Why does a 4 bit adder/subtractor implement its overflow detection by looking at BOTH of the last two carry-outs? - vhdl

This is the diagram we were given for class:
Why wouldn't you just use C4 in this image? If C4 is 1, then the last addition resulted in an overflow, which is what we're wondering. Why do we need to look at C3?

Overflow flag indicates an overflow condition for a signed operation.
Some points to remember in a signed operation:
MSB is always reserved to indicate sign of the number
Negative numbers are represented in 2's complement
An overflow results in invalid operation
Two's complement overflow rules:
If the sum of two positive numbers yields a negative result, the sum has overflowed.
If the sum of two negative numbers yields a positive result, the sum has overflowed.
Otherwise, the sum has not overflowed.
For Example:
0111 (carry)
0101 ( 5)
+ 0011 ( 3)
1000 ( 8) ;invalid (V=1) (C3=1) (C4=0)
1011 (carry)
1001 (-7)
+ 1011 (−5)
0100 ( 4) ;invalid (V=1) (C3=0) (C4=1)
1110 (carry)
0111 ( 7)
+ 1110 (−2)
0101 ( 5) ;valid (V=0) (C3=1) (C4=1)
In a signed operation if the two leftmost carry bits (the ones on the far left of the top row in these examples) are both 1s or both 0s, the result is valid; if the left two carry bits are "1 0" or "0 1", a sign overflow has occurred. Conveniently, an XOR operation on these two bits can quickly determine if an overflow condition exists. (Ref:Two's complement)
Overflow vs Carry: Overflow can be considered as a two's complement form of a Carry. In a signed operation overflow flag is monitored and carry flag is ignored. Similarly in an unsigned operation carry flag is monitored and overflow flag is ignored.

Overflow for signed numbers occurs when the carry-in into the most significant bit is not equal to the carry out.
For example, working with 8 bits, 65 + 64 = 129 actually results in a overflow. This is because this is 1000 0001 in binary which is also -127 in 2's complement. If you work through this example, you can see that it is a result of the carry out not equalling the carry in.
It is possible to have a correct computation even when the carry flag is high.
1000 1000 = -120
+ 1111 1111 = -1
=(1) 10000111 = -121
There is a carry out of 1, but there has been no overflow.

I would like the give a more general answer to this question for any positive natural number of bits.
Lets call the last Carry output C1, the second to last Carry output C0, the sum sign output S0 and the signbits of A and B respectively A0 and B0.
Then the following holds:
C1 = A0 + B0 + C0
S0 = A0*B0 + A0*C0 + B0*C0
Lets now walk through the posibilities.
If C1 == 1 there are two possibilities:
if C0 == 0: A0 and B0
must both have been 1 (and thus both A en B must be negative). This
means S0 has to be 0 meaning the solution was positive while A en B
were negative => overflow
if C0 == 1: either
A en B have opposite signs, so overflow is not possible. => no overflow
A0 en B0 are both 1 (and thus A en B
must both be negative). This means S0 has to be 1 meaning the solution was negative => no overflow
If C1 == 0 there are two possibilities:
if C0 == 0: either
A0 en B0 are both 0 (and thus A en B
must both be positive). This means S0 has to be 0 meaning the solution was positive => no overflow
A en B have opposite signs => no overflow
if C0 == 1: A0 en B0 must both be 0 (and thus A en B
must both be positive) This
means S0 has to be 1 meaning the solution was negative while A en B
were positive => overflow
Hope that helps someone out there.


How to calculate Hamming code of (31,26)?

