ALFContact joomla plugin used want to edit that page - joomla

i am working on a website already built in joomla and ALFContact form plugin is used for contact us page. i want to add some information on that page but cannot find any option to edit that page. (i've asked for edit the content only). As i hav'nt use joomla befor it's bit problem for me. not found any help on ALFContact plugin site.
The page is not present in article manager so i can edit them.
here is the Screen shot of page.
want to make changes in text. so help me out if any one used this plugin in any way.
Thanks in advance

The only way I found to edit the form was:
Delete underlined code to detele field "From" (De:)
To add custom optional fields: Componets > ALFContact manager
And you got
(Youtube) Install and basic config ALF contact module
Aditional, the language can change on "Language manager" of the site
(sorry for my english)
joomla joomla3.x joomla-extensions


Joomla 1.7 - can't find Meta Titles

we moved a site for a client a while back that someone else created. Its running on Joomla 1.7.
We want to do some light SEO work for them but I can't for the life of me find the Meta/SEO title field anywhere.
All the support posts I've looked at say its here or there but for me its not. It seems to be know where! In the meta options section when editing an artcile there is a description and keyword field but no title.
Some help would be appreciated. This client can't justify a new website.
we ended up upgrading this install to 2.5, still couldn't edit the meta titles anywhere. So I installed a plugin which gave me the title field but it had no effect! Can only assume the theme hasn't been put together properly. The conclusion is that its now quicker for us to just move them to WordPress where stuff works properly! :)
I'm working more with Wordpress than Joomla, but I think that you should download an extension if you want to have a meta-title in the pages. For the home page you can change it from Menu - Main menu - Home.

How to show the plugins in the page in joomla

I have installed the plugin simple image gallery module in joomla. But i cannot figure out how to show the plugin in the site page, as menu item. Anyone could help me?
Thank you.
Try this,
If that is module then:
create an article,
also create a menu and assign that article to the menu system,
then inside your article content load the module with their position like this:
{loadposition your_mod_psoition}
where "your_mod_position" is the module position. Make sure you have content load plugin enabled.
For more information check last section of this article.
If it's Plugin it may have short code for embedding to the page, so you can use that inside your article.
Hope its helps..
First of all, what Plugin are you exactly using? There are a view called simple image gallery. Please add a link.
To show the gallery I suppose the plugin has some kind of syntax to do that. In most cases you can find the syntax you have to use in the plugin manager. Backend: Extensions > Plugin Manager.
Then pick a article that you can see in the frontend and put the syntax in there according to the syntax of the plugin.

Joomla 2.5 - sources of homepage content

Total Joomla newbie here. I've been asked to help with a site I didn't create, and I don't know Joomla. The site is using Joomla 2.5.
The homepage contains three featured articles, but some additional content is showing up below the third article, above the footer. The admin tool only shows three featured articles, and when I examine the source of the third article, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it.
Where can this additional content be coming from? Any suggestions on how to track down how it is getting added to the page?
Probably a module - check out the installed modules.
Check the active template, then go to the template folder > your template > index.php. this is the PHP of your site.
Here you can see what modules positions you have, and then check in the admin system > module manager what position is actually in use.

Articles not showing in joomla 2.5

I am trying to use joomla with the yoo catalyst theme. And i was trying to have an article on my page. But the problem is that article is not showing in my theme. But when i choose default theme it is showing the accurate results. Is there any setting that i am missing with this theme?
Please Help.
Think the answer if fairly simple. The link your provided:
is to a dummy component, hence the "option=com_helloworld&view=helloworld" and not to an actual article. When I went on to the website, I clicked on the "Privacy Policy" link which directed me to the following page:
and the article is showing fine on here
#user1929236 This is not an actual problem, it was actually caused by template configuration.
Since you have set hidden content on homepage in the template config, the content in the url was also hidden (an url without itemid will use the same template profile with homepage).

MOO FAQ component in joomla is not working

we have purchased the "moo faq" component.. but it is not working form our side... we have installed the component as the component package consists of the plugins and the module... we have made a section and under that section we have made a category.. under that same section and the category we have made an article but the content of the article is not showing.. we have made a menu and linked it to the category... the front-end link is only showing the "expand" and "Collapse" link but not showing the content of the article.. this is the link where you can see the problem "".. you can see this link under the "For now" link in the menu which will come after logged in... the login details is UN==samitbose PW==samitbose2011 .. we are using joomla version 1.5.23 and MooFaq version is Please have a look on this point .. any help will be greatly appreciated.. thanks in advance...
Looks like you are still struggling with this.
If so, I'd check the following:
The FAQ category is published
The FAQ question itself is published
The menu links to the same category that contains the question
The category/question are no set to 'special' access level
My initial thought on reading the question was that this would be a clash with Mootools/jQuery or perhaps Mootools in the component and the Mootools upgrade plugin. I don't see anything in the page to point to this though.
If none of the above points you in the right direction - chase the developers, especially as this is a paid extension.
