magento top searches - trailing slashes - magento

“5 Most Recent Searches” and popular searches page is full of search terms that have “slashes” appended to them:
’{search_term}’, ’{search_term}/’, \’{search_term}//’ ... ’{search_term}///////////////////////’
does anyone know if its a Magento bug?
any idea what may cause this problem?
I'm using Magento 1.7

We are running a number of shops on v 1.7 and never encounter such issue. My guess is that some crawler attacks your search form with a list of poorly generated searches.

I don't really know why my previous post with solution was deleted, but anyway... This is problem with web crawler. Try to find which one is messing your search function in your store and try to block it.


Get Github Issue based only on title

I need to modify the body of an existing GitHub issue in a Project. All I'll be passed is the title of the issue, and a word (the word exists in the body, and I'll just need to fill the checkbox next it).
It looks like to do this I'll need to use the GET API to get the body of the issue, modify it, and then use the EDIT API to swap in the new body. However the GET API can only be called with the issue number. I need to do all this as quickly as possible. Is there some way to search via an API call?
Thoughts much appreciated!
Edit: All my issues are in the same project (and issue titles will be unique there). I've also recently discovered Github's GraphQL API, which may be applicable here.
You can use the issue search endpoint with the in and repo¹ keywords:
GET /search/issues?q=text+to+search+in:title+repo:some/repo
Of course, issue titles aren't guaranteed to be unique. You'll have to request each of the issues that comes back and see if its body contains the word you're looking for. Even in that case you could get multiple positive results.
It would be much better if you could search by issue number.
¹I've assumed that you really mean "repository" when you say "project". But if you're actually talking about GitHub Project Boards you can use the project keyword as well or instead.

sphinx search without space not working in magento

sphinx search not working without space between product name. for example if my product name is "LINEN BLAZER" and i am trying to search like
"LINENBLAZER" result is not showing. can anybody resolve my issue or give me any suggesion to resolve this.
There is no reall mangic solution to this. Sphinx can't know how to split words.
But there is
which potentially can be used to build a system that can 'autosplit' works for searching. Don't know anyone used it with the magento plugin

Magento - Advanced search results bug on price sorting

I've got a small problem that I can't figure out how to fix.
First thing, I CAN'T update magento to a real version who's fixed it. So, I'm looking for an alternative to fix this bug, I can't find out how they fixed it in magento releases, that's why I'm asking here.
Second thing, I'm using Magento
When I do a search with the advanced search system and try to sort the restults by price, I've got the following message :
You cannot define a correlation name '_price_order_table' more than once
I already found some potential answer on Stackoverflow and some other website, like this one : Magento - using the catalog/product_list block more than once
But it's not really my case. I don't have a duplicate block in my layout xml files.
Would any of you have any idea of why I've got this error message ? It seems to be a duplicate use of a "left join" on the same table with the same alias, but how can I find where ?
Thank you so much to anyone who read this until the end and especially to the ones who will try to help me and answer me ! :-)
Anyway ... I spent too much time on this question to search the perfect solution and debug magento.
I ended in commenting /lib/Zend/db/Select.php on line 760 where the exception was thrown. The sorting works anyway, even with an exception thrown.
Sample of this file and with the line commented.
if (!empty($correlationName)) {
if (array_key_exists($correlationName, $this->_parts[self::FROM])) {
* #see Zend_Db_Select_Exception
#require_once 'Zend/Db/Select/Exception.php';
//throw new Zend_Db_Select_Exception("You cannot define a correlation name '$correlationName' more than once");
I saw the suggestion somewhere on the web when I started to search for this issue some hours ago. Anyway, it's always the same thing : when I get to ask for help, I give up on great fixes and finally accept a workaround.
Hope this may help someone someday and if anyone figure out any other solution, please share ! ;-)

Multiple synonym(s) for search terms

I'm in need to have more than 1 synonym for a search term in magento (version - can't upgrade it for now), but all my attempts to add multiple synonyms have failed.
I've been looking around without any solution, any of you had a similar need and managed to find a solution?
Thanks for any help,
So you have people look for 'doodad' or 'dodad' and you want to show people the 'macguffin' instead.
So far you have tried to add these search terms in on the back-end but it has not worked.
The fix-workaround is surprisingly simple.
Type in 'dodad' in the frontend - no result given.
Now type 'doodad' in the frontend - again no results.
Now go into the backend and go to the last page of the search terms.
The entries for 'dodad' and 'doodad' will be in there. You can now put 'macguffin' in the synonym box.
Now go to the front and type in 'dodad' or 'doodad' into the search box and it will take you straight to the 'macguffin' item.

mod_rewrite and redundant / old urls, some SEO best practices needed

Having a look at how google perceives our site at the moment and coming up short...
Basically, we use a bog-standard structure of URL rewriting to make them look SEO friendly.
for instance, a product URL takes shape of any string_([0-9]).html and so forth. of course, this allows us to link to whatever we want before the product id... which we have done. In the past, a product page was Product_Name_79.html and then became Brand_Name_Product_Name_79.html. apache does not really care and id 79 gets passed on in either case. However, google now has 2 versions of this product cached under different URLs - and that's not a good thing as it continues to arrive to the first URL and spider it.
same thing applies to our rewrite rules for brands and categories, some of which had been dropped and some of which have been modified.
there are over 11k urls in site:domain whereas our sitemap gets some 5.8k only. how would you prevent spiders from fetching older versions of urls that you no-longer link to (considering it's not a manual process and often such urls can be very dynamic).
eg, Mens_Merrell_Trail_Running_Shoes__50-100__10____024/ is a dynamic url for the merrell brand, narrowed down by items in trail running shoes that cost between 50 and 100 and size 10 with gender set to men's.
if we decide to nofollow any size and money filter urls, that leaves google still being able to access them through its old cache...
what is the best practice for disallowing a particular type of urls? as the combinations above are nearly infinite, i cannot produce a list and it certainly cannot be backdated against what brands and categories google may hold for us historically.
shall we add noindex when such filters are applied? shall we export them to robots.txt? do nothing in the hope that google stops returning?
to put it into perspective, we have 2600 product page urls that are now redundant / disabled, what would you do with them? redirect to homepage, brand page, 404, do nothing?
thanks for any advice
i think you're looking for rel="canonical", google should start ignoring you're links if they're really not linked to. You can check any incoming links with a tool like this:
Also if you're old urls match (or don't match) a consisent pattern you could set up a 301 redirect in apache either for pages matching the old pattern or not matching the new pattern...
hope this helps!
Just be sure to set up redirects for any URL you change. Also, I don't recommend using rel=nofollow since it indicates to Google that your site is not trustworthy.