I need to construct the (31,26) hamming code of 0x444.
After reading Wikipedia and the algorithm shown in GeeksForGeeks I still can't understand how this works as my construction ended up different than the result of a calculator I found on the internet.
My result is: 0100 0100 0010 0010 or 0x4422
is it correct?
As I understand:
P1 = Bitwise XOR(C1,C3,C5,C7,C9,C11,C13.C15,C17..) = 0
P2 = Bitwise XOR(C2,C3,C6,C7,C10,C11,C14,C15..) = 1
P3 = Bitwise XOR(C4,C5,C6,C7,C12,C13,C14,C15..) = 0
P4 = Bitwise XOR(C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15..) = 0
P5 = Bitwise XOR(C16,C17..) = 0
Another thing I can't understand.. if (31,26) hamming code is supposed to output a 31 bit result with 5 parity bits and 26 data bits.. why (7,4) hamming code transforms each 4 bits to 7 bits representation and not just 1 representation of 7 bits with 3 parity bits?
Yes, assuming you are numbering the bits from 1 at the right-hand end, then 0x000444 is encoded as 0x00004422 for a (31,26) Hamming Code -- for an even parity code-word.
Where C1, C2, etc are bit 1, 2, etc of the code-word, and P1, P2, etc are parity bits 1, 2, etc. I think is clearer to say that:
P1 = C1 = Bitwise_XOR(C3, C5, C7, C9, ...)
so that:
Bitwise_XOR(C1, C3, C5, C7, C9, ...) == 0
and so on. This is even parity.
You do not say which "calculator" you tried, but it could be that the discrepancy you see is to do with what end you number from. I note that Wikipedia gives:
If a byte of data to be encoded is 10011010, then the data word (using _ to represent the parity bits) would be __1_001_1010, and the code word is 011100101010.
which is clearly counting bits from the left-hand end.
I regret I do not understand your second question. I can say that a (31,26) Hamming Code does indeed take 26 bits of data and adds 5 parity bits to produce a 31 bits code-word. And that a (7,4) Hamming Code does likewise for 4 bits of data, 3 parity bits and a 7 bit code-word.

How can I substract 253 from 175(175-253) through 2's complement method?

For 2's complement, substraction process by computer.
but in fact 176-253=-77
is anybody tell me what's wrong here?
With 8 bits you can only represent numbers from -128 to 127 inclusive in 2's complement. Both your numbers lie outside that range. You would need at least nine bits to do the calculation you want to do.
In 2's complement the most significant bit (MSB, the first bit from the left), indicates the sign, 1 for negative numbers and 0 for non-negative numbers. The value:
is not -253, but is 3.
Doing your calculation in 9 bits yields:
176 = 010110000
253 = 011111101
253(inverse) = 100000010
253(complement) = 100000010+1=100000011
-253 = 253(complement) = 100000011
176+(-253) = 010110000 + 100000011 = 110110011 = -77
Note that all the negative numbers have MSB=1 and all the non-negative numbers have MSB=0.

