Trying to get a Camel sample using CXF working on WebSphere Application Server - websphere

I am trying to get an apache camel app using CXF working on WebSphere.
Noticed a number of errors
Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: org.apache.neethi.AssertionBuilderFactory
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
This occurs because the org.apache.neethi classes are loaded from the WAS run-time instead of the neeti3.0.2.jar from WEB-INF/lib
here is the info from class loader:
class load: from: file:/D:/Tools/WebSphere/AppServer/plugins/org.apache.axis2.jar
The Web Application config has been changed to use the class loader policy. It is set to Parent Last. Yet this class seems to be using the Parent First Policy.
Is there anything in the CXF package that over-rides this policy?
I noticed that using Axis2 and WAS
Avoiding conflicts with WebSphere's JAX-WS runtime has some additional steps mentioned for Axis2. Is there something similar that is required to get this to work?

Not specific to Camel, but we are dealing with a similar issue.
1) You can use an isolated shared library if you want. This seems to fix the classloader from pulling in these other libraries via OSGi. This solution isn't for everyone.
2) When setting an app that PARENT_LAST, make sure you're doing it in the correct place. If you have jars inside your wars, then you'll have to set PARENT_LAST on the WAR modules, not the application. In the WAS console> Applications > Application Type > websphere enterprise applications> MyEAR > manage Modules > MyWar > Change the "Class loader order" and make it "parent last"
3) After you make your changes, you can export the ear file. In the ear, there is a file META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp/deployment.xml that has this config. For maven ear's, you can put this into src/main/application for it to be packaged up with the ear.
Hope that this helps. Good luck.

We are discussing a similar topic at the Camel mailing lists. I suggest to take a look there:


How to control module loading order in Liberty profile

I have an ear file with a web module and a ejb module(just used for message driven beans). The ejb module has dependency on web module and it's classes. I would need to load the web module first and then ejb module. But the liberty always loading the ejb module first causing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
How to control the order of modules loading within the same ear file? On traditional webshpere there is an option called 'Starting weight'. Whichever module has lowest value takes precedence and loads it first. so the application works good on tradition Websphere. However, this property seems missing on Liberty. I already looked at this. It only talks about deploying the multiple war files and their order.
If your EJB module depends on Web, that is bad design. It should be the other way around.
If you have such situation , proper way would be to extract shared classes in to a common jar file, let say mycommon.jar and then put that into ear\lib folder. In this way they will be visible by both modules ejb and web.
If your EJB module depends on the javax web api (e.g. servletRequest) that is even worse, and you should redesign such classes to POJO DTOs.
As a last resort you could try what is described here and add <initialize-in-order>true</initialize-in-order> in your application.xml.
FRowe's solution will not work, as classes are not shared between the applications, so changing load order of apps will not help. Each Java™ EE application has its own class loader in a running Liberty server.
Consider using the ability to control app start order as described here:
You'll have to deploy the war module as an app instead of packaging it within the ear, but you should be able to achieve the proper ordering.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/aspectj/weaver/reflect/ReflectionWorld$ReflectionWorldException

I am using aspectJ in my project and added dependencies in my POM file. When i am running my application on Websphere Application Server Liberty Profile, in the library folder aspectj.jar is not getting added/created. I am very new to using spring and never used server's to run a application. When i am trying to run the application on the server i am getting the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.aspectj.weaver.reflect.ReflectionWorld$ReflectionWorldException
Can anyone please team whats going on wrong with the application ?
You'll need to make sure that aspectj is available to your application at runtime. The two basic approaches for this are to package it up with your application zip, or to make it available as a shared library in the server. The first approach has the advantage that you don't need to do any extra config, and no matter where you run your application, the dependency will be there. However, it has the disadvantage of bloating your application. If you end up running multiple applications on the server, it could also cause the apps to use more memory than they would if they were just using a shared copy.
For the first approach, if your dependency has the default scope in the pom, maven should automatically copy it to WEB-INF/lib (assuming your application is a war).
For the second approach, you can configure it in Liberty as a global library (available to all applications) by copying it to a wlp/usr/shared/config/lib/global folder in your Liberty install.

