joomla 3.1.1 editor stripping html code - joomla

I disabled all editor plugins in plugin manager and now when I want to edit a html module a simple editor appears which only shows html code. after editing the code when I press the save button then html code changes somehow \" inserted to my code.
in global configuration => text filtering => no filtering is selected for super user and administrator.
how can I disable joomla editor from stripping my code?

Go to your Joomla back-end, then System > System Information > PHP Information and check if magic_quotes_gpc parameter is enabled in your PHP configuration. If yes, you need to disable it as Joomla recommends to turn it off.


Admin Menu doesn't slide out and configuration menue doesn't open. Also buttons not working

Magento 2.3.1
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
PHP 7.2.17
Working in dev environment and and enabled few optimization parameters which made admin panel inaccessible and buttons don't appear correct with proper text , appears shrinked.
Admin panels don't draw out even if does then none of the buttons registers a click and hence I'm not able to change the configurations back.
All these configurations are done from magento 2.3.1 admin panel.
I was trying to speed up my webstore but it created a havoc.
1.Enable JS minify/merge/bundling
2.Enable CSS minify/merging
3.Enable Html minify
4.Enable Embedded Translation Mode for JS translation strategy.
Tried changing back
Enable JS minify/merge/bundling
Enable CSS minify/merging
Enable Html minify.
but no avail.
Change back JS translation strategy from embedded to dictionary. As i18n js errors were observed when inspection was done in browser.
stores->configuration0->advanced->developer->js translation strategy.

Joomla 2.5.17 Why cannot I see article editor?

I have upgraded my Joomla site from 2.5.7 to 2.5.17. Then I installed Attachments package.
When I click article manager or category manager in order to edit an article or category, I see a page with no textarea, no buttons, no menus.
All the page content is this.
I have tried to install new text editors: nothing changes.
I have tried to select "No editor" for text editing: nothing changes.
Try these different steps to solve your issue:
1) First, check to see if the editor plugin is enabled:
Tools -> Plugin Manager. Locate your Editor and ensure it's enabled.
Also check Global Config and make sure default editor is set.
You could also try disabling the package you installed and see if it works afterwards. If not try to disable all the editors only leaving the default of Joomla and check again.
2) Change back to one of Joomla's installed templates and see if the problem remains.
If not, then it is a problem with your new template. There is a possibility of javascript problems.
Sometimes enabling the system plugin 'System - Mootools Upgrade' will help.
Otherwise check with your template provider for possible help.
3) Also turn php error reporting on as it may be this problem:
4) Lastly, I like to replace Joomla!'s editor with the JCE editor which has solved many issues like these before.
You get a page like that when you have a fatal error. You can try disabling the attachments plugin and see if it solves the issue. If not, turn error reporting to maximum or development and see what messages you get.
I disabled PLG_EDITORS-XTD_TOOLTIPS plugin and it my problem solved.

How to add custom text when JCE 2.3.1 is loaded?

I have a Joomla 2.5 site with K2 and I have installed JCE Editor 2.3.
How can I add custom text by default so that when I open a new article in my editor, some text is preloaded?
The custom text is my ads3ns3 script and some other divs. If I can get this to automatically appear, then I can bypass the tedious copy/paste step every time.
I searched all the JSE files, but I didn't find any input field that would hold my custom text.
I've open all the .php files but still nothing.
You could use JCE Template Manager plugin to achieve this without need to rewrite JCE core files .. JCE is known as a target for Joomla hacks and needs to be updated regularly, and if you edit JCE core files you would have to apply described change all over again with every new update.

Include TinyMCE in Joomla Frontend

I tried to include TinyMCE into my template but if I try to edit the texts in the frontend I have only a html-tag view. Have anybody got some hints for me?
That's the website and the template, perhaps this could help a little bit:
If anything of the above didn't help, chances are that the access to the plugin is restricted. Go to Plugin-Manager -> Editor - TinyMCE and check that Access is set accordingly. If e.g. a common user is allowed to edit the article but the Access Rule for TinyMCE is set to "Special", Joomla will display the mere HTML Editor even if there is no other Editor available or enabled. The same goes for setting Access to "Registered" when a public user is allowed to edit an article.
Go to Plugins and disable all editors there except to tinyMCE. Then once again make sure you have selected as a default editor tinyMCE. You can also define the default editor for each user from "User Manager", by opening the user and defining his/her default editor.

How to Disable/Enable WYSIWYG editor in Magento 1.4

When entering code in CMS static block(possible page as well) and in this code there is empty DIV tags such us:
<div class="dropoff_button"></div>
The DIV tags will be gone next time you open the block to edit. it will look as this
without the div tags
...and saving again it modifies your code.
I think it something to do with the 'show/hide editor'. By default it goes into the WYSIWYG editor, so when updating static block i don't see any other solution than
1."hide the editor' by clicking 'show/hide editor'
2.delete the old code from the editor
3. get code that doesn't miss the DIVs
4. Merge new code with code in 3 in some other editing software than magento
5. paste result in the magento editor,
6. Save
Is this bug? What is your solution? Can i turn of WYSIWYG editor?
This may not be consider as an answer but it solved our problem. It turns out that the editor WYSIWYG can be disabled by completely or by default at Admin->System->Configuration. Under 'General Tab' there is 'Content Management' section and there you can set different modes for this editor.
In our case we set to "Disable by Default" so that any time we open static block it does not clean the code only if we choose by clicking "Show/Hide Editor"
The editor, whether in WYSIWYG or not, tries to clean up your code. You may notice that it also replaces all your newlines and indentation as well. This means that you cannot just freely enter HTML into the CMS editor w/o it interfering.
I have not found a simple way to trigger the CMS not to clean your code on the way into the database.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
You can allow specific tags into tinymce.
You just need to edit the settings var in /js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js and add the following line:
extended_valid_elements : 'iframe[src|style|width|height|scrolling|marginwidth|marginheight|frameborder|allowTransparency],style,script',
You can see more info about it at this other thread:
Magento - How to allow certain tags (iframe, embed) in Magento's CMS editor?
It works for me on Magento 1.6.