beauty of a binary number game

This a fairly known problem ( similar question: number of setbits in a number and a game based on setbits but answer not clear ):
The beauty of a number X is the number of 1s in the binary
representation of X. Two players are plaing a game. There is a number n
written on a blackboard. The game is played as following:
Each time a player chooses an integer number (0 <= k) so that 2^k is
less than n and (n-2^k) is equally as beautiful as n. Then n is removed from
blackboard and replaced with n-2^k instead. The player that cannot continue
the game (there is no such k that satisfies the constrains) loses the
The First player starts the game and they alternate turns.
Knowing that both players play optimally must specify the
Now the solution I came up with is this:
Moving a 1 bit to its right, is subtracting the number by 2^p where ( p = position the bit moved to - 1). Example: 11001 --> 25 now if I change it to 10101 ---> 21 ( 25-(2^2))
A player can't make 2 or more such right shift in 1 round (not the programmatic right shift) as they can't sum to a power of 2. So the player are left with moving the set bit to some position to its right just once each round. This means there can be only R rounds where R is the number of times a set bit can be moved to a more right position. So the winner will always be the 1st player if R is Odd number and 2nd player if R is even number.
Original#: 101001 41
after 1st: 11001 25 (41-16)
after 2nd: 10101 21 (25-4)
after 1st: 1101 13 (21-8)
after 2nd: 1011 11 (13-2)
after 1st: 111 7 (11-4) --> the game will end at this point
I'm not sure about the correctness of the approach, is this correct? or am I missing something big?
Your approach is on the right track. The observation to be made here is that, also as illustrated in the example you gave, the game ends when all ones are on the least significant bits. So we basically need to count how many swaps we need to make the zeros go to the most significant bits.
Let's take an example, say the initial number from which game starts is 12 the the game state is as follows:
Initial state 1100 (12) ->
A makes move 1010 (10) ->
B makes move 1001 (9) ->
A makes move 0101 (5) ->
B makes 0011 (3)
A cannot move further and B wins
This can be programmatically (java program v7) achieved as
public int identifyWinner (int n) {
int total = 0, numZeros = 0;
while (n != 0) {
if ((n & 0x01) == 1) {
total += numZeros;
} else {
n >>= 1;
return (total & 0b1) == 1 ? 1 : 2;
Also to note that even if there are multiple choices available with a player to make the next move, as illustrated below, the outcome will not change though the intermediate changes leading to outcome may change.
Again let us look at the state flow taking the same example of initial number 12
Initial state 1100 (12) ->
A makes move 1010 (10) ->
(B here has multiple choices) B makes move 0110 (6)
A makes move 0101 (5) ->
B makes 0011 (3)
A cannot move further and B wins
A cannot move further as for no k (k >=0 and n < 2**k so k =0, 1 are the only plausible choices here) does n-2^k has same beauty as n so B wins.
Multiple choices are possible with 41 as starting point as well, but A will win always (41(S) -> 37(A) -> 35(B) -> 19(A) -> 11(B) -> 7(A)).
Hope it helps!
Yes, each turn a 1 can move right if there is a 0 to its right.
But, no, the number of moves is not related to number of zeros. Counterexample:
101 (1 possible move)
110 (2 possible moves)
The number of moves in the game is the sum of the total 1's to the left of each 0. (Or conversely the sum of the total 0's to the right of each 1.)
(i.e. 11000 has 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 moves, but 10100 has 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 moves because one 0 has one less 1 to its right)
The winner of the game will be the first player if the total moves in the game is odd, and will be the second player if the number of moves in the game is even.
On any given move a player must choose a bit corresponding to
a 0 immediately to the right of a 1. Otherwise the total number of
1's will increase if a bit corresponding to a different 0 is chosen,
and will decrease if a bit corresponding to a 1 is chosen. Such a move
will result in the 1 to the right of the corresponding chosen bit
being moved one position to its right.
Given this observation, each
1 has to move through every 0 to its right; and every 0 it moves
through consumes one move. Note that regardless of the choices either
player makes on any given move, the total number of moves in the game
remains fixed.
Since Harshdeep has already posted a correct solution looping over each bit (the O(n) solution), I'll post an optimized divide and conquer O(log(n)) solution (in C/C++) reminiscent of a similar algorithm to calculate Hamming Weight. Of course using Big-Oh to describe the algorithm here is somewhat dubious since the number of bits is constant.
I've verified that the below code on all 32-bit unsigned integers gives the same result as the linear algorithm. This code runs over all values in order in 45 seconds on my machine, while the linear code takes 6 minutes and 45 seconds.
bool FastP1Win(unsigned n) {
unsigned t;
// lo: 0/1 count parity
// hi: move count parity
// 00 -> 00 : 00 >>1-> 00 &01-> 00 ; 00 |00-> 00 ; 00 &01-> 00 &00-> 00 *11-> 00 ^00-> 00
// 01 -> 01 : 01 >>1-> 00 &01-> 00 ; 01 |00-> 01 ; 01 &01-> 01 &00-> 00 *11-> 00 ^01-> 01
// 10 -> 11 : 10 >>1-> 01 &01-> 01 ; 10 |01-> 11 ; 10 &01-> 00 &01-> 00 *11-> 00 ^11-> 11
// 11 -> 00 : 11 >>1-> 01 &01-> 01 ; 11 |01-> 11 ; 11 &01-> 01 &01-> 01 *11-> 11 ^11-> 00
t = (n >> 1) & 0x55555555;
n = (n | t) ^ ((n & t & 0x55555555) * 0x3);
t = n << 2; // move every right 2-bit solution to line up with the every left 2-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t & 0x44444444) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 2-bit solution into the left 2-bit solution
t = (n << 4); // move every right 4-bit solution to line up with the every left 4-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t & 0x40404040) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 4-bit solution into the left 4-bit solution (stored in the high 2 bits of every 4 bits)
t = n << 8; // move every right 8-bit solution to line up with the every left 8-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t & 0x40004000) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 8-bit solution into the left 8-bit solution (stored in the high 2 bits of every 8 bits)
t = n << 16; // move every right 16-bit solution to line up with the every left 16-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 16-bit solution into the left 16-bit solution (stored in the high 2 bits of every 16 bits)
return (int)n < 0; // return the parity of the move count of the overall solution (now stored in the sign bit)
To find number of moves in the game, one can divide the problem into smaller pieces and combine the pieces. One must track the number of 0's in any given piece, and also the number of moves in any given piece.
For instance, if we divide the problem into two 16-bit pieces then the following equation expresses the combination of the solutions:
totalmoves = leftmoves + rightmoves + (rightzeros * (16 - leftzeros)); // 16 - leftzeros yields the leftones count
Since we don't care about the total moves, just weather the value is even or odd (the parity) we only need to track the parity.
Here is the truth table for the parity of addition:
even + even = even
even + odd = odd
odd + even = odd
odd + odd = even
Given the above truth table, the parity of addition can be expressed with an XOR.
And the truth table for the parity of multiplication:
even * even = even
even * odd = even
odd * even = even
odd * odd = odd
Given the above truth table, the parity of multiplication can be expressed with an AND.
If we divide the problem into pieces of even size, then the parity of the zero count, and the one count, will always be equal and we need not track or calculate them separately.
At any given stage of the algorithm we need to know the parity of the zero/one count, and the parity of the number of moves in that piece of the solution. This requires two bits. So, lets transform every two bits in the solution so that the high bit becomes the move count parity, and the low bit becomes the zero/one count parity.
This is accomplished with this computation:
unsigned t;
t = (n >> 1) & 0x55555555;
n = (n | t) ^ ((n & t & 0x55555555) * 0x3);
From here we combine every adjacent 2-bit solution into a 4-bit solution (using & for multiplication, ^ for addition, and the relationships described above), then every adjacent 4-bit solution into a 8-bit solution, then every adjacent 8-bit solution into a 16-bit solution, and finally every adjacent 16-bit solution into a 32-bit solution.
At the end, only the parity of the number of moves is returned stored in the second least significant bit.

