Get Github Issue based only on title - performance

I need to modify the body of an existing GitHub issue in a Project. All I'll be passed is the title of the issue, and a word (the word exists in the body, and I'll just need to fill the checkbox next it).
It looks like to do this I'll need to use the GET API to get the body of the issue, modify it, and then use the EDIT API to swap in the new body. However the GET API can only be called with the issue number. I need to do all this as quickly as possible. Is there some way to search via an API call?
Thoughts much appreciated!
Edit: All my issues are in the same project (and issue titles will be unique there). I've also recently discovered Github's GraphQL API, which may be applicable here.

You can use the issue search endpoint with the in and repo¹ keywords:
GET /search/issues?q=text+to+search+in:title+repo:some/repo
Of course, issue titles aren't guaranteed to be unique. You'll have to request each of the issues that comes back and see if its body contains the word you're looking for. Even in that case you could get multiple positive results.
It would be much better if you could search by issue number.
¹I've assumed that you really mean "repository" when you say "project". But if you're actually talking about GitHub Project Boards you can use the project keyword as well or instead.


Correct way to search videos with multiple keywords with OR condition for youtube search API

I'm trying to use youtube data search and video API in my web application to display top view-counted videos related with several keywords. I'm planing to use totally two calls: the first call get id list with search API, and the second call get details for the ids hit on the first call, with video API.
My question is with regard to search API. Based on my trial and error, If I input multiple keyword with space separation in the parameter q for search API, it's looks behaves as AND condition it's not same as common behavior such as google. To search with multiple keywords with OR condition, As far as I tried, it's looks working if I Include the OR between keywords, but I would like to confirm my assumption correct, officially if possible.
I should be able to find this kind of specification in the official documentation, but finally I have no luck. It's very helpful if you could share these links if exists or give me the official answer.
By the way, it is my first post to stackoverflow. If there is missing point of my question, please kindly advice.

Has anything changed on geocode API

I just wanted to know if anything changed on geocode API from 21 st February because before 21st it was validating zip code 9 digits but from yesterday it is giving an error on 9 digits zip code and now it only validating 5 digits zip code.
More information in your question would be helpful.
I haven't noticed any change, but I thought I'd take a look at the GeoCoder Documentation FAQ for you.
Yes, based on that date, I'd say something changed recently.
Perhaps this is what you're referring to, but that's only a speculation since you didn't provide any detail or examples.
I’m getting more queries that return ZERO_RESULTS with the new geocoder. What’s going on?
In the new geocoder, ambiguous, incomplete and badly formatted queries, such as misspelled or nonexistent addresses, are prone to produce ZERO_RESULTS. These queries would typically produce incorrect results in the old geocoder, such as returning the suburb if the address could not be found. We believe that returning ZERO_RESULTS is actually a more correct response in such situations.
If your application deals with user input of addresses, the Place Autocomplete feature in the Places API may produce better quality results. Place Autocomplete allows users to select from a set of results based on what they’ve typed, which allows users to choose between similarly named results, and to adjust their query if they misspell an address.
If you have an application dealing with ambiguous or incomplete queries or queries that may contain errors, we recommend you use the Place Autocomplete feature in the Places API rather than the forward geocoder available in the Geocoding API. For more details, see Best Practices When Geocoding Addresses and the Address Geocoding in the Google Maps APIs blog post.
More Information:
Documentation FAQ
Related Issue Tracker

How do I take each line of a text file and insert them into a web form? Specifically, for testing domain name availability

I wrote a Ruby script that appended "data" to the beginning of every word of the English dictionary, and then filtered out various strings using different parameters, and now I want to use a site like namecheap or in order to take each of these strings and insert them into the domain name availability checker in order to determine which ones are available.
It is my understanding that this will involve making a POST HTTP request of some kind, as well as grabbing the element in question, but I don't really understand the dynamics of what to read about in order to do this kind of thing.
I imagine that after a few requests I will be limited, but as a learning exercise I am still curious as to how I would go about doing this.
I inspected the element (on namecheap) to see what the tag looked like, to find any uniquely identifiable class/id names that I could use to grab that specific part of the source, and found that inside a fieldset tag, there was a line of HTML that I can't seem to paste here, so here is a picture:
Thanks in advance for any guidance in helping me learn about web scripting!

find a single specific place with google places api

I was wondering if it is possible to find a specific place using the google places api.
I know the name of the place, the address or website url, and the coordinates.
I need this to get the ratings this place has.
Is this possible? If not, is it going to be?
I think your best bet would be to do a nearbysearch with the location (lat,long), a small radius, and the name and types parameters to narrow it down. If you are targeting a specific place, then you can just manually find it in the results and use its reference for a Details request in your solution.
If the target place can be dynamic, for example based on user input, then you might want to show the user the list of results and let them choose the correct one. I don't think there's a way to guarantee that you will always get exactly the result you're looking for as, say, the first result in the list. Experiment with different types of requests and parameters and try to get a sense for the behaviour of the responses to find what will work best for your solution.

Debugger: Search for a variable which is used

I have the following problem:
I want to avoid that one field of the copied row gets copied into the new row. (ME51n)
I thought that I could search somewhere in the debugger for this field name.
first row has the MATNR: 100-1-15
now i want to search in the debugger for the field MATNR. Is this possible?
(I know this example does not make sense, but my field is not used that often because it's an self-created field)
Or is there an user-exit especially for that?
Use watchpoints for that particular aim that you stated. In official documentation you can learn how to do it. The problem of finding suitable user-exit is not related to original question.