Maven Dependencies for JBoss 7.1 EJB Client

I wanted to implement an EJB client for JBoss 7.1 following this tutorial which is based on the JBoss tutorial:
I already tried the troubleshooting tips there, but still I get an exception:
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
Did anyone else encounter this type of problem and knows which jars (or better Maven dependencies) are needed on the classpath?
Best regards,
Have you referred to the ejb-remote quick start ?
That quick start contains the two Maven projects that are referenced in the doc and have all the required dependencies.

IBM Websphere portlet classloader issue

I am currently working on a portlet that is using the commons-collections jar file and am getting a NoSuchMethodError. To resolve this issue I need to change the classloader of my WAR file from PARENT_FIRST to PARENT_LAST (in the application.xml file).
However, when I do this my portlet will not launch and when I log into the console it displays the message "The portlet is temporarily disabled". If I change the classloader back to PARENT_FIRST then it will launch again but then I get the NoSuchMethodError.
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this issue ?
I am not sure how, but today I started getting error messages in the logs when I was getting "The portlet is temporarily disabled". I was getting a java.lang.LinkageError which was down to the fact that I had the servlet-api-2.5.jar and a jaxb jar which was conflicting with webshpere j2ee.jar. Once I removed these dependencies and set the classloader to PARENT_LAST, it seems to work properly. It seems that a lot of people face similar issues. The link below is also useful
please try adding commons-collections as a shared library. See here for an example on how others have used shared library support [1]. That will give you the steps, just do it for the jars that you need to override/replace from WAS's classloader
You haven't provided any logs... but still, one of the most important things to look out for when setting your application to run PARENT_LAST is that your application isn't bundled with any system-level classes that may conflict with the ones provided by WebSphere Portal. For example, classes that pertain to the Portlet specification or the JavaEE specification.

Eclipse Java EE project and Spring : classnotfoundexception

I am trying to build an project in Eclipse (actually I'm using RAD, so basically eclipse, and when I say 'Java EE Project' I mean an 'Enterprise Application Project').
My Enterprise Application Project (the 'EAR' project) has two module projects :
- service
- web
The service project has some stuff in it, all wired up using Spring.
The web project has its own stuff in it, all wired up using Spring. The UI stuff in the web project needs to use the stuff in the service project.
Both projects are included in the EAR project as modules.
The web project lists the 'service' project as a dependent project in the build path, it's checked off for export, and also has it listed as a EE Module Dependency.
I'm having a really hard time to get this working though:
The spring context in the web project is of course what gets loaded when the application is deployed, and it imports the spring config I need from the service project. This seems to be working fine.
When spring tries to instantiate a bean it throws a ClassNotFoundException. On the very first bean.
I tried simply copying the spring config from my service context and pasting it into my web context, but I got the same ClassNotFoundException.
I have tried instantiating an object of that type (the class that spring says cannot be found) in the java controller class in the web project, and it is successful, both at compile time (no compile errors) and at runtime (no exceptions).
So the classes from my service project are not available on the classpath when spring tries to use them.
Any ideas what's going on here and/or what I might be able to do about it?
There is a class loader policy that you should use ParentClass First . That will be managed either through Application.xml or through web.xml . You need to check your xml's then try.
It's a class loader issue.
Since you're using Spring, I'll assume that you don't have EJBs. If that's the case, why do you need an EAR? Deploy the whole thing as a web project, in a single WAR.
Put all your .class and Spring configuration .xml files in WEB-INF/classes. Load the configuration using org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener.
I seem to have fixed this - I'm not sure exactly what the problem was but there must have been a small typo in my spring config. I decided to just start fresh with a new spring config and when I started building the new one back up things were working fine. There must have been a problem with the old one.
Thanks for the suggestions though.
Unfortunately we're not always able to change project structure. We're working on structures other people have put in place.
I looked into the ParentClassFirst vs ParentClassLast setting - it seems on websphere the ParentClassFirst setting is the default if you don't specify anything, so I'm leaving it without specification to get that functionality.