Non-recursive Grey code algorithm understanding

This is task from algorithms book.
The thing is that I completely don't know where to start!
Trace the following non-recursive algorithm to generate the binary reflexive
Gray code of order 4. Start with the n-bit string of all 0’s.
For i = 1, 2, ... 2^n-1, generate the i-th bit string by flipping bit b in the
previous bit string, where b is the position of the least significant 1 in the
binary representation of i.
So I know the Gray code for 1 bit should be 0 1, for 2 00 01 11 10 etc.
Many questions
1) Do I know that for n = 1 I can start of with 0 1?
2) How should I understand "start with the n-bit string of all 0's"?
3) "Previous bit string"? Which string is the "previous"? Previous means from lower n-bit? (for instance for n=2, previous is the one from n=1)?
4) How do I even convert 1-bit strings to 2-bit strings if the only operation there is to flip?
This confuses me a lot. The only "human" method I understand so far is: take sets from lower n-bit, duplicate them, invert the 2nd set, add 0's to every element in 1st set, add 1's do every elements in 2nd set. Done (example: 0 1 -> 0 1 | 0 1 -> 0 1 | 1 0 -> 00 01 | 11 10 -> 11 01 11 10 done.
Thanks for any help
The answer to all four your questions is that this algorithm does not start with lower values of n. All strings it generates have the same length, and the i-th (for i = 1, ..., 2n-1) string is generated from the (i-1)-th one.
Here is the fist few steps for n = 4:
Start with G0 = 0000
To generate G1, flip 0-th bit in G0, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 1 = 0001b. G1 = 0001.
To generate G2, flip 1-st bit in G1, as 1 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 2 = 0010b. G2 = 0011.
To generate G3, flip 0-th bit in G2, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 3 = 0011b. G3 = 0010.
To generate G4, flip 2-nd bit in G3, as 2 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 4 = 0100b. G4 = 0110.
To generate G5, flip 0-th bit in G4, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 5 = 0101b. G5 = 0111.

