Go to your Joomla back-end, then System > System Information > PHP Information and check if magic_quotes_gpc parameter is enabled in your PHP configuration. If yes, you need to disable it as Joomla recommends to turn it off.

ALFContact joomla plugin used want to edit that page

i am working on a website already built in joomla and ALFContact form plugin is used for contact us page. i want to add some information on that page but cannot find any option to edit that page. (i've asked for edit the content only). As i hav'nt use joomla befor it's bit problem for me. not found any help on ALFContact plugin site.
The page is not present in article manager so i can edit them.
here is the Screen shot of page.
want to make changes in text. so help me out if any one used this plugin in any way.
Thanks in advance
The only way I found to edit the form was:
Delete underlined code to detele field "From" (De:)
To add custom optional fields: Componets > ALFContact manager
And you got
(Youtube) Install and basic config ALF contact module
Aditional, the language can change on "Language manager" of the site
(sorry for my english)
joomla joomla3.x joomla-extensions

Why my top menu dissappear when in register or reset page in joomla 2.5

I have created a custom joomla template based on blank joomla template from Everything was fine until i clicked either forgot password?, forgot your username? or create account link that bring me to register or reset page in frontend but strangely the top menu was gone.
This is the screenshot :
i have no idea why this could happenned.
Please help with this. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!
The problem is because only on the pages selected option for module assignment is set. If you open a page which doesn't belong to any menu, then module won't be shown on it.
You can either check menu module to be shown on all pages, or make a new menu item for forgot password functionality, and then assign that menu for both menu module, and breadcrumbs module.
I don't know which Joomla version you're using and what you use for translation, but if you use Joomfish or Falang, language translation should be much easier.
If you don't use any of those, and you really need to leave everything as it is, then you can also detect current user language in the template, and load either one or the other menu module based on it. That way you can set module to be shown on all pages, and make sure it is displayed only for the choosen language.
