sphinx search without space not working in magento - magento

sphinx search not working without space between product name. for example if my product name is "LINEN BLAZER" and i am trying to search like
"LINENBLAZER" result is not showing. can anybody resolve my issue or give me any suggesion to resolve this.

There is no reall mangic solution to this. Sphinx can't know how to split words.
But there is
which potentially can be used to build a system that can 'autosplit' works for searching. Don't know anyone used it with the magento plugin


all category search ecommerce suggest popular search

I made a ecommerce app for learning purpose.
I have implement search box using elasticsearch, it can search and give suggestion item's name.
example :
input -> macbo
suggestion :
laptop macbook 14
laptop mackbok xxxxxx
now I want implement search box for "general" means nothing category selected so when we type a something it's not give us spesific item's name but something like most popular search query/terms.
I cannot figured out how the basic ideas behind this, can someone give me some advise.
I guess you are looking for suggestions, not the actual search results and If I understand this correctly then you could use the term suggestor available in Elastisearch.

MediaWiki search in <syntaxhighlight> tag (SyntaxHighlight GeSHi extension)

How to enable searching in <syntaxhighlight> tag (SyntaxHighlight GeSHi extension)? I'm trying to search for com.android.chrome in it, but no result found :-(. String is IMHO long enough to be found.
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
You don't need to do anything special; everything within <syntaxhighlight> tags is already included in the normal site-wide search system (based on MySQL search).
Edit: You definitely should be getting a match on com.android.chrome. Is this on a public wiki? Can you provide a link?
You won't get a result when searching for com.android however, because the search system only finds whole words, and the dot is considered part of the word. This is quite separate from, and not changed by, the SyntaxHightlight extension.

how to allow apostrophes in virtuemart2 product search?

I have used virtuemart 2.6.6 in joomla 2.5.22
virtuemart product search works good except the search keyword having single quotes.
When i search for a keyword with single quotes it displays no results.
eg. Daniel's product
i have tried using
return mb_ereg_replace('-/[^\w'.preg_quote($custom).']/-', $replace, $source);
in config.php of virtuemart.
but still the problem occurs.
how to overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance
Try debugging the search by printing the sql-code generated in the virtuemart search plugin, located in plugins/search/virtuemart/virtuemart.php. This should provide you with clues as to why the search is not working when there is an apostrophe in the search query.

magento top searches - trailing slashes

“5 Most Recent Searches” and popular searches page is full of search terms that have “slashes” appended to them:
’{search_term}’, ’{search_term}/’, \’{search_term}//’ ... ’{search_term}///////////////////////’
does anyone know if its a Magento bug?
any idea what may cause this problem?
I'm using Magento 1.7
We are running a number of shops on v 1.7 and never encounter such issue. My guess is that some crawler attacks your search form with a list of poorly generated searches.
I don't really know why my previous post with solution was deleted, but anyway... This is problem with web crawler. Try to find which one is messing your search function in your store and try to block it.

Multiple synonym(s) for search terms

I'm in need to have more than 1 synonym for a search term in magento (version - can't upgrade it for now), but all my attempts to add multiple synonyms have failed.
I've been looking around without any solution, any of you had a similar need and managed to find a solution?
Thanks for any help,
So you have people look for 'doodad' or 'dodad' and you want to show people the 'macguffin' instead.
So far you have tried to add these search terms in on the back-end but it has not worked.
The fix-workaround is surprisingly simple.
Type in 'dodad' in the frontend - no result given.
Now type 'doodad' in the frontend - again no results.
Now go into the backend and go to the last page of the search terms.
The entries for 'dodad' and 'doodad' will be in there. You can now put 'macguffin' in the synonym box.
Now go to the front and type in 'dodad' or 'doodad' into the search box and it will take you straight to the 'macguffin' item.