the nth gray code

the formula for calculating nth gray code is :
(n-1) XOR (floor((n-1)/2))
(Source: wikipedia)
I encoded it as:
int gray(int n)
return n ^ (n >> 1);
Can someone explain how the above formula works, or possibly its deriviation?
If you look at binary counting sequence, you note, that neighboring codes differ at several last bits (with no holes), so if you xor them, pattern of several trailing 1's appear. Also, when you shift numbers right, xors also will be shifted right: (A xor B)>>N == A>>N xor B>>N.
N N>>1 gray
0000 . 0000 . 0000 .
| >xor = 0001 >xor = 0000 >xor = 0001
0001 . 0000 . 0001 .
|| >xor = 0011 | >xor = 0001 >xor = 0010
0010 . 0001 . 0011 .
| >xor = 0001 >xor = 0000 >xor = 0001
0011 . 0001 . 0010 .
||| >xor = 0111 || >xor = 0011 >xor = 0100
0100 0010 0110
Original Xor results and shifted results differ in single bit (i marked them by dot above). This means that if you xor them, you'll get pattern with 1 bit set. So,
(A xor B) xor (A>>1 xor B>>1) == (A xor A>>1) xor (B xor B>>1) == gray (A) xor gray (B)
As xor gives us 1s in differing bits, it proves, what neighbouring codes differ only in single bit, and that's main property of Gray code we want to get.
So for completeness, whould be proven, that N can be restored from its N ^ (N>>1) value: knowing n'th bit of code we can restore n-1'th bit using xor.
A_[bit n-1] = A_[bit n] xor gray(A)_[bit n-1]
Starting from largest bit (it is xored with 0) thus we can restore whole number.
Prove by induction.
Hint: The 1<<kth to (1<<(k+1))-1th values are twice the 1<<(k-1)th to (1<<k)-1th values, plus either zero or one.
Edit: That was way too confusing. What I really mean is,
gray(2*n) and gray(2*n+1) are 2*gray(n) and 2*gray(n)+1 in some order.
The Wikipedia entry you refer to explains the equation in a very circuitous manner.
However, it helps to start with this:
Therefore the coding is stable, in the
sense that once a binary number
appears in Gn it appears in the same
position in all longer lists; so it
makes sense to talk about the
reflective Gray code value of a
number: G(m) = the m-th reflecting
Gray code, counting from 0.
In other words, Gn(m) & 2^n-1 is either Gn-1(m & 2^n-1) or ~Gn-1(m & 2^n-1). For example, G(3) & 1 is either G(1) or ~G(1). Now, we know that Gn(m) & 2^n-1 will be the reflected (bitwise inverse) if m is greater than 2^n-1.
In other words:
G(m, bits), k= 2^(bits - 1)
G(m, bits)= m>=k ? (k | ~G(m & (k - 1), bits - 1)) : G(m, bits - 1)
G(m, 1) = m
Working out the math in its entirety, you get (m ^ (m >> 1)) for the zero-based Gray code.
Incrementing a number, when you look at it bitwise, flips all trailing ones to zeros and the last zero to one. That's a whole lot of bits flipped, and the purpose of Gray code is to make it exactly one. This transformation makes both numbers (before and after increment) equal on all the bits being flipped, except the highest one.
+ 1
+ 1
^<--------This is the only bit that differs
(might be flipped in both numbers by carry over from higher position)
n ^ (n >> 1) is easier to compute but it seems that only changing the trailing 011..1 to 010..0 (i.e. zeroing the whole trailing block of 1's except the highest 1) and 10..0 to 11..0 (i.e flipping the highest 0 in the trailing 0's) is enough to obtain a Gray code.
